Best things you did in 2012 for your health?



  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    1. Joined MFP and started logging my exercise/food intake regularly

    2. Completed a road race in the exact time I wanted to

    3. Started exercising with my husband

    4. Lost pounds and inches; fit into clothes I haven't worn in years

    5. Started new exercise routines that are more suited to my personality
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
    Losing 40lbs since August! Even though I have a bit left, with it came a higher self esteem and with that came good grades this last semester. =]
  • dbh3425
    dbh3425 Posts: 15 Member
    1. I took a risk and tried Zumba. I finally wasn't afraid of looking foolish/sweaty.
    2. Risks continued - spinning, boot camp, body pump, running and weight lifting. I ran my first 5K in 38 minutes and my second in 36 min.
    3. Became serious about logging food and exercise.
    4. Lost 21 pounds so far, along with 8 inches.
    5. I am slimmer/fitter now than I was before I had my son (2010) and before my wedding (2008).

    Here's to an even more successful 2013 for everyone!
  • kfesta52
    kfesta52 Posts: 98 Member
    1. Joined MFP; best health decision ever, bar none. Tracking calories makes all the difference in the world. And the stories here keep me interested and motivated.
    2. Got back into running.
    3. Got back into exercising in general. I actually enjoy doing exercise videos at home, and I've got quite a library to choose from now.
    4. Trying to do more (heavy-ish) lifting and less cardio (but still keeping a balance between the two, which for me is part of enjoying exercise).
    5. Started paying attention to my macros and specifically trying to increase protein.
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    After giving birth to my second baby...
    1. Got back on MFP to track my calories
    2. Started working out with the goal of having my pre-pregnancy body back
    3. Started eating healthier than ever in my life
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    1. started hot yoga
    2. started growing herbs and sprouts at home
    3. transitioning back to vegan (from vegetarian)
    4. tracking my calories and nutrients here
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Started at MFP. Lost 35lbs this year
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    2012 Was ups and downs...downs for now but looking forward to a new month and year soon!!!!

    1) Started back in April after a 1.5 year hiatus
    2) Walked/Jogged a 10k early June.
    3) Started doing weekly runs in June until shin splints stopped me but I had ran over 7 minutes straight without stopping <3
    4) Completed the Warrior Dash and realized I need to be in MUCH better shape to do it again in 2013. (Upper body strength and better core strength)
    5) as of today 12/28/12...I have FINALLY found a FISH that I will eat!!!! I absolutely HATE fish (the fishy smell/taste) puts me off but I wanted to find a fish that I would like because I know it's amazingly good for you. I have found that I enjoy Tilapia! (Good fish if you don't like the fishy taste peeps!)
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    1) Taught myself how to eat healthy
    2) quit smoking/drinking(as much as i used to)
    3) Learned how to set goals for myself (lifting)
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    5) as of today 12/28/12...I have FINALLY found a FISH that I will eat!!!! I absolutely HATE fish (the fishy smell/taste) puts me off but I wanted to find a fish that I would like because I know it's amazingly good for you. I have found that I enjoy Tilapia! (Good fish if you don't like the fishy taste peeps!)

    Tilapia is a fantastic mild fish, have you tried orange roughy or swordfish? I'm not a 'fish' person either but :heart: all three of these!
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    1) Cut off certain friends, they were triggering.

    2) Stop making excuses for why I couldn't recover.

    3) Learn to love myself for who I am, still working on this one.

    4) Stopped engaging obsessive behaviour, overexercising, restricting, etc.

    5) I started putting my needs above everyone elses, this was so hard for me because I live to please and help others but I needed to focus on myself and what I need in order to progress as far as I have in recovery.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    1) Join MFP
    2) Start eating more than 1200 calories a day
    3) Mix up my exercise a bit by doing aerobics, spinning and zumba instead of just going to the gym
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Completed my first sprint distance triathlon.
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    cut out 99% of the mount dew i drink

    used to drink 2 24 oz bottles a day now i drink maybe 1 a week if that
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Went into maintence and stayed there with no regain
    Really started getting into making my own smoothies
    Set up and maintain a "greenhouse" in my basement for leafy greens and herbs
  • donnamariewilliams
    1. Joined MFP
    2. Joined a gym
    3. Ate healthier
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Start weight training.
  • andeey
    andeey Posts: 709 Member
    #1 - Join a gym
    #2 - Hire the most fantastic personal trainer on the planet
    #3 - Find MFP
    #4 - Discover awesome friends on MFP who have helped educate and motive me daily
    #5 - Commit to lather, rinse, repeat the above for 2013
  • abbiekgurl
    abbiekgurl Posts: 22 Member
    1) Started watching my calories and diet, thanks to MFP. Still don't have the cleanest diet, but it's greatly improved from what it used to be!
    2) Losing over 40 lbs since May.
    3) Started going back to college after a hiatus of a few years -- improving my mental health and challenging my brain!
    4) One size away from being what I was in high school - and I don't think I'll be done even then. I'm on a roll!
    5) Started running - just finished a 5K on my treadmill this morning in under 40 minutes. 6 months ago I couldn't run for more than a few minutes without being incredibly winded.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I lost a lot of weight. After running last night with 5lb ankle weights on, I can begin to appreciate how much my joints especially must appreciate that!