What Makes You Nervous About Losing Weight?



  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I suffer from barophobia, Its pretty debilitating with regards to weight loss.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    My original goal was to "look better fully dressed". I have lost 70 pounds and have achieved that. Beyond my wildest dreams I went from a dowdy size 16 to a "wear what I want to" size 4! I had never really been 135 as an adult. My skin was always kind of flabby anyway with lots of stretch marks, so sadly my skin does indeed sag now, but I'd still rather be at this healthy weight knowing I am adding years to my life than being fat again. Maybe exercise over time will help, but maybe I am just too old. My sagging arms will just have to bear witness to the awesome weight loss job I've done. They will not define me as a person. How many people only dream of losing the weight and reaching their personal goal?

    Also people do treat me differently being a size 4 instead of a size 16. It is probably due to the way I also felt about myself. I have much more self confidence just knowing that I am not fat anymore and people are not judging me solely on being fat anymore.

    I work at home and we have our own Auto Repair business, so mainly interact with men. Many are long time friends of husband so any remarks are positive. I don't have to deal with the catty women in a workplace. However I do remember losing weight before when I worked at the hospital and people would constantly be sizing me up. You lost weight. What do you eat? Why are you eating that? Like it or not I guess that is just human nature and you need to find a way to deal with it. There will always be those people who are jealous and want to see you fail. It makes them feel better somehow. After all, if losing weight was easy, everyone would be thin. I've heard from women who did lose their weight, too that now they are criticized for not eating! Just goes to show that some people will never be happy with YOUR body, YOUR weight loss, YOUR success. Because somehow it reflects on them and their weight issues.

    Just go out there and be the best you can be. This is YOUR life! Maintenance is no cake walk either. IT requires the same diligence as losing weight, however you will be more used to your limitations by then knowing what you should and should not do. And don't ever lose sight of the awesome accomplishment you have made or you WILL be one of the 90 - 95% that does gain it all back and more. It isn't magic. It just takes daily thought and follow through.
  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
  • horselady34
    horselady34 Posts: 51 Member
    I love the feeling of losing weight, the only thing that makes me nervous is gaining it back and then some! Usually comes back ten fold and it gets harder each time I try to start over again.. Maintaining is a huge thing, but metabolism slows after weight loss.We'll see though!
  • healthyformeanMona
    healthyformeanMona Posts: 143 Member
    Being unattractive again rather than fat and unattractive

    at least i have been able to pretend my complete lack of beauty is to do with my weight rather than how I truly am... But i need to be healthy so i can't use it as a crutch anymore.

    Something like this -- it has been easy to blame any social, work-related, or other problem on my being overweight. It's almost like losing a friend who you know is bad for you, but you still are connected in some dysfunctional way. Plus, the extra layer of fat provides some sort of weird shield or protection--from what or who? Not sure, but I am willing to lean into this and find out what is on the other side of it!
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    That I'll work my butt off and nothing will happen. Then what?
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
  • Ashleyyyb93
    What other people think....and also finding out what people thought about me when I was overweight.

    Some of my family and friends used to say "You're not fat!!" and I would believe them...and now I am a healthy weight...they say "yeah, well you were quite big, weren't you."...it hurts, even though I am not overweight anymore....and it makes me nervous to think about peoples opinions of me....

    x x x x
  • Jerrawuff
    I'm nervous tha my boobs will be really small and/or my skin will be loose and I'll look gross.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I still won't be able to find clothes that fit.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    I'm nervous about still being ugly,

    like, maybe my extra chin is distracting from my face

    and when it's gone, all that's left is my pit-bull face
  • Jannalicious
    Jannalicious Posts: 215 Member
    I am worried I will start looking my age. I've already seen the tell tale signs of wrinkles in my face. I don't care about my body so much as I do my face. Yes, I am vain!!
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Being so awesome that peoples' head will explode instantaneously when they look at me.

    On a serious note, seeing some of the responses in here, weight loss and fitness is as much about mental perception as it is about physical changes. Work on your perception of yourself side-by-side with your physical changes, otherwise goal weight *will* be terrifying (but it doesn't have to).
  • joymelanson
    giving up.....I always start off strong and as soon as I start hearing the compliments I let things slide and eventually give up. This time I should set the goal and stick to it til I reach it! Saggy skin is also a worry since I am in my 50's and have yoyo dieted many times.
  • ColleenHollis
    Good point about being invisable. My husband started recently making comments about guys checking me out. I wish he wouldn't do that. I don't notice because I'm not looking for guy attention. One thing I'm super glad about this forum because my family gets very tired about hearing about workouts etc. I imagine it could be that way in an office setting. Woman are so dang competitive. I've caught myself being judgemental towards those who worked out and look great on facebook. Felt like they were bragging a bit. But honestly, I was over 200 lbs and super insecure about my weight. Birds of a feather flock together and as your lifestyle reflects one of healthy choices, your close friend group will change. I do fear those who are obese not understanding my compassion for where they are. I do care and if they have not known me they are closed off to me as a friend in the gym or in public. Here is my biggest fear...getting to my goal (maintenance mode). Will I be able to do it? Yo yo lifestyle cannot be an option :o)
  • currierand
    currierand Posts: 155 Member
    Being unattractive again rather than fat and unattractive

    at least i have been able to pretend my complete lack of beauty is to do with my weight rather than how I truly am... But i need to be healthy so i can't use it as a crutch anymore.

    Something like this -- it has been easy to blame any social, work-related, or other problem on my being overweight. It's almost like losing a friend who you know is bad for you, but you still are connected in some dysfunctional way. Plus, the extra layer of fat provides some sort of weird shield or protection--from what or who? Not sure, but I am willing to lean into this and find out what is on the other side of it!

    Okay, you two need a hug, STAT! Nerdy_Rose has the right idea. I'm not exactly a cheerleader (or a supermodel), but most of us are on this site to take better care of ourselves, and that, in of itself, is pretty awesome.

    Yes, I still have a few pounds to lose and some bad habits to break. But everyday, I log on here and track my progress and every time I drag my butt to the gym I am a little closer to those goals. So, no need to be nervous, and no need to be your worst enemy.

    So, say it with me ladies, I'm pretty awesome...Pretty....awesome!
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am nervous about what my maintenance calories will be. I see some people saying they are maintaining on 1600 calories a day and I am really hoping to maintain at, or better yet above, 2000 calories a day. Just to have more flexibility in what and how much I can eat.
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    My cellulite & stretchmarks look worse as soon as I hit 129. It is like my magic, awful number. I am now at 126 and I hope to just build my glutes and quads like a madman and hopefully things will look a little better back there!
  • torrini
    torrini Posts: 78 Member
    The thing that's worrying me is that I've never been skinny before. I mean I was in my teenage years but I always felt fat even then so I have no idea how to be in a "new" body.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member

    Ditto :frown: