im sorry if i offend



  • KatieSchoey
    Ya, I have been thinking the same thing. I am also wondering if most of the people on this site are under 30. Not that I mind. I love young peope and young minded people.
    I need to have accountability and I need to lose some weight before i die a early death. Yep that sound bad I know that is just how feel sometimes
    I would also like it if someone would respond to me.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Ya, I have been thinking the same thing. I am also wondering if most of the people on this site are under 30. Not that I mind. I love young peope and young minded people.
    I need to have accountability and I need to lose some weight before i die a early death. Yep that sound bad I know that is just how feel sometimes
    I would also like it if someone would respond to me.

    Zoomed past thirty well over a decade ago :) Decided I needed to keep the engine in good working order or risk it conking out on me waaaaaay to early.
  • SeaJenni
    SeaJenni Posts: 211 Member
    Once you get slim, it won't magically stick. The work never ends. This is for everybody at every stage of fitness.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    The same could be said about being at the gym...

    I caught myself a few weeks ago feeling uncomfortable (big ol' me) on the treadmill next to (blond haired barbie) and I thought to myself.... "why is she here??"

    Then I screamed at myself inside and said, "wait! Dont judge her! She could have started out where I am now and have lost 100 lbs"

    You just never know - she may be struggling with other things. Think outside the box :)

    that's right :)

    plus the fact that people who are naturally slim still need to exercise to stay healthy. slim does not automatically equal healthy. Some slim people have a high body fat percentage in spite of being slim. Some slim people even have metabolic disease caused by being sedentary and eating junk. Eating junk and not exercising is still bad for you, even if you don't actually look fat as a result of it.

    Also, people who are slim and fit in their 20s can become obese as they get older. So even if the girl you saw in the gym has never been fat and has always had good body composition, she absolutely should be going to the gym (or being active in some other way) in order to stay that way. I learned that the hard way, in my teens and early 20s I used to play ice hockey, training about 4 times as week, then I stopped, didn't change my eating habits, and got fat.

    Everyone needs to exercise, everyone needs to ensure they're eating enough healthy food, regardless of whether they look fat or not. And everyone who has good body composition needs to stay active and eating healthy in order for their body composition to stay that way. So everyone should always be welcome in the gym and on a health and fitness site.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Also, people who are slim and fit in their 20s can become obese as they get older. So even if the girl you saw in the gym has never been fat and has always had good body composition, she absolutely should be going to the gym (or being active in some other way) in order to stay that way.

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Also, people who are slim and fit in their 20s can become obese as they get older. So even if the girl you saw in the gym has never been fat and has always had good body composition, she absolutely should be going to the gym (or being active in some other way) in order to stay that way.


  • kkimpel
    kkimpel Posts: 303 Member
    Well.. I was a big gal.. but I've been working for 2 years to lose 65lbs. My mom died in November.. and everything came to a stand still for me.. except the scale, which went up up up..

    Now I'm still 60lbs down from my top and back at it.. my mom died, not me.. I have to keep on keeping on, she was so proud of my new slim self.. :)

    and I'm 57
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I know what you mean. I prayed every Sunday I went to church that I could find a way to lose weight when my boys were little. I didn't like being heavy, but at the same time I WAS happy and content, unless I looked at pictures of myself! My husband loved me and chased me around the house, I was a good mom, I had great friends, worked out, but still......My cousin needing a kidney and me being too heavy was the last straw. No one was going to tell me I couldn't give a kidney! So I lost enough weight to be eligible and when my other 2 cousins need one, I'll be ready. When you are in the moment, wanting to lose weight, not knowing how, you feel that way. I know I did. . It is sooo hard, but tracking my calories every day was the ONLY thing that worked. I have also committed to an hour of exercise a day. That helps too. Just worry about your goals. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Ya, I have been thinking the same thing. I am also wondering if most of the people on this site are under 30. Not that I mind. I love young peope and young minded people.
    I need to have accountability and I need to lose some weight before i die a early death. Yep that sound bad I know that is just how feel sometimes
    I would also like it if someone would respond to me.

    LOL. No way! Health is a HUGE added benefit. The last month I have had old high school friends almost fall over after seeing me and was called Pamela Anderson by my beautiful cousin this Christmas! It is the weight loss but also the exercising. It had taken a year and a half of daily exercise to see real results, but it is so worth it. Kickboxing, Zumba, Belly dancing, strength training, spinning, jogging. Each challenge has taught me something new. This from the girl who only passed gym in high school because her cousin was her gym teacher! You can do it! Track your calories and exercise daily. Have patience. Try new things. Be around positive people. It will happen.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You'd probably consider me slim. I wasn't offended.

    Something to consider: folks come on here for lots of reasons. Not everyone is dieting with myfitnesspal. Some folks are using it for fitness, for maintaining, for gaining...

    Some folks use it to lose 10lbs.
    Some folks use it to educate themselves about food.

    Some folks just use it for accountability.

    Good luck on your journey. I hope you find what you're looking for from myfitnesspal.

    i understand a bit better now you have put it this way.

    And some people got slim by using this site. You may be looking at the end product.

    Keep your chin up and keep working towards your goal.
  • msnicky715
    Wow some folks went in on you kinda rough, but i totally understand where you are coming from. I'm here because I've let my weight get out of control. As someone who was once fit and served in the military, its so hard seeing what I used to be, and what I've let myself become. But what I have learned is when you compare yourself to others, you'll never fully give yourself a fighting chance. So I say, run your own race, and look at others as inspiration to help you get to the finish line.
  • mrsejennings
    mrsejennings Posts: 97 Member
    The same could be said about being at the gym...

    I caught myself a few weeks ago feeling uncomfortable (big ol' me) on the treadmill next to (blond haired barbie) and I thought to myself.... "why is she here??"

    Then I screamed at myself inside and said, "wait! Dont judge her! She could have started out where I am now and have lost 100 lbs"

    You just never know - she may be struggling with other things. Think outside the box :)

    Good Job on the positive thinking.