50 Day Challenge Group starting 1/2/13



  • lucelis
    Is it too late for me? I have been a member of MFP for a while but haven't really been committed. I'd like to give it a try. My name is Lucelis, and I am 5'4" weighing 131. I am a petitte frame so this is pretty much for me, Plus since the big change (Menopause) my body does not respond like it used to. I think I entered into a depresive state for a while, but now I am so determined to be my own advocate and cheerleader!!! I would love to have a group who share the same goals. What do I need to do for this challenge?
  • walk2120
    walk2120 Posts: 47 Member
    Can I join too? or is it too late?

    What exactly are we suppose to do?