Starting Insanity Tomorrow

Hello All,

Just wondering if anyone else is starting Insanity for the new year? If so, hopefully we can encourage each other. I did Insanity in the spring and it is INSANE! Since then I have been a little lazy. I have done a little bit of running and weight lifting, and some exercises. But, with all the over indulgences of the holidays and not that much exercise, I am feeling I need a solid plan to stick to. So....WHO IS WITH ME?!?! If you are, hopefully we can support and motivate each other. :smile:



  • I am starting Insanity tomorrow! I am so excited!!!!! Let's do this.
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    YAY! I am going to do the fit test very soon. (and get all mu measurements) I will post results when I am finished!
  • Insanity is an AMAZING experience! Shaun T is nuts! lol
  • hey all, I've started P90x today, I thought it's a monday, might as well :wink: anyone up for that? :smile:
  • meggyd13
    meggyd13 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I just started Insanity today. Humbling experience to remind me how out of shape I really am! Did you have success with INsanity the first time around?
  • I'm startIng today! Well restarting. I did it once but not like I wanted to soi want to run it straight through this time! Let's keep each other accountable.
  • scottlowen
    scottlowen Posts: 4 Member
    Starting today! I finished Insanity in August and started focusing on basketball. I was knocked out of basketball due to a foot/calf injury about 6 weeks ago. Inconsistent activity and careless eating habits have caught up to me. I continue to return to Insanity because it provides a good discipline of stretching and controlled exercise movements. It also takes whatever you can give it.
  • I'm starting tomorrow as well! Good luck to all!!!
  • I'm starting tomorrow! Tried it earlier this yr too but it was soooo painful! Hoping 4 more endurance!
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi there! I just started Insanity today. Humbling experience to remind me how out of shape I really am! Did you have success with INsanity the first time around?

    I did have "success" with my first round of Insanity. It was not weight loss though. I actually gained 9 pounds doing Insanity the first time. But it was muscle weight because I could tell in my before/after pictures that I looked tighter and more fit. It was an INSANELY hard workout program. But, I made big jumps in my fit test results from day 1 to day 63. I would like to make some more improvements to my body with this round. But, I am not going to worry about the scale too much because I do not want to be disappointed. I did weigh myself today just to fill in my measurement sheet, but I am not focusing on the scale.
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    Accountability Day #1: FIT TEST. I am happy with my fit test results. From the first time doing Insanity in the spring, all my numbers were better. But they were not as good as my last fit test from last time. That just means I have to work harder to get where I want to be. I will try to come on and check in each day with the workout of the day. Sometimes I cannot get online due to work and children and life stuff. (but I will try to get on everyday)

    Here it is:
    Switch kicks 62
    Power Jacks 59
    Power Knees 104
    Power Jumps 52
    Globe Jumps 9 (I hate
    Suicide Jumps 19
    Push-up jacks 30
    Low plank oblique 55

    Please post your numbers, if you feel comfortable! Motivation and support here!!!!
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    hey all, I've started P90x today, I thought it's a monday, might as well :wink: anyone up for that? :smile:

    Although I am doing Insanity, I have done P90X 2 1/2 times, so I definitely can give you some support if needed. I really like the P90X program. I love the alternate days of resistance and cardio. It just gets boring to me. Tony Horton is cheesy, funny and really explains all the moves thoroughly. I think you will be happy doing P90X.
  • My Name is De'sha and I'm looking for some new friends for 2013! :-) I welcome all positive motivators. I'm not looking to fit into a dress or becoming a fashion model, I'm taking accountability for my health and lifestyle. This transition is not easy at all, but with a great foundation of great friends, positive environments I think I can tackle this thing called "life".

    I started doing insanity about a month ago, it lasted about 3 weeks. Lack of sleep and energy beat my motivation :-(
    So I'm looking to regain my strength & courage! and give it another try!!!
  • Hello everyone! My name is Kate and I just finished the fit test. I'm finally making the move to get back down (or close to) my pre-pregnancy weight. My sweet little daughter gave me 30 extra pounds to lug around after she made her debut. I'm hoping Insanity will help me lose the mom tummy. I'm looking for support to keep motivated, anyone interested?
  • I just started the insanity program last week and like you I am just trying to improve my health as well. Good luck girl in 2013!

    My fit test results:
    Switchkicks: 52
    Power Jacks: 53
    Power knees: 76
    Power Jumps:30
    Rotation Jumps:6
    Suicide Jumps:10
    Push Up Jacks:25
    Low Plank Oblique: 23
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    I just started the insanity program last week and like you I am just trying to improve my health as well. Good luck girl in 2013!

    My fit test results:
    Switchkicks: 52
    Power Jacks: 53
    Power knees: 76
    Power Jumps:30
    Rotation Jumps:6
    Suicide Jumps:10
    Push Up Jacks:25
    Low Plank Oblique: 23

    Awesome Job!!
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Kate and I just finished the fit test. I'm finally making the move to get back down (or close to) my pre-pregnancy weight. My sweet little daughter gave me 30 extra pounds to lug around after she made her debut. I'm hoping Insanity will help me lose the mom tummy. I'm looking for support to keep motivated, anyone interested?
    I am also trying to lose the mommy tummy...hopefully this round will do it. Each activity I embark on makes it look a little better and better!
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    My Name is De'sha and I'm looking for some new friends for 2013! :-) I welcome all positive motivators. I'm not looking to fit into a dress or becoming a fashion model, I'm taking accountability for my health and lifestyle. This transition is not easy at all, but with a great foundation of great friends, positive environments I think I can tackle this thing called "life".

    I started doing insanity about a month ago, it lasted about 3 weeks. Lack of sleep and energy beat my motivation :-(
    So I'm looking to regain my strength & courage! and give it another try!!!
    Same here. I know I will never be "skinny" by some people's definition, but I want to be happy and healthy! Good Luck :) I need positive people around to also help me with motivation!!
  • Today's Results

    1. Switch Kicks (2 kicks =1 rep) 51.5
    2. Power Jacks- 51
    3. Power Knees- 116
    4. Power Jumps- 45
    5. Globe Jumps- 10
    6. Suicide Jumps- 13
    7. Push-up Jacks- 15
    8. Low Plank Oblique- 50
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    Today's Results

    1. Switch Kicks (2 kicks =1 rep) 51.5
    2. Power Jacks- 51
    3. Power Knees- 116
    4. Power Jumps- 45
    5. Globe Jumps- 10
    6. Suicide Jumps- 13
    7. Push-up Jacks- 15
    8. Low Plank Oblique- 50

    AWESOME JOB! Have you done Insanity before, or is this your first time? Those are really impressive numbers for Fit Test #1 :smile: