Starting Insanity Tomorrow



  • I have done the fit test about 4 or 5 times now. I have never completed more than one full week of Insanity. I got about 3 weeks in skipping workouts here and there. I'm trying to make 2013 my year to shine!!
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    You're gonna do it this time!!!!!!!
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    Plyo cardio circuit in the books! The ski abs and the in and out abs are killer for me! Feelin' good though...
  • I'm starting insanity later on today. I have started insanity about 4 times and never made it pass day 2 because i came up with a million and one excuses.

    I've finally been hit with the reality that I need to make a change.
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    yep starting it all over again. I was doing it before but got sidetracked. Starting over is like ugh youd think I never worked out before hahaha. However I lost 30lbs the first time without even finishing it. Im excited to start again tonight!! Would love a support buddy or two or three that are going to stick it out.
  • MarthaLoraine
    MarthaLoraine Posts: 34 Member
    I'm on day three!
  • MarthaLoraine
    MarthaLoraine Posts: 34 Member
    Week One fit test results

    1. Switch Kicks (2 kicks =1 rep) 68
    2. Power Jacks- 49
    3. Power Knees- 73
    4. Power Jumps- 25
    5. Globe Jumps- 8
    6. Suicide Jumps- 21
    7. Push-up Jacks- 16
    8. Low Plank Oblique- 64

    I have never done insanity before and it was a real eye opener to how much better shape i could be in..
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    Week One fit test results

    1. Switch Kicks (2 kicks =1 rep) 68
    2. Power Jacks- 49
    3. Power Knees- 73
    4. Power Jumps- 25
    5. Globe Jumps- 8
    6. Suicide Jumps- 21
    7. Push-up Jacks- 16
    8. Low Plank Oblique- 64

    I have never done insanity before and it was a real eye opener to how much better shape i could be in..

    I felt the same way when I started Insanity last spring. I just finished a 1/2 marathon, and thought I was in great shape...but my fit test results from day 1 to day 63 were TREMENDOUS! I am hoping to get back to that level again!

    Just finished day 3 as well! YAY!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I wish the fit test was a little ways in for the first go at it. You don't know the moves so the first time vs the second time shows improvement simply on being used to the exercises. I normally compare my 2-week-in test against the future tests. JMO though!
  • Did the fit test yesterday and plyo cardio circuit today and I'm loving it so far. This is my first time trying it so it's all new and shiny but I'll probably hate it in a few days time :P

    Fit Test # 1:

    Switch Kicks: 60

    Power Jacks: 51

    Power Knees: 107

    Power Jumps: 47

    Globe Jumps: 10

    Suicide Jumps: 21

    Push-Up Jacks: 19

    Low Plank Oblique: 62
  • Jess7170
    Jess7170 Posts: 62 Member
    I love you guys! LOL! I get a big 'ole INCOMPLETE when it comes to Insanity. I have started it maybe a half dozen times, but never seem to get past week 2 or 3 with any consistency. I've been lifting weights and trying to swim, bike, and/or "run" (more like a walk/jog) but of course I've been in "vacation mode" since Christmas! I welcome supportive friends if anyone wants to send a request. I will be honest though, I don't spend a LOT of time on here any more because it had become a HUGE time drain for me. I will comment and encourage, but spending too much time on the message boards is something I'm avoiding for 2013. Just want you to know! :happy:
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    Today will round out week one for me. It has been tough, but not that bad. Pure Cardio is crazy!!!!! I also cannot be on here for large amounts of time, but will check in a couple times a week! Hope everyone's week has been INSANE!
  • brenkruss
    brenkruss Posts: 14 Member
  • Pure cardio IS crazy! I did it today and was dying! Wow! Loving it though. Tomorrow is day 6 and I can't wait!
  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    I just started Insanity for the first time... I completed the fit test yesterday and day 1 today. Boy, is it difficult! I really enjoyed it though and am looking forward to seeing some fitness improvements and watching my body get more defined. I would love support to keep motivated to continue with the program.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    15 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    Pure cardio IS crazy! I did it today and was dying! Wow! Loving it though. Tomorrow is day 6 and I can't wait!

    Shaun T, "that *kitten* is bananas, yo!" It is so crazy. Well, today is a rest day. Finished with week's too week two...:drinker:
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    This morning was cardio power and resistance. It was rough since I have been on vacation for two weeks, so doing it at 5am will take some getting used to. But, I am pumped up for week two!!!!!!!
  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    I am loving this workout! How is everyone doing with it?
  • fitwithwhit88
    fitwithwhit88 Posts: 59 Member
    Started Insanity today and whew! Was SO much more difficult than anticipated. Working out with a few coworkers daily after work though, so hopefully it has some staying power. Definitely can feel the benefits of it already, so I'm excited to see what changes it'll bring!