Were you ever in a relationship where...

vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
...after a few dates you found out they were still married or had a bf/gf?

There was one woman I met, wet out a couple times, told me she was divorced. Got a call one night from a number I never saw before. It was the woman's husband begging me to stop seeing his wife...DAHUR!! We actually spoke for about 15 minutes and I told him what I learned from my divorce and gave him some pointers.

I immediately stopped talking to the woman. Ended up seeing her a couple months later with some other dude...lol.


  • 05HeatherLouise05
    05HeatherLouise05 Posts: 178 Member
    Divorced or Separated (for a good amount of time 1 year plus) is fine with me.

    I wouldn't touch someone with a 50 foot pole if they are Married or in a relationship. I wouldn't want to be cheated on.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    Divorced or Separated (for a good amount of time 1 year plus) is fine with me.

    I wouldn't touch someone with a 50 foot pole if they are Married or in a relationship. I wouldn't want to be cheated on.

    werd, once i found out she was still married I stopped all contact...couldn't tell her why either cuz the husband begged me not to let her know he called me. He went through her phone and found my number and texts.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I went on a date with a guy I had liked for a while. He messaged me one day inviting me to hang out with him at a friend's party. He told me he was single and that him and his last gf had been broken up "for a while." We went out, had fun, went to a bar, he acted "coupley" with me all night & in front of everyone. I felt like it was too good to ve true & asked a few times if he was reallh single and he said yes. I slept over (but we didn't do *that* stuff). I found out the next day when he messaged me saying "It was a mistake" and 20 minutes later I had a bunch of hate mail & death threats from his girlfriend in my Facebook inbox.

    I also have a friend who dated a guy for 2 weeks, she was a minor and he was 18 or 19. She assumed he was her boyfriend and he even brought her to his house and everything... Then his girlfriend came back from her 2-week vacation! My friend wasn't too impressed, and the guy's girlfriend never found out. He's been with that girl for a couple years.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    I went on a date with a guy I had lijed for a while. He messaged me one day inviting me to ahang out with him at a friend's party. He told me he was single and that him and his last gf had been broken up "for a while." We went out, had fun, went to a bar, he acted "coupley" with me all night & in front of everyone. I slept over (but we didn't do *that* stuff). I found out the next day when he messaged me saying "It was a mistake" and 20 minutes later I had a bunch of hate mail & death threats from his girlfriend in my Facebook inbox.

    I also have a friend who dated a guy for 2 weeks, she was a minor and he was 18 or 19. She assumed he was her boyfriend and he even brought her to his house and everything... Then his girlfriend came back from her 2-week vacation! My friend wasn't too impressed, and the guy's girlfriend never found out. He's been with that girl for a couple years.

    I love the idiots like that, that send you hate mail like its YOUR fault and not her cheating husband/boyfriend
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I love the idiots like that, that send you hate mail like its YOUR fault and not her cheating husband/boyfriend

    Yup. I even explained to her how everything went down. It's been an awkward path with that couple ever since... Once in a great while, him & I will chat at the bar (Because we have mutual friends & he's a friendly guy) and when she finds out, I get more hate mail. Even though I was not flirting and she knows who he went home with that night.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    I love the idiots like that, that send you hate mail like its YOUR fault and not her cheating husband/boyfriend

    Yup. I even explained to her how everything went down. It's been an awkward path with that couple ever since... Once in a great while, him & I will chat at the bar (Because we have mutual friends & he's a friendly guy) and when she finds out, I get more hate mail. Even though I was not flirting and she knows who he went home with that night.

    are you still attracted to him though?
  • I never had that happen. Glad you stopped it when you found out.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Probably still attracted deep down... But I usually avoid him and try not to get in talking situations because of his girlfriend. And also he's an *kitten* for what he did so I'm hoping someone better will come around. I'm not gonna wait around or waste more time on him.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    Probably still attracted deep down... But I usually avoid him and try not to get in talking situations because of his girlfriend. And also he's an *kitten* for what he did so I'm hoping someone better will come around. I'm not gonna wait around or waste more time on him.

    i know when you like someone already...its easier said than done...but there's plenty of other guys out there to meet.

    I'm trying to stop being that guy that "puts up" with things in a relationship to make them work...if I know its not working or there's stuff I don't like...time to move on.
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I dated a guy once for a couple of months. I really liked him and we spent a lot of time together, he would even stay the night a couple of times a week. I had even met and spent time with his family. One day I get a call from a girl that said she knew about me and wanted to let me know that she was his live-in, pregnant girlfriend. I confronted him and him and his dad convinced me that it was his sister playing a prank on him. It bugged me all night so I called her number back the next morning, she was telling the truth so I broke it off right then.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    I dated a guy once for a couple of months. I really liked him and we spent a lot of time together, he would even stay the night a couple of times a week. I had even met and spent time with his family. One day I get a call from a girl that said she knew about me and wanted to let me know that she was his live-in, pregnant girlfriend. I confronted him and him and his dad convinced me that it was his sister playing a prank on him. It bugged me all night so I called her number back the next morning, she was telling the truth so I broke it off right then.

    the guy is a scumbag enough....but for the *kitten* dad to even get involved? What a ****.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    ...after a few dates you found out they were still married or had a bf/gf?

    There was one woman I met, wet out a couple times, told me she was divorced. Got a call one night from a number I never saw before. It was the woman's husband begging me to stop seeing his wife...DAHUR!! We actually spoke for about 15 minutes and I told him what I learned from my divorce and gave him some pointers.

    I immediately stopped talking to the woman. Ended up seeing her a couple months later with some other dude...lol.
    That poor husband saved you miles of grief....:glasses:
  • 05HeatherLouise05
    05HeatherLouise05 Posts: 178 Member
    There's a Guy at my work place who talks about his wife and kids then hits on me in the same breath (blatantly, "your looking so good" "Wish you'd let me take you out" ect).
    He's a really nice guy and i enjoy working and talking to him, but it just seems so messed up.

    If I make a commitment to be in a relationship with someone then that's it for me, and if I become unhappy in that relationship then I either get out of it or try and work it out. I don't think there is any excuse for cheating

    It's funny actually, if I see a guy I'm attracted to I go out of my way to talk to him, and if I find out he's in a relationship it's like an "turn off" switch gets flicked and I lose interest (romantically anyway).
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I dated a guy once for a couple of months. I really liked him and we spent a lot of time together, he would even stay the night a couple of times a week. I had even met and spent time with his family. One day I get a call from a girl that said she knew about me and wanted to let me know that she was his live-in, pregnant girlfriend. I confronted him and him and his dad convinced me that it was his sister playing a prank on him. It bugged me all night so I called her number back the next morning, she was telling the truth so I broke it off right then.

    the guy is a scumbag enough....but for the *kitten* dad to even get involved? What a ****.

    That's why at first it was so easy to believe it was a prank. I'd met the mom, dad and one brother. Plus he called me his girlfriend in front of them. Definitely all *kitten*!!
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    This never really happened to me, but I saw a guy at a bar one night and we were chatting and he was being flirtatious and friendly and asked for my number... then I saw the wedding band (silly me for not checking right away). Needless to say, that was the end of that. I've been cheated on, and I would NEVER want anyone to feel the way I did.

    Speaking of which, this girl was creeping all over my ex's facebook page. I told him I wasn't comfortable with her, but he and I had been dating for over 2 years, so i trusted him. His facebook cover photo was even a picture of me sleeping in the car, so she KNEW he had a girlfriend. Well, come to find out when he moves in with me, he's sleeping with this girl. things ended after that. I'm not quite sure how a girl could do that to another girl, let alone a man who told me he wanted to marry me and had me get sized for a ring, but everything happens for a reason and I'm sure they will get their karma.

  • I'm trying to stop being that guy that "puts up" with things in a relationship to make them work...if I know its not working or there's stuff I don't like...time to move on.

    That is good that you're trying to stop that, but make sure you TALK before you just decide to end it. It always hurts the worst when you continuously ask them if something is wrong, because girls can tell, they honestly can, but the guy keeps saying "nope", and then before you know it he's gone.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I ran into a guy a knew (vaguely) from childhood. We ended up spending the whole evening together and talked all night. I was pretty sure he was Mr. Right. He was so sweet. I found out the next day that he was married and his wife was 8 months pregnant. Blah.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    I'm going to play the devil's advocate here...

    How do you know the husband / ex-husband was on the up & up? Ok, so he got your number and saw some texts. Maybe they were still on the same plan. I am on the same plan with my ex, at least for now (legal recommendation). He has access to the account and can find out whatever he wants. Who cares. My ex is also a compulsive LIAR. Ok, my current situation may be different than hers as the papers are not yet signed (he's being an arsss & wants me to support him forever - NOT gonna happen!). However, you really don't know the situation.

    May not have been worth finding out the truth, but I'm just sayin' that he may not have been telling you the truth either. :glasses:
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    No. But I'd be pissed if I found out someone whom had taken the steps with me was still in a relationship with someone else.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    How horrible! Have nothing really to add to what others have said except that it amazes me how some people don't seem to mind hurting others or can't seem to believe that they are important enough to be hurtful. WOW! You are so lucky to have gotten out when you did....