June Starters - February 22

Hey June Starters! Hope everyone had a great week/weekend.

I am not expecting much from my Wednesday weigh in since my effort was minimal this past week. I am starting to feel like a broken record. This is a new week and I plan to conquer whatever it is that has me stuck. I think perhaps I am suffering from SAD, I have been pounding my vitamin D but it doesn't help with the fact that I have mostly been hibernating since December. I think my husband and I are going to try to start getting out in the evenings for walks with the kids, not for exercise just to get out of the house. I think that will help.

Happy this week!


  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Mom2 ~ I feel the same way when I have been cooped up in the house for long periods of time....

    I hope everyone had a great weekend!! Mine was busy... I hope this coming weekend will be a lazy one... I'm tired of traveling to weddings over the weekends...:ohwell:
    Looking for a great week weigh-in with the June Starters!!!
  • schlieffen
    SW 182.4
    LW 139.4
    CW 138.0 (-1.4!!)

    Hope everyone had a great weekend! Let's finish the month out strong girls! :flowerforyou:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I had the busiest weekend. Had our neices/nephew over Friday night, went out to the bar Sat night for a 50th b-day party. (Drank too much) and had girls over for a hair day yest. I'm ready to relax now. lol

    It snowed like crazy and we have to go grocery shopping today. blah
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Momto4 - Yes walking will help tons with SAD. I've also had friends who had really great luck with fish oil...I just started last week but I had a friend who tried 6 different anti-depressants and fish oil has done as much if not more with no side effects....just a thought.

    Schlieffen - Great job!

    Good Morning Kandy & BusyMom:drinker:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Thanks Mamakat I will try the fish oil for sure. I am also on the countdown to spring, although I mean actual non muddy spring. The kids and I practically live outside in the spring, summer and fall, I am thinking perhaps that is why I find winter so trying, one extreme to the next. Seriously I need to win a lottery so I can move somewhere warm and sunny from December to April. In the meantime I will go buy some fish oil (maybe more realistic). :wink:
  • shannahrenee
    I feel the same way mom2, I can't seem to get out of this depression. It's been really bad the past week or so. I'm going to try to do well this week but we'll see.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Hey guys! I totally agree about the SAD. It was sunny and 60 here yesterday and it was such a Godsend. I just stood on my patio with myself draped over the grill with the warm sun beaming down on me. I even took my pitiful house plants outside so they could get some nutrients. Take heart, everyone, spring is on its way! It will only be bad a few more weeks, then it will start to get warmer and some green will come around. I even saw some fuzzy buds on a group of trees today and got all excited.

    I'm going to grow a mini garden this year, although we will see how well the veggies do in big pots. Hopefully will save me some money! Yay spring!

    Schliffen- awesome job on the 1.4! You are sooo close to goal!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Wow ... you know I have been so in the dumps lately that I thought about not coming back on here for a while ... you know ... try and pull myself together first so I wouldn't bring people down with me. But look at this ... I'M NOT ALONE!!! SAD hits so many people at this time of year eh? I think I'll try the fish oil thing. My friend tried the "flat belly diet" and lost a ton of weight on it so she passed the book on to me. I've been trying it for almost a week now and the scale is climbing it's way up ... I guess we're all different. I'm going to quit this silly "fad" diet thing and get back to basics I think. I hope we all feel better soon ... spring is coming. Thank goodness for that ... I'll have to chant it because it's pretty snowy here right now ... spring is coming ... spring is coming.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Amen!!! I'm SOOOOOOO ready for Spring!!!
    I felt like POOP yesterday!!! I'm hoping for a much better today, though!!!

    I think my weight flucuates more than any other person in ther world!!! It is soooo frustrating!!! I've never seen anything like it!!! It makes no sense for me whatsoever!!! I can weight 202 one day and 208 the next!! WHAT?!!! SEriously!! I don't get it!!!
    I'm hoping by tomorrow, I can be somewhat "straightened out"....whatever that means!! :laugh: I suppose as long as I continue getting a lower number ever once in a while, I'm going down....and that is good!
    I did have a great revelation though.... My size 16 jeans are getting too big!! I tried on my 14's and I got them up and buttoned AND zipped, but they were still a little tight... So, yay!! :drinker:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    ug ug ug I couldn't control myself yesterday. I had the worst munchies and I gave in. Today is a new day. Going to the gym today and I'm going to try and leave a deficit to make up for yesterday but we'll see.

    I totally agree with SAD. I can't WAIT for spring. We just got a ton more snow. :grumble:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    ug ug ug I couldn't control myself yesterday. I had the worst munchies and I gave in. Today is a new day. Going to the gym today and I'm going to try and leave a deficit to make up for yesterday but we'll see.

    I totally agree with SAD. I can't WAIT for spring. We just got a ton more snow. :grumble:

    It's snowing here again, too :sad: What happened to the Texas I used to know? :cry:
  • schlieffen
    Though I also get a little blue in the winter like most people, I was actually really happy with the snow this morning! We haven't had snow here (more than flurries) in almost three months!! I think that's the depressing part about this winter for me! I grew up with 12-15ft high snow banks and always having fresh snow. This winter we've been getting nothing! We're supposed to get about 2 inches every day for the next few days, its not much but I'll take it! I was so happy walking in the pretty snow this morning!

    But of course, I'm also excited for spring! I bought new pretty spring clothes the other day and want to wear them! :laugh:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Awesome Kandy for getting into the smaller jeans!! That is such a great feeling. What's even better is going to the store to get new ones :)

    I FINALLY got back to the gym today after a week and a half hiatus. I just had too much going on, and with the exam over yesterday, I have some time to breathe. It felt good to run again! I'm pretty excited because I signed up for this "spring break challenge" at my gym and if I work out so many times I get a free t-shirt. I :heart: free shirts!!

    It's raining here today...ugh. Yet another dreary day...and I will spend it huddled over a pile of pathology notes...yippee :noway:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Awesome Kandy for getting into the smaller jeans!! That is such a great feeling. What's even better is going to the store to get new ones :)

    I FINALLY got back to the gym today after a week and a half hiatus. I just had too much going on, and with the exam over yesterday, I have some time to breathe. It felt good to run again! I'm pretty excited because I signed up for this "spring break challenge" at my gym and if I work out so many times I get a free t-shirt. I :heart: free shirts!!

    It's raining here today...ugh. Yet another dreary day...and I will spend it huddled over a pile of pathology notes...yippee :noway:

    OOOOOOOOooooooo.... I'm all about a FREE T-shirt as well... back when I was in college, I had quite the collection LOL...
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I want a free shirt!!! My gym should totally do this!! Is it bad if one of the biggest reasons I picked the gym we have is because they gave us free t-shirts and water bottles and towels and bracelets??? lol!!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
  • amandadaisylotus
    Okay so I'm back... >.>

    I've been completely off the wagon for a while now (I'm huffing and puffing to catch up!). So I weighed in today (a day late) at a whopping 276 pounds!!!!!!

    That's a 7 pound weight gain from a few weeks ago. I'm absolutely furious with myself. That puts me back into the "Morbidly Obese" category, back to not having lost 10% of my starting weight, back behind my 30 pound goal.

    I'm really REALLY mad and the weak part of me is spouting off excuse after excuse complaining about the tons of work I have to do.

    Which mind you, is true. I'm taking 2 Literature classes this semester and the work load between them might as well be enough for 4 classes. And I have 2 classes on top of those. And I have my Dungeon's and Dragons group which takes up my time as well, sitting in front of my computer and drawing out maps and then the five hour evening meetings when we actually play.

    But at the same time, those ARE all excuses. There is no reason beyond my own laziness that I can't squeeze in a workout at the gym. Making my lunches instead of scarfing down fast food or a ridiculous amount of high calorie foods in the house (the family I work for have incredible metabolisms, small appetites, and are all VERY active. They don't do low cal.)

    I'm behind with my school work too, and looking back, most of that is because of my laziness and wanting to either a.) catch up on T.V. shows, or b.) read a non-school-related novel.

    So my shows are staying in the DVR, and my novels are going to gather dust on my bookshelves. I haven't even been measuring food lately, it's no wonder I've gained 7 pounds. Hopefully I can get my school work schedule back on track and after my aunt comes back from her cruise (I'm catsitting and the fat one will eat the skinny one's food if I don't stay at her house and keep an eye on them when I feed them), I should have the time in the mornings to get back in the gym.

    Oh, and I'm breaking down and purchasing a scale for my house. The "I won't weigh in everyday" was a good idea, except when I started thinking, "I'm too hungry to not eat yet and the office isn't open. I'll weigh in tomorrow." or "I don't want to drive all the way to the office... I won't weigh in this week."

    Both excuses were because I knew that I didn't want to see that number, the truth of my habits from the past two weeks settling nicely on my gut. -_-

    I'm looking forward to spring myself... not for the weather (I live in FL), but for this semester to be over!
  • schlieffen
    Who doesn't love free stuff? Certainly not I! :laugh:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Glad to see you back Amanda, I have been wondering where you got to. Sounds like you are willing to take responsibility for the weight and being behind in everything, thats fantastic! You can't move forward if you can't admit your role in the problem. :smile:

    As an almost daily weigher I think the scale helps. i do avoid weighing myself if I have been overly indulgent, so I try and force myself to think about what I am consuming by thinking about how I will feel in the morning when I step on the scale. We are here for you too, so drop in when you are feeling overwhelmed for a little pep talk.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Wow ... you know I have been so in the dumps lately that I thought about not coming back on here for a while ... you know ... try and pull myself together first so I wouldn't bring people down with me. But look at this ... I'M NOT ALONE!!! SAD hits so many people at this time of year eh? I think I'll try the fish oil thing. My friend tried the "flat belly diet" and lost a ton of weight on it so she passed the book on to me. I've been trying it for almost a week now and the scale is climbing it's way up ... I guess we're all different. I'm going to quit this silly "fad" diet thing and get back to basics I think. I hope we all feel better soon ... spring is coming. Thank goodness for that ... I'll have to chant it because it's pretty snowy here right now ... spring is coming ... spring is coming.

    I am glad you are sticking to it Maggs. Don't lose heart things will turn around. Look at how much weight you lost last summer and fall, I know you have gained some back but it will come off again don't worry. I remember how much you enjoyed hiking and outdoor activities, I imagine once you are back out doing those activities again your pounds will start melting away. Why not try to make it a goal to maintain until you can start getting back out again, then set another to get as close to your goal as you can by fall. Just a suggestion.

    You are definitely not alone!

    BTW I don't know about that diet you were trying, but in my humble opinion "diets" don't work. I have certainly tried my fair share!!