Master Cleanse....



  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    Im actually starting this cleanse on Monday. Im going to try for 5 days...if I feel comfortable, I'll go for 7-10. I can't wait to try this....I'm ready to feel "clean" and less bloated.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    "...And if you read the actual pamphlet on the master cleanser he explains that for your fast you recieve the nutrition you need from the maple sugar and lemon..."

    What nutrition will I get from maple sugar and lemon?

    Won't this flush out all the good stuff my body needs also?

    Why couldn't I just eat fiber and drink water to clean/flush my body?

    These are a few questions I have regarding flushes that are suppose to 'detox' my body.
    I was thinking about doing one of these but I need some answers first. If I can get some answers THANK YOU!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Im actually starting this cleanse on Monday. Im going to try for 5 days...if I feel comfortable, I'll go for 7-10. I can't wait to try this....I'm ready to feel "clean" and less bloated.

    I started yerba prema colon care and have not felt bloated and I am regular for the first time in years! It's all natural. I bought it at Whole Foods. My husband had constipation issues and his GI doc told him to do this and to stay away from cleanses.
  • leavinglasvegas
    "...And if you read the actual pamphlet on the master cleanser he explains that for your fast you recieve the nutrition you need from the maple sugar and lemon..."

    What nutrition will I get from maple sugar and lemon?

    Won't this flush out all the good stuff my body needs also?

    Why couldn't I just eat fiber and drink water to clean/flush my body?

    These are a few questions I have regarding flushes that are suppose to 'detox' my body.
    I was thinking about doing one of these but I need some answers first. If I can get some answers THANK YOU!

    My recommendation would be to first get the book. It will answer most of your questions. There are too many people trying to do this cleanse based off of what they hear and read on the internet. Sadly, that is partly to blame for the misunderstandings about it. The book is less than $6 at Better Health or Whole Foods. I think Trader Joes has it as well. Its a quick read and gives you all of the info you need to know.

    Fiber and water will cleanse you as well, provided that you are getting fiber from non-toxic foods. The purpose of the Master Cleanse is to "rest" your digestive system so that your body puts more energy into elimination. Even with no food going in, you will be shocked to see what comes out.

    Cleanses can be anything from juice fasts, water fasts, raw foods, smooties, herbal teas, and so on. They all eliminate toxins, but they all have different purposes. they are disigned differently. The weight you lose is not fat, its water and poop at first. If you ease back into eating only unprocessed whole foods, then you will continue to lose weight. If you dive into a 1/2 pound cheese burger and fries with a milkhake and banana split, well, guess what? You wasted that cleanse.

    Look at for additional info on detoxing, nutrition, and wellness info.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Today is the first day of Spring and the start of my Master Cleanse!!! I will be doing for 8 days (end March 28),
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    I just completed a 3-day cleanse, which I share my results here:

    I found it to be a bit more substantial than a "liquid cleanse", as I had ample energy due to the nutrients I was receiving from Shakeology.

    To each there own, but I think this is a fantastic (short AND healthy) way to kick start ones metabolism and begin your weight loss journey or just get rid of that "bloat" that continues to haunt you.

    Stay healthy!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I just completed a 3-day cleanse, which I share my results here:

    I found it to be a bit more substantial than a "liquid cleanse", as I had ample energy due to the nutrients I was receiving from Shakeology.

    To each there own, but I think this is a fantastic (short AND healthy) way to kick start ones metabolism and begin your weight loss journey or just get rid of that "bloat" that continues to haunt you.

    Stay healthy!

    Thanks, but I have plenty of energy doing the Master Cleanse and I don't do it to "kick start" my metabolism and I am not beginning my weight loss journey either. I get all of the required nutrients my body needs and I am giving my digestive system a rest of having to "digest foods".

    This is a cleanse that I do at the change of every season to rid the build up of toxins and also this is becoming more spiritual in nature for me every time I do the cleanse.

    I will continue to be on my journey as I have been doing.

    Thanks for the information though.