Starting over on the 1st, Who is with me?

Okay.... So I have been M.I.A. for awhile now. The holidays have been torture... I'm scared to even step on the scale again. I know it may be a little cliche but I will be starting again on the first. I'm gonna weigh myself on the 31st and start anew. Please wish me the best and feel free to give me any support possible. :)


  • Knog
    Knog Posts: 4
    I'm with you....just started today to get an early start!!
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    I know its only 2 days away, but why wait? Why not make good food choices today? Why not get a good calorie burn today?

    Seems a lot of issue stems from "I'll try again tomorrow" If tomorrow is never today - you'll always be chasing your tail!!

    Don't wait....START TODAY!
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I used to measure every month but slacked the past 4 or so. I won't start officially measuring myself again till the 1st but I am re-starting Insanity as soon as my HRM gets here, which actually should have been this week but it hasn't even been shipped yet *madface*

    Back to religiously logging food too. I did gain, but not as much as I thought I did, so yay.
  • I started over today also. Why wait, no better time than now.
  • returntorural
    returntorural Posts: 339 Member
    I know I haven't been taking my health seriously enough...
    I'm with you and will renew my efforts on the 1st!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I'm starting 'the whole 30' on the first of January. You can google it to see what it's about!
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I over ate on the sweets yesterday :ohwell: and started over TODAY. No time like the present! Welcome back. :drinker:
  • I have been out of action for the past few months after an accident, but feeling better/stronger now and determined to start afresh on the 1st, begin to get fit again and watch what I eat. I know I should really start today, but I am having 2 more days of lazing/resting/recovering/eating, then will start seriously. Good luck x
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Me too! I have been slacking lately with work and preparing for Christmas. I need to get back in the game.
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    I'm with ya, starting on the 1st as well.
  • missquela
    missquela Posts: 60 Member
    i'm with you! i think it's fine to set a date to restart... gives you time to get emotionally and physically prepared, throw out the bad snacks in your cupboard, stock up on veggies, renew the gym membership... whatever it takes! :)
  • shonntey
    shonntey Posts: 5 Member
    I am with all of you, but also need all of your help to keep me motivated. :flowerforyou:
  • xoveronica
    xoveronica Posts: 56 Member
    Starting over today! I need motivational support :)
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    Here, here
    Starting again on the first after spending all of December resting a trapped nerve in my hip which was causing me a lot of problems.
    Been and shopped some goodies and going for a few more tomorrow and enjoying a chinese for New Year.

    Have decided I am weighing in, measuring and taking photo's on 1st and will not do any of these again till 31st.
    Got myself a gorgeous note book to write things down over the month etc so see if I can find a pattern in my eating's so I can work on them in the next month.
  • Im defiantly with you!! need to get on with this weight loss thing have really been slacking, got weighed today and its not as bad as I thought. Bring on the first, in fact I'm quite looking forward to it!
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    I know its only 2 days away, but why wait? Why not make good food choices today? Why not get a good calorie burn today?

    Seems a lot of issue stems from "I'll try again tomorrow" If tomorrow is never today - you'll always be chasing your tail!!

    Don't wait....START TODAY!

    This! Why wait! And best of luck.
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    I started Les Mills Pump yesterday and woke up sore today. It is a good feeling! Don't wait.
  • lets do this! my husband is going to be joining me this time, which will make things a bit easier
  • Maryt1961
    Maryt1961 Posts: 280 Member
    Yours was the post I saw last night of the scale! Getting back in starting yesterday....Jillian Michael body revolution....scale was not up as horribly as I feared although it was up a little
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    I know its only 2 days away, but why wait? Why not make good food choices today? Why not get a good calorie burn today?

    Seems a lot of issue stems from "I'll try again tomorrow" If tomorrow is never today - you'll always be chasing your tail!!

    Don't wait....START TODAY!

    Amen to that - I've just kick-started myself back into it today by going for a run and logging again. This way, when 01/01/13 comes, I can feel that little bit smug that I'm ALREADY sorting my health out, rather than getting on the 'January Hamster Wheel'!:happy: