Any breakfast suggestions???

I get into the drive-thru lane every morning on the way to the office. I need a cheaper, low calorie, easy, do-it-myself breakfast that I can eat at home or in the car. Any suggestions?


  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Buy a stick blender with a lidded cup or beaker, make a smoothie using protein powder, primarily frozen fruits and veggies, peanut butter or dairy. Very fast to make, rinse the blender attachment under the tap and out the door with your beaker.
  • jenmsu83
    jenmsu83 Posts: 185 Member
    I love making my own breakfast sandwiches in advance and popping them in the microwave. Make up some scrambled eggs (I use just the whites), cook up some turkey sausage patties, get some light cheese slices. Put it all together and voila! Wrap them in saran wrap and put in sandwich baggies and freeze. I take them out and wrap them in a paper towel and nuke em for about a minute in the microwave. They are great!
  • JMOrwig
    JMOrwig Posts: 14 Member
    I do 1/4 C. old fashioned oatmeal with 1/2 C. water in the mocrowave for 2 min. While that is cooking I collect 1 teaspoon Splenda Brown Sugar and 1/4 C. nuts to add when it is done cooking. I eat this with 1 stick of lowfat cheese for protein, and I find this breakfast is fast, easy, and holds me for hours, even through an aerobic workout. The only trick to this is to cook the oatmeal in a 4 cup bowl --large enough so it does not overflow in the microwafe.
  • I do "mcmuffins"...
    multi-grain english muffins toasted
    1/3 cup egg substitute
    two slices of Canadian bacon

    Depending on brand of english muffin it should be approx. 215 calories
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    What do you normally get? Breakfast sandwich?
  • I love making my own breakfast sandwiches in advance and popping them in the microwave. Make up some scrambled eggs (I use just the whites), cook up some turkey sausage patties, get some light cheese slices. Put it all together and voila! Wrap them in saran wrap and put in sandwich baggies and freeze. I take them out and wrap them in a paper towel and nuke em for about a minute in the microwave. They are great!

    That is such a great idea!!! I am going to have to do that!!!
  • biddy249
    biddy249 Posts: 76 Member
    I do scrambled eggs with lots of fresh fruit. Two to three days a week I make smoothies with protein powder, frozen friut, banana, milk and water. Just say no to drive thru windows in 2013 and you will be good to go.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I love making my own breakfast sandwiches in advance and popping them in the microwave. Make up some scrambled eggs (I use just the whites), cook up some turkey sausage patties, get some light cheese slices. Put it all together and voila! Wrap them in saran wrap and put in sandwich baggies and freeze. I take them out and wrap them in a paper towel and nuke em for about a minute in the microwave. They are great!
  • DanTillson
    DanTillson Posts: 71 Member
    Oats, protein power & water. All in a shaker. Cheap, easy, tasty & quick. Ain't fancy but does the job and fills you up till lunch:)
  • new2canada
    new2canada Posts: 119 Member
    I couldn't think of anything worse than having drive-thru every're really missing out! I find breakfast to be my favourite meal of the day. It's so quick and easy to have cereal or heat up a bowl of quick oats and add some banana.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Homemade Breakfast sandwich
    Breakfast Muffins (toast stuffed in the bottom of a muffin cup, topped with canadian bacon and an egg) freeze until needed.
    half a container of yogurt topped with 1/2 c of organic granola
    Peanut butter/banana flour-less pancakes(one mashed banana, two eggs, 1/2 C peanut butter, sprinkle of cinnamon, and splash of vanilla- cook just like a regular pancake)
    Cold high fiber cereal with coconut or almond milk
    Oatmeal with any manor of add ins

    Those are all my go tos. I stick with one until I'm sick of it and move to a new one.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    Oats, protein power & water. All in a shaker. Cheap, easy, tasty & quick. Ain't fancy but does the job and fills you up till lunch:)
    Dan, I like your style!
    Sometimes when I can not sit for a nice meal, I just like to keep things simple and fast.
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I love making my own breakfast sandwiches in advance and popping them in the microwave. Make up some scrambled eggs (I use just the whites), cook up some turkey sausage patties, get some light cheese slices. Put it all together and voila! Wrap them in saran wrap and put in sandwich baggies and freeze. I take them out and wrap them in a paper towel and nuke em for about a minute in the microwave. They are great!

    I really like this idea! Do the eggs freeze well and have normal texture when they defrost?
  • topher6970
    topher6970 Posts: 4 Member
    Firefox 7279. Has a great idea I have been doing the same all year..... Saves a tone of time
  • DanTillson
    DanTillson Posts: 71 Member
    Oats, protein power & water. All in a shaker. Cheap, easy, tasty & quick. Ain't fancy but does the job and fills you up till lunch:)
    Dan, I like your style!
    Sometimes when I can sit for a nice meal, I just like to keep things simple and fast.

    Thanks :) I used to eat 3 nuked eggs every morning but was hungry by 1030 and they are so messy to clear up too! with oats/pro/water its just easy, job done and out the door. Scrubbing tupperware boxes at 730am? Too much effort for me haha.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    if you want a breakfast sandwich, i use one eggland egg and a serving of egg whites, chopped onion and red bell pepper with italian seasoning and pepper.. mix it up in a bowl and microwave it ..comes out can add it to a sandwich thin or bagel thin and throw some shredded cheddar cheese on too or whatever else healthy you want . make it up the night before if you are limited on time and nuke it in the microwave before heading off to work
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    I've been eating 1/2 an English Muffin (55 cals) with 1/2 serving of egg substitute, cooked (15 cal) on top. The egg substitute cooks in the time the English muffin is toasting.
    Fast and easy.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    Spinache egg quiches are quick and easy to make and have a million variations. Great to make in advance. Spray 12 muffin tins and fill, cook and then freeze. Easy to microwave for a few seconds each to warm and easy to take and eat. Only 50 calories for veggie each or add your choice of ham or turkey sausage for a little extra flavor and just a few more calories.

    3 eggs (or a 1/2 cup of egg whites, or 3/4 cup liquid egg substitute)
    1 10 ounce package frozen spinach, thawed
    1/2 cup chopped onion
    1/2 cup chopped green pepper
    3/4 low fat mozzarella cheese, shredded
    1 dash tabasco sauce (optional)

    cook at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Enjoy,
  • SlimFast, 10oz plastic bottles, drink them as you go. Cal count is 190 per serving. Cost is way less than the drive thru and the shake should last you for about 4 hours. Then add in your snack at work - mine is always an orange. Takes about 2 weeks for your body to really adjust to the shake because it's not really food. Also dont forget the water!
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Oatmeal and banana in a cup to go. Toast with peanut butter. Egg sandwich to go: microwave some egg whites and cheese and toss it on some bread or in a wrap to go.