Pepsi addict! Help!!



  • Tymeshia
    Tymeshia Posts: 194 Member
    I used to drink diet pepsi like crazy. 5 years ago I just stopped cold turkey.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Pepsi Next. It doesn't taste just like regular Pepsi, but it is pretty good. It's only 60 calories, and not really healthy for you, but it would be a good transitional soda. Also, diet Dr. Pepper cherry or Dr. Pepper 10 if you're into Dr. Pepper. I love both of those and have them every now and then.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.
    Really? Where's the information of proof for that?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    And you're certified in nutrition....:noway: This isn't news

    **Oh phew, just realized you "studied" it. That makes it a LITTLE less concerning.
  • a_certain_shade_of_green
    pepsi max or coke zero are my go-to sodas. unless there's dr pepper zero available! ive cut down quite a bit though...

    and as for diet drinks being worse for you than regular when trying to get in shape? what a crock of she-ite. how can zero calories be worse than hundreds of them?? some of the carp that gets posted on here... <face palm>

    obviously getting off soda and drinking buckets of water would be beneficial long term, but i would imagine going cold turkey isnt going to feel amazing
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
    How bad do you want to do it? Motivation is key! I stopped cold turkey in August 2011, after growing up drinking it with dinner, and having developed a 3 or 4 coke a day habit for decades. I had to make radical changes to my diet and lifestyle for health reasons. One day, I came home from the hospital after surgery, and simply tossed all cokes and all junk food. I have lost 171 pounds since then, after having been obese since I was a young child. Motivation was they key for me! I didn't want to give it up. I liked it. A lot! But I REALLY wanted to improve my health! That stuff has absolutely NO redeemeing value!
  • royallv
    royallv Posts: 84 Member
    It is the caffine in the soda that you are craving, try oolong tea or green tea with honey. Hot or cold it is great either way. I use to be addicted to Pepsi until I read all the disadvantages to your health from it. Baby steps helps too...Congrats on only 1 today. :)
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    I did this last year. I was drinking 4 or 5 diet sodas a day and I would get a major headache when I didn't have one. I decided to stop drinking soda entirely for a while and switched to green tea when I needed my caffeine. It has been about 9 months since I did this, I didn't notice the headaches as much since I was getting the caffeine and now I don't even like the taste of Coke or Pepsi. I allow myself to have an occasional root beer, but most of the time now I drink water or tea. I enjoy iced green tea with a little lemon juice and honey.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    Gave up coke a year or so ago
    Had headaches for weeks
    Took paracetamol till the headaches went away

    Don't go back to cola's and high caffeine drinks or you'll have to start over
  • a_certain_shade_of_green
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.
    Really? Where's the information of proof for that?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    And you're certified in nutrition....:noway: This isn't news

    nowhere in that article does it say anything like "diet soda is worse for you than regular soda if youre trying to lose weight".
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.
    Really? Where's the information of proof for that?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    And you're certified in nutrition....:noway: This isn't news
    As "association" isn't a cause. Correlating isn't causation. Show me a peer reviewed clinical study proving that diet soda is worse for you than regular soda when it comes to weight loss.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kschmi24
    kschmi24 Posts: 59 Member
    I LOOOVE Coke and Sprite. I try to drink club soda flavored with a lime when I get a soda craving. Gives me that bubbly refreshing crispness without the calories or weird chemicals. . . though I never drank 6-8 cans a day. Maybe cut down to 3 cans a day and substitute the other 3 with the club soda thing until you can cut it down to 2, then 1, then 0!

    And you know, I don't want to live in a world where I cannot drink a coke time and time again. Maybe once a month or so. If you think about it in terms of "I can have one 1x/week", I think it helps, rather than cutting yourself off entirely. And who knows, maybe after a few weeks you won't crave it so much anymore?
  • Kitkat_58
    Kitkat_58 Posts: 35 Member
    I quit cold turkey! Drank lots of water and green tea. No headaches, I was very lucky.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.
    Really? Where's the information of proof for that?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    And you're certified in nutrition....:noway: This isn't news

    **Oh phew, just realized you "studied" it. That makes it a LITTLE less concerning.

    That study was about diet soda.. more specifically aspartame. I saw not a comparison of weight loss while consuming soda and diet soda.
  • kacinace
    kacinace Posts: 70 Member
    I was that way with Mt. Dew. I began buying only fountain soda, and mixing the regular Mt. Dew with Diet, gradually increasing the diet. As I did that, I began drinking less because I didn't like the taste as much. Now when I'm craving soda I take a sip from my husbands can of Mt Dew and I'm good.
  • kschmi24
    kschmi24 Posts: 59 Member
    LOL at Huffington Post being the one source cited. Heh. Try Mayo Clinic or something next time. :)
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.
    Really? Where's the information of proof for that?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    And you're certified in nutrition....:noway: This isn't news
    As "association" isn't a cause. Correlating isn't causation. Show me a peer reviewed clinical study proving that diet soda is worse for you than regular soda when it comes to weight loss.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    LOL at Huffington Post being the one source cited. Heh. Try Mayo Clinic or something next time. :)

    Did you even read the article? I cited it because it links the studies.

    :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    LOL at Huffington Post being the one source cited. Heh. Try Mayo Clinic or something next time. :)

    Huff Post is an online newspaper. Study results are considered news.
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    LOL at Huffington Post being the one source cited. Heh. Try Mayo Clinic or something next time. :)

    I was thinking the same thing. I mean, at least go to a source that specializes in health not just a general news cite