Loosing at least 100 lbs on 1200 Calories



  • pricer15
    pricer15 Posts: 34 Member
    Deleted because it was a duplicate.
  • Hi: The picture in the box in your note saying 4 lb. lost is the exact same one I use as my desktop background. I just love it but have no idea where I got it or where it was taken. Can you help. Thanks. Donna
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    Hi, this is a great thread.

    I'm on 1300 a day and have 100lbs to go to my own personal goal. i'll be happy and healthy at that (weight when I met my husband) and any more I lose after that will be a bonus.

    It is hard and I find that I pick at a few calories here and there as I'm preparing food for my husband and son.... must stop doing that ! But I've been good and logging food every day. Need to find time for more exercise though, am a working mum of a 16month old toddler so it's hard to find the time.
    Lost 18lbs so far in about 5 weeks, so far so good.

    My new favourite thing is cadbury's light chocolate mousse, 60cals and they taste pretty chocolatey and not full of sweetners. And weight watchers caramel mallow wafers, 55cals and a great treat with a cup of tea.
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    I also have over 100lbs to lose, but I have a daily cal allowance of 1600? How did you get 1200? Did you customize it yourself?

    The comments regarding the different calorie allocation made me smile. :smile: It reminded me of two weeks ago when I encouraged a male college to join the site. He was allocated over 5000 calories! I thought perhaps men get more and as he is a big bloke and that was the reason.
    He worked out that he had used imperial measurements for his height instead of metric. So he had put his height as 5.5 meters :laugh:

    So remember to take off those Victoria Beckham high heels when measuring your height!

    All the best to you all.
  • burner
    burner Posts: 72 Member
    There are so many posts on here - didn't have time to read them all - would just ask what your weekly weight loss goal is - as I've read somewhere that if you lose more than 2lb a week your probably losing muscle tissue aswell as fat. 2lb a week is a good target weight loss as you are more likely to burn fat rather than muscle.

    1200 cals seems very low to me - I aim to eat enough calories to equal my BMR and exercise aswell this way I figure I should gain lean muscle and lose fat.

    Just puttin in my 2cents - hope this helps - I may be way off and your 1200 daily limit is fine for you - I would struggle with that!

    eat small portions frequently i.e. 200 cals six times a day to keep your metabolism high and kerb your hunger - this is hard as your eating to live rather than eatin for enjoyment...

    Good luck :happy:
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    I usually drink Honest Tea. It is wonderful! A lot of the teas are unsweetened, but there are others that are very low calorie and delightful. Check them out, you won't be disappointed. http://www.honesttea.com/

    I love love love these!!:drinker:
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    There are so many posts on here - didn't have time to read them all - would just ask what your weekly weight loss goal is - as I've read somewhere that if you lose more than 2lb a week your probably losing muscle tissue aswell as fat. 2lb a week is a good target weight loss as you are more likely to burn fat rather than muscle.

    1200 cals seems very low to me - I aim to eat enough calories to equal my BMR and exercise aswell this way I figure I should gain lean muscle and lose fat.

    Just puttin in my 2cents - hope this helps - I may be way off and your 1200 daily limit is fine for you - I would struggle with that!

    eat small portions frequently i.e. 200 cals six times a day to keep your metabolism high and kerb your hunger - this is hard as your eating to live rather than eatin for enjoyment...

    Good luck :happy:

    Hmm i agree because i was given 1200 calories per day by MFP in order to loose 2lbs a week but my BMR is like 1800 calories a day. So am i eating tooo little being that i am depriving my body of 600 calories? I mean i am loosing weight but very slowly like a pound a week or so.
  • you probably have a higher metabolism or more exercise then her! which is a good thing!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    There are so many posts on here - didn't have time to read them all - would just ask what your weekly weight loss goal is - as I've read somewhere that if you lose more than 2lb a week your probably losing muscle tissue aswell as fat. 2lb a week is a good target weight loss as you are more likely to burn fat rather than muscle.

    1200 cals seems very low to me - I aim to eat enough calories to equal my BMR and exercise aswell this way I figure I should gain lean muscle and lose fat.

    Your 2 cents are great! :smile: Especially for someone without very much weight to lose.

    But the rules for the very obese are different (and if you have 100 pounds to lose, yes, you're very obese :ohwell:). All of the excess fat allows (most) people's bodies to be more comfortable with large calorie deficits which allows a larger weekly weight loss to be more safe. I think the general consensus among health officials is that anyone not obese should really not attempt a 2 pound/week loss and anyone not very overweight or obese should probalby not eat less than their BMR.
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    I too would like to lose 100 lbs. MFP gave me a daily calorie allowance of 1250. I agree it's hard to think of foods that are easy, fast to make and low calorie. I would love to join the group. The support and ideas of everyone will be great and motivational.

    Hi and Welcome! It is awesome that so many of us are in the same situation. Maybe I shouldn't say awesome right? I guess unfortunate but awesome that we are all doing something about it now and helping with each others journey. I am glad to have the support also.
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    Found this online:

    I was given around 1500 calories by MFP, but for about two weeks had a problem getting at least 1100 or so. I am on a plan that (for now) disallows grains (all), sugar, and 'makes' me eat vegetables for breakfast. Ha Ha. I am not a happy camper. Can't wait to eat grains again, but program want me to avoid gluten containing grains - wheat, rye, barley. oats.

    It will be hard I am sure but you can do it. You have more will than I do, not sure I could eat veggies for breakfast. Good Luck and keep us posted.
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi, this is a great thread.

    I'm on 1300 a day and have 100lbs to go to my own personal goal. i'll be happy and healthy at that (weight when I met my husband) and any more I lose after that will be a bonus.

    It is hard and I find that I pick at a few calories here and there as I'm preparing food for my husband and son.... must stop doing that ! But I've been good and logging food every day. Need to find time for more exercise though, am a working mum of a 16month old toddler so it's hard to find the time.
    Lost 18lbs so far in about 5 weeks, so far so good.

    My new favourite thing is cadbury's light chocolate mousse, 60cals and they taste pretty chocolatey and not full of sweetners. And weight watchers caramel mallow wafers, 55cals and a great treat with a cup of tea.

    Congratulations on the 18 lbs, I know it takes a lot of work! Chasing after a 16 month toddler is exercise on it's own. :bigsmile:
    I'll have to try the Cadbury's, they sound good!
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    No weight loss for me this week! No cheating, exercising, still nothing! Urgggggg
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    I had a great weight loss week last week but that was helped along by the fact I was unwell and ate little.

    This week I've had one day off track already. Was at a conference yesterday and had buffet lunch. Stuck to cold meats and salad mainly, with some cheese and biscuits after (I know I'm bad. ) I wasn't all bad becuase I stayed away from the fried stuff and cakes for dessert. But I still probably went over my 1200 allowance for the day.

    However I had a sneaky look on scales this morning, (I know don't look daily weigh once a week) But I couldn't help it. And annoyingly I've put on 1.5lbs. Aaargh. One day off plan and I'm suffering for it today.

    Do you find that even one day over your allowance impacts you quite a bit too ?
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    Yes it def impacts me. I get very frustrated, but I don't think that it happens that fast? I don't believe that if you mess up one day, that you show a gain the next day. I see that it happens to me, but I think it is more than that. Not sure how or why, maybe water retention, stress, etc. ????

    Don't give up, WE ALL have bad days. The scale will fluctuate, but in the long run it will keep going downward!
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    Think I hit a plateau last couple of weeks. Not so much of a loss. Not giving up, it'll happen, even if it's not as fast as I want it to be.
  • Hi there..I will join in..

    I am trying to go to Aruba next year and would like to fit nicely in a bathing suit.

    Today's weight: 210.5

    May 29th goal: 200.5
  • solisanti
    solisanti Posts: 3
    todays weight - 208 lbs

    wow, this eating less thing does work...
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    todays weight - 208 lbs

    wow, this eating less thing does work...

    Great! yes eating less does help, but make sure you are eating all 1200 calories.
    Congratulations of your loss so far!
  • An interesting thing happened at lunch today. My colleagues wanted to grab a fast lunch, hence they all headed to McD! I wanted something quick as well ... so, while they all headed to the right, I consciously took the left and headed to Subway ... got me a 6" turkey sandwich with veges and mustard for 281 cals only ... I guess I have finally learnt a valuable lesson ... it's the right choices which you make that will ensure you head towards a healthy lifestyle.

    A note to myself - the turkey has high sodium content ... must find a substitute! :flowerforyou:
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