why does my mum say this *kitten* to me???

I was just told that i effed up my mum's life dreams and she didn't even want me anyway.
I am also a selfish blitch and my brother beating me up is my fault. I'm ugly, fat and worthless.

Why does she say this *kitten* to me, and what did I ever do to deserve this?


  • Yunnieh
    Yunnieh Posts: 89 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that. Tell her how you feel. :'I
  • Bardane
    Bardane Posts: 60 Member
    You never deserve to be talked to like this. I can't even begin to imagine saying that to my daughters. I wish I could give you a hug and tell you that you aren't the problem and aren't responsible for any of your mother's issues. She is an adult and should start acting like one.

    I am so sorry she treats you like this. Don't take on her problems, stay true to yourself, you are doing fine.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    No one can tell you why...

    Seek help and seek it now.
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm not sure if it's constructive to say too much to your mom while you are living with her. If she feels that way, arguing with her about it is just going to be poisonous. It sounds like your goal is to get moved out and you just need to realize that people often look for excuses for the failures in their own lives and like to blame others. You need to realize that this isn't about you at all. Focus on what you can do to get moved out. Water off a duck's back in the mean time. I say this with the idea that you can find a way to move out in the relatively near future and it sounds like something you need to do. If you are going to be there for a while, it might be a good idea to let her know that there's no changing the past and being hateful in the now is only going to be harmful to your relationship with her now and into the future. I still don't know if I'd have that conversation while I was there if I felt like I could get out soon.

    If the "brother beating me up" thing is still going on, that warrants a serious discussion, and one possibly involving the authorities.
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    She says it because she needs help. She needs to be in therapy. On the other hand, you need to decide whether you want to keep that negativity in your life. You should not have to deal with that. My mother says she wishes she'd aborted my oldest younger brother and me, and just had the 3 younger than us. I haven't spoken to her in years, best decision I ever made.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    No one can tell you why...

    Seek help and seek it now.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Welcome to adult life, it sucks big time. Your mom sounds like she has some major problems. I have someone very close to me that hates my guts because I forcefully checked them into a mental help crisis center. Poor comparison, but its all I got.

    You can either take this as a personal attack and let it eat you up. Or you can look past it and see someone who is lashing out and is hurting. Your in your 20's so your parents are taking off the kid gloves and letting you look at their lives.

    A lot of times in life now its going to be better to look at what that someone is saying, not what they are actually saying. This holds true not just in family, but work and just in general.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sorry you had to hear that. No child should EVER have to hear their parents say such hurtful things.

    If it were me, I'd separate myself from this woman, and consider speaking to her in a few years. In the meantime, I'd find a counselor, and talk it out.. You'll feel better if you better your life, and chances are, she will STILL be miserable.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I was just told that i effed up my mum's life dreams and she didn't even want me anyway.
    I am also a selfish blitch and my brother beating me up is my fault. I'm ugly, fat and worthless.

    Why does she say this *kitten* to me, and what did I ever do to deserve this?

    get help.
  • Welcome to adult life, it sucks big time. Your mom sounds like she has some major problems. I have someone very close to me that hates my guts because I forcefully checked them into a mental help crisis center. Poor comparison, but its all I got.

    You can either take this as a personal attack and let it eat you up. Or you can look past it and see someone who is lashing out and is hurting. Your in your 20's so your parents are taking off the kid gloves and letting you look at their lives.

    A lot of times in life now its going to be better to look at what that someone is saying, not what they are actually saying. This holds true not just in family, but work and just in general.

    They have been saying this sort of stuff to me my whole life.
  • Blastastic
    Blastastic Posts: 280 Member
    Sorry you had to hear that. No child should EVER have to hear their parents say such hurtful things.

    If it were me, I'd separate myself from this woman, and consider speaking to her in a few years. In the meantime, I'd find a counselor, and talk it out.. You'll feel better if you better your life, and chances are, she will STILL be miserable.

    I would agree with this.....

    Move out and separate yourself from this situation.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Do you live at home? If so, move out.
    If you don't live at home, try seeking professional advice. We all mean well on here but there's no substitute for professional help. Good luck.
  • Sorry you had to hear that. No child should EVER have to hear their parents say such hurtful things.

    If it were me, I'd separate myself from this woman, and consider speaking to her in a few years. In the meantime, I'd find a counselor, and talk it out.. You'll feel better if you better your life, and chances are, she will STILL be miserable.

    I would agree with this.....

    Move out and separate yourself from this situation.

    Working on it.
    Moved out once before but cos the person I was living with passed away I could not afford to live on my own - so had to move back.. In the process of finding a full time job.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Your mother may have a personality disorder. Basically, she's evil and toxic.
  • pilot1960
    pilot1960 Posts: 24 Member
    If you take this sort of thing to heart you will begin to believe it and that is not good for you. Walk away from such accusations and believe in yourself. You have a job, getting qualifications, wanting to stand on your own two feet. Don't let their negativity and hatred take over your life. Think and act positive, I can see from your profile you have it in you.
  • Litlbeast
    Litlbeast Posts: 340 Member

    Your mother may have a personality disorder. Basically, she's evil and toxic.

    People with personality disorders are not automatically "evil" because of their disorders.

    But yeah, your mom is toxic. You probably have known that for a long time. I grew up w/ a mom like that too.

    If there are churches, or any charity organizations, or a women's shelter that assists women who need to get away from abuse, try to get in touch with them so they can find you temporary housing.

    I moved out when I was 17 to get away from a toxic environment. Sometimes it's what we've got to do. But I will say - reading your profile it seems like you've got your head together WAY more than I did. You have excellent goals, you just need to separate yourself from the ghosts of the past that are slowing you down.

    You will get the life you want! *hugs* Make those calls pls?

    p.s. the most important part: What she's saying to you isn't based in truth. And you absolutely do not deserve it. It's hard not to let someone else's disease sink into your own head, but try to remember - you're a good person, worthy of love and respect, you were born that way, and one day you'll get those things in abundance. *hugs*

  • Your mother may have a personality disorder. Basically, she's evil and toxic.

    People with personality disorders are not automatically "evil" because of their disorders.

    ^ THIS.
    I have Borderline Personality Disorder myself - am I apparently evil?
  • I have moved out once but long story short moved back in when the lady I was living with passed away and couldn't afford to live on my own.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    You really have to find a way to get out of there. Make your life work for you and get heal your wounds.

    While your FL and people on MFP may care...

    You posting stuff like this isn't going to help. Empower yourself. Heal yourself. You have to at one point refuse to be a prisoner of pain.
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    If you're being assaulted, you need to call the police. No one deserves to be treated like that.