Half Marathon Training and Body Pump

I am doing my first half marathon in 14 weeks. I looked over this website and it seems the Hal Higdon training plan is very popular so I tend to follow that training plan. I love spin and body pump. Right now I run 2x a week, no more than 2 miles. I have done some 5k's and 10'k's but stopped running so much so I can change my routine a bit.

Is body pump a good strength training class to take while training for a half marathon? I plan to do it 2x a week and spin. My spin class is at 1030 and then body pump at 1130, Tuesday and Thursday's. Do you think that is too much for 2x a week back to back or should I split it up. Say body pump on one day and spin on another. Do you also think that 2 days apart is not good or is that ok?

I just want to make sure I end up with no injury. I recently have been getting splint shints which is another reason I stopped running so much.


  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    If it were me training for a half.... I'd be focusing on slowly increasing my distance each week and then cross train. I'm no expert though. I do Group Power which is similar to Body Pump. It's good for strength training, which is needed.

    Good luck! What an awesome goal!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Good luck with the half training. I do think your need to up your running mileage. Do your 2miles x4 per week, with distances steadily increasing so you have one long and one medium run per week. And yes body pump would be a good complement. I'd also throw in some yoga or something similar to help keep your legs happy.
  • THuffman1967
    THuffman1967 Posts: 114 Member
    Doing my first half in May. Just sent you a friend request.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    if you are aiming to do a half marathon in 14 weeks, but currently only run twice a week and at most 2 miles.... you should be trying to up your milage!!!

    most training plans only have you increase a mile or less a week. if you increase a mile a week, you should be fine.

    your top priority should be to get your runs in. at the bottom of this page: are links to some good training plans: http://www.nyrr.org/train-with-us/training-programs/nyc-half-marathon-training-program it has you doing 5 runs a week, one crosstrain/strength training day a week, for the moderate training plan.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I wouldn't be doing body pump and spin back to back. While you have ran in the past, how long have you only been running twice a week for 2 miles? Your body is going to go through some adjustments when you start your 1/2 training. Rest days are just as important and you're going to wear your legs out and quite possibly overtrain your legs resulting in an injury if you do both classes. I agree with the above, pick up yoga or something less strenuous on your legs and drop the spinning.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I have run a hm using Hal Higdon and it was a succes! Focusing on increasing you mileage is really important and Hal Higdon does a great job on getting you ready for race day~as long as you follow the plan. I do strength training on Tues and Thur and run M-W-F-Sat. and take Sun off. That has worked for me. We'll see how well I do on my next half on Jan 5. :smile:

    Good luck on your hm!!!:flowerforyou:
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    Drop the spinning?:( I love spinning. Ok so I should pick a plan that has me running at least 5 days a week? I think I will do yoga. I did it in the past and a friend has asked me to start up again.

    So basically drop spinning and body pump and up my mileage, running at least 5 days a week, add yoga and then slowly add back spinning and body pump?
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    HowardMelinda that's what I planned to do until I read the other post. I wanted to run m-w-f-s, rest Sunday and do strength training on Tuesday and Friday.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I agree with everyone. You should be increasing mileage for running and that should really be your biggest priority right now. Spinning will still be there after your half-marathon.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Drop the spinning?:( I love spinning. Ok so I should pick a plan that has me running at least 5 days a week? I think I will do yoga. I did it in the past and a friend has asked me to start up again.

    So basically drop spinning and body pump and up my mileage, running at least 5 days a week, add yoga and then slowly add back spinning and body pump?

    You'll essentially do what you want but from someone whose been down the overstrained path, I know firsthand what too much extra leg stuff can do. I ran my first 1/2 with an IT injury bc I was doing more cross training, HIIT etc outside of my training plan and while its a lesson learned, I certainly regret it. You don't have to run 5 days a week; many programs including Hals is geared towards 4 and that's plenty as well. Spinning is very strenuous on your legs and while yes you love it, you need to find what you want more. Spinning will be there at the end in 12 weeks and that time goes super fast.
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    You'll essentially do what you want but from someone whose been down the overstrained path, I know firsthand what too much extra leg stuff can do. I ran my first 1/2 with an IT injury bc I was doing more cross training, HIIT etc outside of my training plan and while its a lesson learned, I certainly regret it. You don't have to run 5 days a week; many programs including Hals is geared towards 4 and that's plenty as well. Spinning is very strenuous on your legs and while yes you love it, you need to find what you want more. Spinning will be there at the end in 12 weeks and that time goes super fast.

    I'm here for advice so I won't essentially do what I want. I love spinning but I also value the opinions of others. Especially those who are experienced. Thanks for the advice but I thought cross training was good? So yoga would be my crosstrain? What about bodypump? Should I do that? 1-2x a week as Hal Higdon has strength training in his plan.
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    Sorry I don't know how to "quote" someone so I just basically reposted and then replied.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    You don't need to run 5 days a week to get ready for a half. Especially if you're not running more than a couple times a week now. I just did my first half at the beginning of the month. I ran on average 3 times a week. Two 3 to 6 mile runs during the week and a longer run on the weekend that increased every week. I ended up with an IT band injury and had to slack off the running for about 6 weeks before the race so I wasn't as prepared as I had planned but I still ran the whole race so....

    Anywho, I believe increasing my mileage too fast and not giving my legs a break - I was also lifting weights three days a week at the time - contributed to my IT band injury. I would ease up on the spinning and concentrate on safely building running mileage. Maybe not stop altogether but reduce it some. You really need to give your legs some recovery time and you should be concentrating on running longer and stronger.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Sorry I don't know how to "quote" someone so I just basically reposted and then replied.

    Cross training is good; however it's not to be vigorous or put extra strain on your legs. Swimming, slow cycling, walking, steady state elliptical, lifting, even a slow recovery jog etc. These are all low impact and allow your legs to recover.
  • plateaued
    plateaued Posts: 199 Member
    I run Tuesday and Thursday (40 minutes) and Saturday (6 to 10 miles depending on my mood).

    Weights Monday and Wednesday.

    Friday and Sunday off. Works for me. Halfs are fun and not too long.

    I don't get spinning. It's not running. It looks way too strenous on soft tissue.
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    I'm using "Hal Higdon Novice 2" to train for my first 1/2 that's coming up at the end of February. On his website, he gives recommendations of what good "cross-training" exercises are. Maybe instead of spinning you can just do cycling or bike riding? That's actually one of his suggestions. I usually do a walk or a stationary bike ride as my cross-training. I was running a lot before I started training, but I find that the plan is super easy to follow and that increasing my mileage by one mile each week isn't killing me! I ran 7 miles last week (it'll be 8 this week), and I didn't feel like I wanted to die!

    Good luck!
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Body pump can be done while you are running and should have very little effect on your training. I would recommend running before doing the body pump classes.

    However, the biggest issue I think you have is the injury history you mentioned. You need to do one of two things. Either go to competent running store to figure out what kind of shoes you should be wearing to convert yourself to minimalist running. I have been converting to minimalist running this winter and I cannot recommend it enough. Just did 30 minutes this morning on the treadmill in my socks and it felt sooo good.
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    Thanks everyone. You guys are great. I'm in the middle of looking at the Hal Higdon training plan and tailoring it to my life. And then off to look at my eating. I try to eat healthy and I am gluten free but I don't eat a lot of carbs. I eat a lot of protein and veggies so I need to find ways to get more carbs. So with running I should be eating more carbs right? So sorry for all the questions but I don't want to end up with an injury and as you can probably tell i'm really nervous. I almost quite my first 10k from nerves and the thought of all those people running with me but I had a great friend, who runs marathons, who ran with me and kept me motivated. She will also run my first half marathon with me.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Body pump can be done while you are running and should have very little effect on your training. I would recommend running before doing the body pump classes.

    However, the biggest issue I think you have is the injury history you mentioned. You need to do one of two things. Either go to competent running store to figure out what kind of shoes you should be wearing to convert yourself to minimalist running. I have been converting to minimalist running this winter and I cannot recommend it enough. Just did 30 minutes this morning on the treadmill in my socks and it felt sooo good.
    What's the second thing?
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Thanks everyone. You guys are great. I'm in the middle of looking at the Hal Higdon training plan and tailoring it to my life. And then off to look at my eating. I try to eat healthy and I am gluten free but I don't eat a lot of carbs. I eat a lot of protein and veggies so I need to find ways to get more carbs. So with running I should be eating more carbs right? So sorry for all the questions but I don't want to end up with an injury and as you can probably tell i'm really nervous. I almost quite my first 10k from nerves and the thought of all those people running with me but I had a great friend, who runs marathons, who ran with me and kept me motivated. She will also run my first half marathon with me.

    That's individual and something you'll work with and learn what works for you. Some can run well even with lower carbs while others increase. I'm not carb sensitive and actually need them for hypoglycemia issues. My body ran better when I increased to 55% carbs. Complex carbs as always are best but not sure how that fits in a gluten free diet. The day before my long runs I avoided dairy and high fiber bc it destroyed my stomach.