Too much fruit?



  • okay.. well ill try and drink some and see what happens.
    yes.. i can eat fruit all day. its sorta crazy.
    i have some weird obsession. and my fruit has to be perfect..
    like i cant eat small apples... they have to be big(: lol
    and for some reason.. i like hard peaches. -.-
  • Emile_Jarreau
    Emile_Jarreau Posts: 29 Member
    Fruits fine.

    Just use low glycemic fruit (berries like rasp, straw,blue) immediately in the "post workout" window mixed in a recovery shake. Using low carb (vegan) type will help curb your cravings.

    Reason after workout?

    It's the time the glycogen (muscle fuel) is reduced to its low point and will absorb into recently exercised muscle tissue instead of allowing too much glucose floating around in the blood stream...which will slow or stop fat loss. Insulin and glucagon need to work as a team to put glucose in the "right" place. In the muscle not the fat stores.

    Don't be fearful of fruit, just time your intake of certain food at the right time, after the right event to make the magic happen.:)

    Your worth learning how to do this aren't you? Good to hear...I thought so.


    Emile,aka, Mr. fat Loss
  • ill start my protein shake consumption tomorrow & see where my macros fall.
    & ill see if i can add some more egg whites to my diet again.
    i got tired of them so i havnt been eating eggs a lot):
  • Gt3ch
    Gt3ch Posts: 212 Member
    Personally I don't really think you're eating crazy amounts of fruit or that you're getting inadequate protein either. I think it would great if you ate more veggies and had a more varied diet. But from a macro perspective I don't see much in your diary to worry about.

    If you've lost your taste for eggs try a different protein source. You're body is giving you important feedback when you loose your taste for things or get cravings.
  • okay thanks!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I get through my average (office) workday on fruit, I love the stuff and, as work provides most of it for free, it would be rude not to :)

    I generally grab a big apple on leaving too ... I skip a few train stops, get some exercise in and look forward to munching a juicy apple at the end. It means I'm not tempted by the delights of the vending machines ;)

    I hit the protein in the evening though to balance stuff up, I know everyone says that I should be eating protein at every meal but it just doesn't work that way for me so I don't stress it.

    Coming from a former very low-carber it's a change in routine but one that is working well, fruit likes me and I like fruit :)
  • I'm not exceeding my required macro-nutrients but today I went into the M.F.P. settings and added's only mid-day and I have exceeded my sugar limit of 27 daily by 86 from five kiwis and 2 persimmon....Forgive me for being ignorant but I was under the impression that Sugars came under Carbs......Confused......Would seriously appreciate some advice.
  • Try Whey Protein Shake.