Sugar Free Foods



  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    As for the peanut butter (that keeps on coming up, lol). Make your own. All you need are peanuts...just roast them and grind them in the food processor (it won't be as creamy as store bought stuff but it sure does taste better. You can do this with any nut. Put it in a jar and keep it in the fridge. I haven't done this in a while as I usually buy the Skippy Natural (yes it's got added salt and oil but no added sugar-only 3 grams per 2 Tbsp).
  • rtownzen
    i would try to find things that are naturally free of refined. while sugar alcohols, which go into sugar free products on the market, have no calories, they're not great for your body and you shouldn't really be filling yourself with chemicals anyway. i used to really like sugar free lifesavers, but sugar alcohols can cause gas and other digestive issues (unless you don't mind a laxative effect, i'd say use caution). a lot of things that are sugar free (like reese's and other chocolates) aren't that nutritionally different (like for reese's you really only save 1 g of there's not much point).

    whenever i'm craving something sweet, i eat fruit leathers. they only have 35 calories each, no fat, and while they do have sugar, it's natural so it's good for you. if you're REALLY craving something sweet, add splenda to strawberries. it was one of my favorite desserts when i ate artificial sweeteners. try just eliminating foods with high fructose corn syrup (makes a huge difference, at least for me). other foods i enjoy having for desserts/meals are: KIND bars and larabars. also the 100 calorie packs of kettle corn popcorn are sweet but, obviously, only 100 calories and very low fat, and actually sugar free!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    i would try to find things that are naturally free of refined. while sugar alcohols, which go into sugar free products on the market, have no calories, they're not great for your body and you shouldn't really be filling yourself with chemicals anyway. i used to really like sugar free lifesavers, but sugar alcohols can cause gas and other digestive issues (unless you don't mind a laxative effect, i'd say use caution). a lot of things that are sugar free (like reese's and other chocolates) aren't that nutritionally different (like for reese's you really only save 1 g of there's not much point).

    whenever i'm craving something sweet, i eat fruit leathers. they only have 35 calories each, no fat, and while they do have sugar, it's natural so it's good for you. if you're REALLY craving something sweet, add splenda to strawberries. it was one of my favorite desserts when i ate artificial sweeteners. try just eliminating foods with high fructose corn syrup (makes a huge difference, at least for me). other foods i enjoy having for desserts/meals are: KIND bars and larabars. also the 100 calorie packs of kettle corn popcorn are sweet but, obviously, only 100 calories and very low fat, and actually sugar free!

    some awesome info in there! i never thought of putting splenda on strawberries, i guess i always just thought of it as something you add to like cookies or cake or something. i've never tasted it not in something that has already been made!

    never heard of KIND bars or larabars? anyone know what they are?
  • rtownzen


    larabars are super delicious and generally only have like 5 ingredients! the guy who wrote eat this not that actually recommended them, they're so good. i eat them as a meal with some fruits and veggies or sometimes as a snack if i'm particularly hungry. both of them are like 100% natural so whatever sugar IS in them isn't the bad processed kind. kindbars are all pretty nut based so they have higher concentrations of fat, but a lot of them have almonds which are high in monounsaturated fat which is good for you (weird, right?) so even then it's not so bad. they're both vegan, and larabars have a "joclat' line that tastes like chocolate. excellent dessert!