What is your personal workout routine?



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I dabble in a bit of everything.

    Zumba is what I started with, along with walking laps in the park...3km was all I could do to start. Then I progressed to 10km runs every day, still Zumba, Tiffany Rothe workouts (youtube) and Pop Pilates (also youtube) Fitness blender (yep youtube again) as well as a whole heap of other youtube vids. I also went the swiss ball route as well as resistance bands, kettle bells, leg resistance bands, stepper (you know like the elliptical only way smaller) a hula hoop, then now I'm addicted to my Fitbit & trying to get in as many KM's and steps as I possibly can each day.... that ones working for me right now & I can basically eat what I want each day cause I'm doing it that hard.... as well as Zumba still.

    I work out every single day, no rest days, no cheat days, no days off even when sick. Close to a year now.

    Works for me... but then I'm tough on myself & expect others to be the same.

    Play hard or go home.

    This approach may not work for everyone...

    ...or really anyone long-term.

    I didn't say it would work for everyone, but it works for me & I plan on keeping that up. Just because you said it wont work does not mean it wont. I've lost a whole heap of weight really fast & am toned up nice because of what I've done.

    ....unless you are a TRAINED pro.... then really.....

    That's a good point. What I should have said is:

    "This approach may not work for everyone...

    ...or really anyone long-term...unless they are a trained pro, and even then it is not without potential downsides."

  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I dabble in a bit of everything.

    Zumba is what I started with, along with walking laps in the park...3km was all I could do to start. Then I progressed to 10km runs every day, still Zumba, Tiffany Rothe workouts (youtube) and Pop Pilates (also youtube) Fitness blender (yep youtube again) as well as a whole heap of other youtube vids. I also went the swiss ball route as well as resistance bands, kettle bells, leg resistance bands, stepper (you know like the elliptical only way smaller) a hula hoop, then now I'm addicted to my Fitbit & trying to get in as many KM's and steps as I possibly can each day.... that ones working for me right now & I can basically eat what I want each day cause I'm doing it that hard.... as well as Zumba still.

    I work out every single day, no rest days, no cheat days, no days off even when sick. Close to a year now.

    Works for me... but then I'm tough on myself & expect others to be the same.

    Play hard or go home.

    This approach may not work for everyone...

    ...or really anyone long-term.

    I didn't say it would work for everyone, but it works for me & I plan on keeping that up. Just because you said it wont work does not mean it wont. I've lost a whole heap of weight really fast & am toned up nice because of what I've done.

    ....unless you are a TRAINED pro.... then really.....

    That's a good point. What I should have said is:

    "This approach may not work for everyone...

    ...or really anyone long-term...unless they are a trained pro, and even then it is not without potential downsides."


    Leave the workouts to pros only? mmk?

  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I simply go to the gym every other day and alternate between upper body and lower body sessions. I mix in some cardio but its mainly about the weights, mostly freeweights.

    I've been dieting (more aptly put, improving my diet and paying attention to my diet rather than actual dieting) for 2 months and going to the gym for 1 month.

    I've seen good results so far. I've lost about 16lbs while seeing strength improvements. Definitely adding muscle and losing fat.

    I want to keep my dedication up for at least 4 more months and see where it takes me. I like to reevaluate my goals every so often.
  • dangerouscurvesNZ
    dangerouscurvesNZ Posts: 23 Member
    I've lost 15kg this year by tracking my food and exercising almost every day. Typical (good) week includes 2 x spin classes, 2-3 5km runs, 3-4 hour long walks, 1-2 zumba classes, and kettle bell workouts every other night.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I've been doing martial arts classes twice a week, plus lots of walking on the weekend. The martial arts is great because, aside from being useful, it is a nice combination of strength, endurance, and cardio work. The walking on the weekend is fun because I get to go places, pee in the woods, and burn lots of exercise calories to eat back. :)

    Now that I'm close to goal, though, I want to incorporate more strength training.
  • Brovy
    Brovy Posts: 11
    I like this thread and all posts are informative. Thank you all for sharing your personal workout routines. Well my workout routine is simple. I do some yoga and walk daily. After these i do some running and then swimming. These are my favorite exercises that i do at home.
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    Good thread! This was mine this morning, all done in my house - I am six months in to doing strength training and I mix this with other days where I just do cardio(depending on weather, tennis, running, gym class, biking, walking... whatever works). Below is a little more than usual because of my crazy holiday eating I felt a need to do a bit more today.

    I do three sets of most of the below (I didn't put the weight amount down, and some, like push-ups or leg raises I do without weights). Original goal was weight loss and now it's more maintenance and strength / toning.

    Below was influenced by meeting with a trainer once a week for most weeks since July and also through some stuff I picked up in some gym classes - now I'm goin' at it on my own.

    I have seen a 25lb loss - when I just did cardio from April-July I saw a loss through that, but the strength training took it much further and I went from just losing weight to building muscle and getting toned. From April to September I saw a 25lb loss and have pretty much maintained that loss since September (though if I keep eating on a "holiday regimen" that will change! :)

    Push Ups (push-ups)
    Dumbbell shoulder press
    Biceps Curl
    Front Raises, Straight Arm
    Lateral Raise, Dumbbell, Side
    Tricep Freeweight Extension
    Bent Over Fly
    Abdominal - Plank hold
    Abdominal - Plank - Side
    Abdominal - V-Ups
    Abdominal bicycle (on mat)
    Abdominal Crunches
    Side Leg Raises
    Front Leg Raises
    Back Leg Raises

    Happy Holidays!
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    i work in a gym... therefore i am there a lot. i get up at 3 am to start my day. i do a 45 minute session of cardio, just to get it out of the way. then i schedule in a time for me in the morning that works best around my clients. i usually have about an hour. so i work a certain muscle group ... hitting it from all angles to make sure every fiber of the muscle is being utilized and worked to its maximum potential. i do anywhere from 6 to 8 exercises for said muscle group. i do my reps fast but with perfect form. i do not rest between sets... im in and out of there as quick as i can be. then i do 25 to 30 minutes of cardio.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Hi - great posts. Here's my weekly schedule:

    Mon: Bodyweight strength training.
    Tue: Yoga session at home.
    Wed: Yoga Class.
    Thr: Lunchtime swim. Bodyweight strength training evening.
    Fri: Yoga session at home.
    Sat: Yoga Class. Swim session. Bodyweight strength training, including kettlebell session.
    Sun: Rest. Yoga session at home.

    Bodyweight strength training comprises some variation of Push-ups, Inverted rows, Romanina deadlift, Assisted and negative Chin-ups, Pike pushups and Headstand - against wall - shoulder press (alternating sessions), Pistol squats. core work is incorporated into Yoga sessions at home: planks, side planks, dolphin posture-knee to elbow.

    Yoga sesson at home is usually Power/Vinyasa or Ashtanga yoga style with inversions and hand balances included inbetween the session end and close-down.

    I was running regularly, but have backed down on this as I suspect a run-related knee injury and I am preferring swimming through winter as I swim in the sea and lakes/rivers outside of winter, so it makes sense to keep this up.

    I am 25lbs overweight and planning a 0.5lb decrease per week over the next year. So far this is working far better than planning to lose 1lb per week where I usually find myself over-eating at some point every fortnight due to constant hunger at this defecit. 0.5 avoids hunger and enables a more steady loss rate for me.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    This approach may not work for everyone...

    ...or really anyone long-term.

    Well sure it will. It's called spinning your wheels. And that is still exercise. To some degree.

    Not nearly getting out of what you think you are, but spinning wheels, or plates for that matter, does take some effort.

    Sad when commercial slogans are the basis for your routine.

    ^^^You should listen to Heybales!!
  • cruciia
    cruciia Posts: 94 Member
    Great posts everyone, inspiring seeing what works for different people! There are definitely a few things I'm hoping to add to my routine.
  • 1Fizzle
    1Fizzle Posts: 241 Member
    Bump...for good reference
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Goal: Build muscle/strength

    I am doing my version of PHAT, which is basically heavy lifting early week and hypertrophy end of week. In all, I lift 5 days a week (3 days upper body, 2 days lower body) with a 1-2 cardio sessions thrown in there. I love this routine and the results I'm seeing from it.
  • sxymace
    sxymace Posts: 11 Member
    I just stick to a do-able routine. I was using EA Active 2 on the Wii which helped me lose the first 20 but the sensors have since become unreliable. So last week I bought Jillian Michael's "Ripped in 30" and giving that a go 5x a week. I'm not looking to get ripped necessarily but have found that just simple consistency has been best for my body to shed the initial bulk. That and just tracking calories. Once I started doing that, I was blown away on how much I was overeating....it was no surprise I weighed what I did!

    Once I get to my goal weight that is probably when I'll seriously start fine tuning my routine (focusing more on strength/toning).
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    I do like an hour of cardio 6 Xs a week and weights every other day!