2013 Challenge - NO BINGEING ! - whos with me ?

Its almost the new year
And instead of focusing on weight or calories. I want to focus on NOT bingeing and NOT restricting.

I am sick of feeling physically ill from either starving myself or bingeing.

I want to be able to eat normally. and ENJOY FOOD

I want my life to involve food not be controlled by it !

Would love some support - perhaps some MFP friends who also suffer from bingeing to join me in this challenge.
It doesnt matter what you weigh or how big or small your binges are. If you feel you are eating to the point of no control - and want to change ! then join me :)

Challenge - enjoy our 'naughty' foods regularly but in small/controlled portions. And to not feel guilty !

What are your weaknesses and what triggers them ?

Mine are:
Weaknesses: Chocolate and potato chips
Triggers: Starving myself for long durations and right after lunch or dinner

They say it takes 2 weeks to almost overcome a bad habit and 4 weeks to get rid of it completely.

Feel free to check in as regular as you need. With both your achievements and slip ups.

Gem x


  • awkwardpear
    awkwardpear Posts: 24 Member
    Count me in!

    My weaknesses: just about everything, really, but mostly sweets
    Triggers: I have a long commute, and I don't like buying food from restaurants, and I never want to carry a massive lunchbox on the bus, so I never take enough food with me to last all day. The biggest trigger is getting home after eating so little and seeing all the yummy foods everywhere...

    We got this, girl!
  • gems93
    gems93 Posts: 39 Member
    to awkwardpear:

    good on you love ! yeah it can be real hard being out in public. you dont want people to think you're eating too much ...

    we've got a week before 2013. so i'm trying to start this now - so that i DONT screw up next year.
    let me know how you go too

  • freedski1
    freedski1 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm with you! Regardless of size, feeling free from bingeing and restricting impulses is so important. I'm ready to be in the driver's seat, not my eating disorder!
  • freedski1
    freedski1 Posts: 65 Member
    Also, my triggers:
    Being home alone at night.
    Feeding my feelings instead of dealing with/talking through my feelings.
    Hopelessness - that I'll never be able to "do it right"

    We are stronger than all the negative voices in our heads!
  • Switzer12
    Switzer12 Posts: 34 Member
    Count me in also. Was doing good until August, then whew, stopped counting and stopped walking as much and now Christmas! Weakness - definitely sweets! Have done well today so far and am drinking lots of water.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I enjoy a weekly "cheat meal", but that's not really considered a binge.
    Count me in, and GOOD LUCK to all!
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    me!! that really needs to be my main focus.

    I am even taking a binge eating rehab class on settingthecaptives free. This will help me additionally.

    my weaknesses are: Portion control eating to big of portions/ Eating when not hungry but out of habit
    eating from emotion.

    trigger points: mid afternoon, when I am dealing with emotional issue. I would love for all of you to add me to your friends. join in

    sweets/ junk food are my biggest weaknesses as well as carbs/ cheese/ bagels etc.
  • gems93
    gems93 Posts: 39 Member
    well guys i'll be the first to admit i have failed big time.
    i'm sorry.

    its pathetic - only yesterday i swore to myself that i was finished with this ! i am honestly so ashamed
    and to think i am the one who created this group.

    i gave in and ate a lot of potato chips and a heck of a load of chocolate.
    i knew today would be a struggle because i starved myself all yesterday but i was adamant to get through today !

    really dont know what to do now.
  • SarahRea32
    SarahRea32 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi, I just posted this as a suggestion for another MFPer - it's a great book! "Overcoming Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating" by peter Cooper. This year following his suggestions my binges have gone from 4-5 days out of 7 to maybe 1 every month or so. I feel like I have nearly conquered this demon! So, I'm in as this is my biggest goal for 2013 is also no binges at all!
    My triggers are mainly eating to avoid confrontation and also out of boredom and feelings of guilt. Another huge trigger I have found is allowing myself to go too long without food and getting too hungry. Part of what has helped me with this problem is eating 3 good meals and 2 good sized snacks every day at fairly set times. AM snack is now! Good luck everyone :)
  • SarahRea32
    SarahRea32 Posts: 167 Member
    The hardest thing is getting out of the starvation/binge cycle. Trust me, that book works! Also you might like to try cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). Try not to beat yourself up and this is super important - don't try to make up for yesterday by starving yourself today. If you try you're likely to get through to the afternoon and then binge again. Best wishes, I know it's really hard not to hate yourself after a slip up like this.
  • gems93
    gems93 Posts: 39 Member
    thanks sarah.
    i will definately have to get that book.

    i am just so down now. really angry at myself.
    i'm meant to have lunch in half an hour. really dont want it. but i'm going to have it.
    i'm going to trust everyone and hope that by not starving myself tonight/tomorrow will help beat the cycle.

    i've put on 2 kilos in the past month and am seeing it all over my body. this is a huge deal for me as i havnt put on weight in 5 years - only lost more and more.

    i have to get this under control before the real NO BINGEING in 2013 Challenge begins :(
  • gems93
    gems93 Posts: 39 Member
    is this the book sarah ?

    there are a few but some are part of a series.

  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member

    ETA: I didn't mean for this to be snarky in any way, lol. I wish you luck in what you want to do! :flowerforyou:
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    my biggest problem with losing weight is binging.. it sucks :( I will do so good at eating super clean and healthy and working out for weeks and then I will let myself eat something off diet.. my problem though is once I eat one thing not healthy I dont know how to stop... so then I eat everything I possibly can. I swear I don't know how to stop. I can't even think clear in the middle of a binge I am in a total different zone. i would LOVE to cut this out but am not sure how to even begin. it does not happen daily.. but it does happen every couple weeks and it completely sabotages all of my hard work!
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I'm not sure if I binge or just eat a lot of junk food at once. What is the difference? Especially for someone who trains for hours a day and can eat a few extra thousand calories on a hard training day?
  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    Count me 100% in! :)
  • Full4Life
    Full4Life Posts: 172 Member
    I literally just posted the SAME THING. Thank you for making me feel not alone with this!!! It is my #1 weight loss problem as I am exercising and eating right *MOST* of the time...
  • gems93
    gems93 Posts: 39 Member
    xtinakay - thats the same with me honey. i'm good and then i just want one of something and then bam i'm gone. i've had 10 chocolates and feel sick so go to the chips. then back to the other. i cant stop either - until the point i am so physically sick i'm unable to move. its sad and so shameful. at the moment its happening about twice a week for me ! and i hate it. i just want to be able to enjoy one chocolate.

    and robyn - if you dont know whether your bingeing or not then i am pretty sure you arent. bingeing is a serious illness. its not just eating a *kitten* load of junk. as i said above its not being able to control yourself or stop.
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    i eat everything, IIFYM ( flexible dietig ) the reason im with you guys is because i tried to be strict about food and i lost alot of weight but hated my life, i mean i live once and i want to eat whatever i want in this 1 life xD so flexible dieting is my way to go
  • Saiava
    Saiava Posts: 68 Member
    I'm totally in! Binging has to STOP