Insanity for Christmas... now to start it lol

So I recieved Insanity for Christmas from my fiance... he knew I was getting bored with the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred but I am scared of Insanity and would love some workout buddies who are starting around the same time.

I am 5'7" 181 ... down from almost 240. I have only even done the Jillian Michaels videos so a little intimidated to start Insanity but feel it may help me get my butt back in gear. I would like to be down in the 150s (even 159) by mid May which will be 1 year for me on MFP and will put me into normal BMI. So I really want to lose 22 lbs in the next 20 weeks... which I think is very doable if I can get my motivation back :) For those of you that have done Insanity does that sound doable?

I know with my life right now I won't have time to do it every day(my fiance works away so I do the single parent thing half the time and currently actually have his boys and my daughter so 4 kids at home with me keeps me pretty busy!!) so I am going to focus on eating well and getting in work outs as much as possible.


  • I did the first month of insanity last year (did month 1 twice back to back) couldn't last with month 2 and lost about 25 lbs. The moment i stopped i slowly started putting the weight back on. I tried again this past September and couldn't believe how hard it was again.
    I am hoping to start it again in March when i move to my own place.

    Good luck to you! You will def see results. Shawn T rules. "Dig Deeper"
  • Hey whittlelaura! Those goals are toooootally doable. I completed insanity for the first time 2 months ago and lost over 15 pounds in just those 9 weeks. In fact, im in a accountability group on facebook specifically for people doing insanity if youre interested? its a group of coaches and people of all ages and sizes who come together to share fitness tips and motivate each other. just a plain ol' group of regular people trying to help each other reach our fitness goals. its free and we're looking for new members! Would you like to join us?