Paleo Diet



  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Rude Posters: Every person is different and everyone doesn't lose weight using the same methods. I have been low carb/no sugar for months and have also been very successful. Not only have I lost weight but I feel better than I have in decades. I have more energy and a much better attitude. I don't feel depressed and anguished all of the time. I eat less and feel more full. Just because YOU don't believe something is worthwhile, doesn't mean it won't work for someone else. and to invalidate another person's opion on a good read is ridiculously immature.

    I have done "atkins", "paleo", "Weight Watchers", and a muriad of toher low calorie, high fat, "Cleanse", and even 40 day diets. I am successful in my mixed version of low carb, no processed sugars. Do I indulge? YES, occasionally I do. BUT this is a lifestyle I am happy living on a daily basis and I feel great with it. I don't crave foods I once did... the same foods that MY BODY doesn't seem to process well and make me look and feel unhealthy so why should I feel bad about not having them regularly?

    If you are successful eating all the pasta and cake you want, congratulations on having a body that is able to process those sugars better than mine. May your success continue for the remainder of your miserably negative life. As for the rest of us, we are also happy with our changes so don't hate on our success when we don't hate on yours.

    Wonderful post, Colleen. I've experienced the same exact thing since severely restricting the grains, starches and sugars.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I don't think I'll go full bore, but I am edging closer to paleo. I decided to stop all grains and cut back on dairy (I could binge on cheese all day). The first thing I am noticing is that I am not hungry all day without grains in my diet. Usually I would have a meal about 8 AM, then barely be able to hold off on eating more until 11 AM. Today I had scrambled eggs with onion around 8 AM, and I didn't even think of food again until after 1 PM. I think I'm one of those people with blood sugar problems, and eating grains causes a spike and drop in blood sugar, prompting me to eat more.

    We all have differences in our metabolisms, and what works perfectly fine for one person won't work for the next person. So go by how you react to changes in your diet, not what other people say.

    P.S: I really wanted to be vegan because I love all animals, but I felt terrible on a vegan diet. Really terrible. I did my research and tried to do it right but was not successful.

    I agree totally. Any population of women have blood sugar problems compared to any population of men, because of the influence of estrogen (never heard of a man with gestational diabetes). As you have noted we are all different and we need to respect those differences in each other. I was never able to tolerate the vegan diet either. Someone told me to try it as it would cause me to lose weight. I actually gained weight on it and felt lousy in the process. :tongue:
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member

    No--calories do ultimately count but anyone desiring fat loss, must force their bodies into burning body fat for his/her energy needs---which varies a great deal from person to person. My husband has approximately 70% more lean body mass (he's a big guy) than I do, so it is much easier for him to go into calorie deficit than it is for me. Plus, if you add in the "fat-hoarding hormone" estrogen, which tends to make women's bodies "want" to burn muscle rather than fat for energy needs, some drastic measures are called for. Thus, cutting out the nearly empty calories of sugar and white flour (and wheat in general for some specific reasons of appetite control) are often very helpful measures. This is true for women in particular, but for men with a lot of weight to lose as well (body fat pumps estrogen into their blood streams too---thus "man-boobs"). The diet that doesn't rob your body of important nutrients is the diet you will stay on (because you feel better) and we all have basic needs that cannot be disregarded or we will suffer a deterioration of health (believe me, I know how fast one's body deteriorates on starvation diets). This "no- sugar-no-wheat" diet makes me feel well while I am losing body fat---thus I will stay on it. Anymore questions?
    That's great if it works for you. Just stop posting info as if it were factual. It's not.
    Calorie deficit. That is how you lose weight. There is nothing wrong with wheat or dairy. Man has eaten it through the ages.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    No--calories do ultimately count but anyone desiring fat loss, must force their bodies into burning body fat for his/her energy needs---which varies a great deal from person to person. My husband has approximately 70% more lean body mass (he's a big guy) than I do, so it is much easier for him to go into calorie deficit than it is for me. Plus, if you add in the "fat-hoarding hormone" estrogen, which tends to make women's bodies "want" to burn muscle rather than fat for energy needs, some drastic measures are called for. Thus, cutting out the nearly empty calories of sugar and white flour (and wheat in general for some specific reasons of appetite control) are often very helpful measures. This is true for women in particular, but for men with a lot of weight to lose as well (body fat pumps estrogen into their blood streams too---thus "man-boobs"). The diet that doesn't rob your body of important nutrients is the diet you will stay on (because you feel better) and we all have basic needs that cannot be disregarded or we will suffer a deterioration of health (believe me, I know how fast one's body deteriorates on starvation diets). This "no- sugar-no-wheat" diet makes me feel well while I am losing body fat---thus I will stay on it. Anymore questions?
    That's great if it works for you. Just stop posting info as if it were factual. It's not.
    Calorie deficit. That is how you lose weight. There is nothing wrong with wheat or dairy. Man has eaten it through the ages.

    Well, it is a fact that it works for me and has for many others.

    The wheat that we have served up to us today is VERY different from the wheat our ancestors ate. It has been specifically bred to contain MUCH higher levels of gluten (which the human gut does not digest well). I eat a moderate amount of organic dairy as I feel better when I do. The non-organic dairy that is being served up today has substances in it that I object to (like cow pus that comes from injecting cows with recombinant growth hormone that makes their udders sick).
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member

    No--calories do ultimately count but anyone desiring fat loss, must force their bodies into burning body fat for his/her energy needs---which varies a great deal from person to person. My husband has approximately 70% more lean body mass (he's a big guy) than I do, so it is much easier for him to go into calorie deficit than it is for me. Plus, if you add in the "fat-hoarding hormone" estrogen, which tends to make women's bodies "want" to burn muscle rather than fat for energy needs, some drastic measures are called for. Thus, cutting out the nearly empty calories of sugar and white flour (and wheat in general for some specific reasons of appetite control) are often very helpful measures. This is true for women in particular, but for men with a lot of weight to lose as well (body fat pumps estrogen into their blood streams too---thus "man-boobs"). The diet that doesn't rob your body of important nutrients is the diet you will stay on (because you feel better) and we all have basic needs that cannot be disregarded or we will suffer a deterioration of health (believe me, I know how fast one's body deteriorates on starvation diets). This "no- sugar-no-wheat" diet makes me feel well while I am losing body fat---thus I will stay on it. Anymore questions?
    That's great if it works for you. Just stop posting info as if it were factual. It's not.
    Calorie deficit. That is how you lose weight. There is nothing wrong with wheat or dairy. Man has eaten it through the ages.

    Well, it is a fact that it works for me and has for many others.

    The wheat that we have served up to us today is VERY different from the wheat our ancestors ate. It has been specifically bred to contain MUCH higher levels of gluten (which the human gut does not digest well). I eat a moderate amount of organic dairy as I feel better when I do. The non-organic dairy that is being served up today has substances in it that I object to (like cow pus that comes from injecting cows with recombinant growth hormone that makes their udders sick).
    There is the crux of your logical fallacy. You think that is what worked.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    No--calories do ultimately count but anyone desiring fat loss, must force their bodies into burning body fat for his/her energy needs---which varies a great deal from person to person. My husband has approximately 70% more lean body mass (he's a big guy) than I do, so it is much easier for him to go into calorie deficit than it is for me. Plus, if you add in the "fat-hoarding hormone" estrogen, which tends to make women's bodies "want" to burn muscle rather than fat for energy needs, some drastic measures are called for. Thus, cutting out the nearly empty calories of sugar and white flour (and wheat in general for some specific reasons of appetite control) are often very helpful measures. This is true for women in particular, but for men with a lot of weight to lose as well (body fat pumps estrogen into their blood streams too---thus "man-boobs"). The diet that doesn't rob your body of important nutrients is the diet you will stay on (because you feel better) and we all have basic needs that cannot be disregarded or we will suffer a deterioration of health (believe me, I know how fast one's body deteriorates on starvation diets). This "no- sugar-no-wheat" diet makes me feel well while I am losing body fat---thus I will stay on it. Anymore questions?
    That's great if it works for you. Just stop posting info as if it were factual. It's not.
    Calorie deficit. That is how you lose weight. There is nothing wrong with wheat or dairy. Man has eaten it through the ages.

    Well, it is a fact that it works for me and has for many others.

    The wheat that we have served up to us today is VERY different from the wheat our ancestors ate. It has been specifically bred to contain MUCH higher levels of gluten (which the human gut does not digest well). I eat a moderate amount of organic dairy as I feel better when I do. The non-organic dairy that is being served up today has substances in it that I object to (like cow pus that comes from injecting cows with recombinant growth hormone that makes their udders sick).
    There is the crux of your logical fallacy. You think that is what worked.

    The sophists of ancient Greece were able to prove just about anything---no matter how absurd--through their formal logic. You have no idea how many diets I tried that I could not stay on for more than a few months at best. I have been on my current plan for most of a year and have lost 50 pounds--never once gaining any back and this is a plan that I can stay on for the rest of my life. Isn't it a bit presumptuous of you to try to argue with that?
  • luv2camp
    luv2camp Posts: 21 Member
    Wow I did not expect to get some great advice and touch on so many nerves. I appologize!