How do you get in 10,000 steps with a desk job??



  • ChunkyMonkey207
    ChunkyMonkey207 Posts: 96 Member
    I go to the gym in the afternoons..Hop on that treadmill! I can do 9-10k in an hour.I totally recommend the fitbit too! Its awesome!
    Good luck!
  • Claible
    Claible Posts: 106 Member
    I have a desk job. I am unsure how many steps I get in because this hasn't been one of my goals yet but to help with physical movement I:

    for each of my 15 min. breaks instead of walking to the break room and sitting down again I walk/run the stairs in harsh weather or walk at a brisk pace outside in good weather.

    I always take the stairs when going to the lunch room for lunch and then again going back to my desk.

    Going shopping I end up walking the perimeter of the store at least once if not twice. Don't forget the parking lot walk too.

    Trash day I walk to the mailbox to get the mail. After dropping the mail in the house I collect all the trash and walk the trash can to the end of the driveway.
  • lveh8lve
    lveh8lve Posts: 162 Member
    I have a desk job and I work in a construction trailer (i.e teeny tiny). I can't park far away either. I used to walk around the property when it was warmer, but with the ice and snow now It's not safe. So what I do is every time I go to the printer, I'll do 2 -3 laps around the trailer. Going to get a drink 2-3 more laps. Oooo lots of email piled up, grab my phone and walk around responding. Informal meeting, Ill walk in place or sway side to side. When I started that someone asked if I had too much caffeine!!! Every hour at a minimum I try to get up and move for 5 min. It's also great to increase productivity and solve problems!!

    Point is, just be in constant motion. I am at a desk 9 hrs a day minimum. I still can hit 10k regularly every day. I actually have more problems on the weekends hitting 10k now!!!
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    Have you tried desk (I mean Couch) to 5k (c25k)...Youll be able to run 3 of the 5 miles in a half hour in about 9 weeks. The program starts off with walk/run segments and increases the run segments as the program progresses. The program is easier than one might think if you are not a runner (which I wasn't when I started.) Give it a try... I did this past summer and I have competed in several 5k races! It may be hard to comtemplate but you may even find it addictive...
  • jlwittlin
    jlwittlin Posts: 1 Member
    i have a desk job and try to get 10k steps in in addition to my workout. i have been doing two things with some success:
    a) i do a lot of telecons, so i march in place during them. i usually get about 100 steps a minute and go for 10-15 minutes (i get bored after a while, with the marching and the telecon!) .
    b) if i'm watching tv, i will march in place during all the commercials. and sometimes during the show.
  • I've had my Fitbit for less than a week, but I keep jogging in place to gain steps. The kids think I'm crazy!
  • On days that I don't go to the gym to use the treadmill, I get my extra steps in on my mini-stepper that I got for Christmas a few years ago. I set it in front of the TV and watch something for at least 30 minutes or until I get the 10,000 steps. I have a fitbit so I use that instead of the monitor on the stepper.

    This looks like the same one I have which has a dial underneath to adjust the resistance on the pedals. I use my heavy hands instead of the arm bands.
  • Dan4495
    Dan4495 Posts: 130 Member
    For me 10,000 steps = 5 miles (approx). I walk about 3.5 mph or at a pace of about a 17.5 minute mile so about 1-1/2 hrs (87.5 min). I can get thjs much walking in every day. I work between 8-10 hrs a day, sleep 6-8 hrs, commute time is about 15 min each way, eating takes maybe an hour a day, leaving me with 4-5 hrs with which to get 1-1/2 hrs of walking. This is not a problem most days as long a i make it a priority, as it is that important to me.
  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member
    Have you tried desk (I mean Couch) to 5k (c25k)...Youll be able to run 3 of the 5 miles in a half hour in about 9 weeks. The program starts off with walk/run segments and increases the run segments as the program progresses. The program is easier than one might think if you are not a runner (which I wasn't when I started.) Give it a try... I did this past summer and I have competed in several 5k races! It may be hard to comtemplate but you may even find it addictive...

    I just started, and man oh man was I struggling. A couple of minutes jogging and I was gasping! But, I am determined to finish!!
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    In my experience with the FitBit, I usually only get to 10K steps when there's some form of dedicated walking / running in my day as in a formal exercise period. My normal daily activity usually only gets me to about 5K, even with more walking built in (parking away from the door, multiple trips to the water fountain, and a convenient walking circuit in the building's design).
  • taylorwonderlich
    taylorwonderlich Posts: 12 Member
    I can't sway that I have a desk job, but I go to school during the day and sit in a desk for many hours straight and sometimes find it difficult to meet my steps as well. However, doing tasks like sweeping and vacuuming and these things along with going for a long walk but not focusing on the "how many steps am I getting aspect." On the weekends I work at a restaurant, I am a cashier... I find that working this job has gotten me to achieve both my calories I need to burn and the steps I need to take in order to lose my weight. I love going for runs late at night to give myself time to think and I find it relaxing to run late at night so I don't feel like everyone is watching. This is another good way to get more steps in. :)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    When I go to the mall, I walk around all the levels once before I start shopping ....... and when foodshopping, I walk around the supermarket once or twice before even picking up the first item ........

    Best of luck !