Appetite suppressant anyone??



  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I've been wondering this myself. I have a hard time getting myself down to eating my 1200 calories and not starving all day. If I could find something to curb my appetite until I get used to the smaller amount of food, I think it would be a lot easier for me. Anyone know of any good ones?

    Then don't eat a smaller volume of food - very few go from eating a balanced wholefood diet based on nine servings of low sugar fruits and non starchy veggies to a weight management diet, most of us are not eating enough nutrient dense calorie light foods and way more processed rubbish than we care to admit. Nutrients that satisfy you include lean protein, fibre, water and to a lesser extent fats, many women fail to eat enough protein or healthy fats early in the day, then they try to cut out carbs and live on salad and wonder why they are hungry. Take an honest look at what you are eating - how many servings a day of oily fish, fruits and vegetables, reduced fat dairy, mineral rich foods? Don't guess: count weigh and measure, dieting is about changing the way you fuel your body for life, not depriving or starving yourself for a few months.