Quitting smoking?



  • BrenWOW
    BrenWOW Posts: 95
    I applaud you for quitting. I used to smoke years ago, and just wanted to share with you a breathing technique that helped me at times ... Give it a try...

    Inhale for 4 counts (big breath)
    Hold your breath for 2 counts
    Exhale for 8 counts (slow and controlled)
    Repeat twice more for a total of 3 times

    Now sit quietly for a minute and just relax. Pretend you just finished a cigarette.

    Good luck to you.

    I just tried that, it's so relaxing!!! Even if you weren't having a craving. Thanks!
  • Angecus
    Angecus Posts: 19 Member
    I'm bringing back this thread, lol. On October 1st it will be 9 months ago that I quit smoking. My last cig was on Dec 31, 2012. I just woke up on New Year's Day and figured it was as good a time as any to quit. 100% cold turkey and I've never looked back. The first 2-3 months was hard. The social aspect most of all. But I distracted myself, did breathing exercises, and tried not to think about it at all.

    But now, lemme tell you - I taste food so much better, I don't get heart palpitations at all anymore, I don't get out of breath so quickly, and I look and smell better overall. And I'm using that $35/week I used to spend on cigs on way more productive things!

    If you are determined to finally quit smoking YOU CAN DO IT!. You can do anything. They call it a vice for a good reason. Break free from it.