Pepsi addict! Help!!



  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    There is also a study out that suggests that diet soda may lead to an almost 50% increased risk of stroke or heart attack.. if consumed everyday.

    Yepp. Pretty sure that is another study that is linked in the "incredible" Huffington Post source I cited. Therefore I guess the University of Texas Health Sciences is incredible too because that was linked as well... Hmm, oh well. Just looks like people are either afraid of the truth or are totally incapable of learning and accepting new things to broaden their minds and bodies. We've cited several credible sources, but they still refuse to open their eyes. Whatchya gonna do. You know what they say "don't argue with an idiot, because onlookers can't tell who's who". With that, I say goodnight:)
    Lol, hopefully you aren't going to be a lawyer. Defining what's actual fact and possibility may get a client hung.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.

    I lost 60 pounds in five months while drinking six cans of diet soda a day. I do not get cravings. I am not hungry between meals. I do not eat more than I did when I drank regular soda many many years ago. While they may have found some people that appear to get cravings for the "calories not provided", I refuse to believe this is how all people react to artificial sweeteners. I refuse to believe that if I ate the exact same calories and did the exact same exercise, but substituted my six diet sodas with six regular sodas (900 calories for Pepsi) that they would be better for my weight loss. Sorry, but the numbers don't lie in that case. Some people drink alcohol in moderation and are fine while others subsequently can't put it down and become alcoholics. Every person reacts differently to things. *My* diet has been just fine with diet soda. It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how, but no one is going to make me believe that for me "diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda." Sorry, but my scale says otherwise.

    Edit: Fixed a typo.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I used to have 3 a day, now I have maybe 1 a week? I'd say cut back slowly if you are having trouble. Also, try different teas, they have caffeine and you can have them sweet or unsweet.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.

    I've lost 60 pounds in five months while drinking six cans of diet soda a day. I do not get cravings. I am not hungry between meals. I do not eat more than I did when I drank regular soda many many years ago. While they may have found some people that appear to get cravings for the "calories not provided", I refuse to believe this is how all people react to artificial sweeteners. I refuse to believe that if I ate the exact same calories and did the exact same exercise, but substituted my six diet sodas with six regular sodas (900 calories for Pepsi) that they would be better for my weight loss. Sorry, but the numbers don't lie in that case. Some people drink alcohol in moderation and are fine while others subsequently can't put it down and become alcoholics. Every person reacts differently to things. *My* diet has been just fine with diet soda. It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how, but no one is going to make me believe that for me "diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda." Sorry, but my scale says otherwise.

    People refused to think that the world was round and that the Earth revolved around the could that be?

    Okay, but in all seriousness though, there are studies shown to link that it has contributed to weight gain, and other things that contributed to poor health. Were the results the same for everyone? No. Because that's not how life or research works. You obviously still lost weight. Doesn't mean that you should dismiss other evidence.

    I'm sure other peoples scales could be contradictory to your story, as well.

    Everyone is different.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It's Mtn Dew for me. I find as long as I drink enough water, and get my caffeine fix elsewhere, then I don't crave it that much. I like the Mio concentrate that you can just add to water. They have a few "energy" (read: caffeine) flavors, and they're both pretty good. Added bonus, no calories.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.

    I lost 60 pounds in five months while drinking six cans of diet soda a day. I do not get cravings. I am not hungry between meals. I do not eat more than I did when I drank regular soda many many years ago. While they may have found some people that appear to get cravings for the "calories not provided", I refuse to believe this is how all people react to artificial sweeteners. I refuse to believe that if I ate the exact same calories and did the exact same exercise, but substituted my six diet sodas with six regular sodas (900 calories for Pepsi) that they would be better for my weight loss. Sorry, but the numbers don't lie in that case. Some people drink alcohol in moderation and are fine while others subsequently can't put it down and become alcoholics. Every person reacts differently to things. *My* diet has been just fine with diet soda. It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how, but no one is going to make me believe that for me "diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda." Sorry, but my scale says otherwise.

    Edit: Fixed a typo.

    Not everyone who smokes cigarettes will develop lung cancer, but we can both agree cigarettes are bad for you right ?

    edit: Congrats on your weight loss by the way.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    There is also a study out that suggests that diet soda may lead to an almost 50% increased risk of stroke or heart attack.. if consumed everyday.
    Let's see it because I'd like to read it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Thanks for the link. Read the study and it ends about the same as all "links" to diet soda and health risks:
    “Our results suggest a potential association between daily diet soft drink consumption and vascular outcomes,” Gardener said. “However, the mechanisms by which soft drinks may affect vascular events are unclear. There is a need for further research before any conclusions can be drawn regarding the potential health consequences of diet soft drink consumption.”
    I appreciate the link though and I'm sure that when more studies are more definitive to diet soda actually causing a potential health issue, I'll change my stance. Till then, I don't believe that drinking a can of diet soda a day is actually gonna be the cause of death for someone because there isn't enough evidence to actually show it happens.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    I drank 4 litres of pepsi a day and gave it up cold turkey a little over 2 years ago.. I don't miss it one bit..
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.

    I've lost 60 pounds in five months while drinking six cans of diet soda a day. I do not get cravings. I am not hungry between meals. I do not eat more than I did when I drank regular soda many many years ago. While they may have found some people that appear to get cravings for the "calories not provided", I refuse to believe this is how all people react to artificial sweeteners. I refuse to believe that if I ate the exact same calories and did the exact same exercise, but substituted my six diet sodas with six regular sodas (900 calories for Pepsi) that they would be better for my weight loss. Sorry, but the numbers don't lie in that case. Some people drink alcohol in moderation and are fine while others subsequently can't put it down and become alcoholics. Every person reacts differently to things. *My* diet has been just fine with diet soda. It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how, but no one is going to make me believe that for me "diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda." Sorry, but my scale says otherwise.

    People refused to think that the world was round and that the Earth revolved around the could that be?

    Okay, but in all seriousness though, there are studies shown to link that it has contributed to weight gain, and other things that contributed to poor health. Were the results the same for everyone? No. Because that's not how life or research works. You obviously still lost weight. Doesn't mean that you should dismiss other evidence.

    I'm sure other peoples scales could be contradictory to your story, as well.

    Everyone is different.

    Thank you for reiterating what I just said. Did you read my comment at all?
    While they may have found some people that appear to get cravings for the "calories not provided", I refuse to believe this is how all people react to artificial sweeteners
    Every person reacts differently to things.
    It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how...

    I said the exact same thing you just threw back at me. Everyone is different.
  • blshender
    Two things. First, when dealing with food addictions or cravings I always boil it down. What am I actually craving? Because you aren't craving cake, you're craving calories. Have an apple instead and train your cravings to something healthy. You've already done this, you're craving caffeine, not soda per se. Switch to black tea or coffee and train yourself off craving the sugars and chemicals. Then work on the caffeine separately.

    As for the whole gaining weight on a zero calorie food: if it tastes sweet your body will prepare itself for receiving sugars. Just because the sugars are never received doesn't mean your body can retroactively not release the insulin already released. Your body will still begin to turn sugars to fat to compensate for the extra carbohydrates it thinks are being flooded in your system (your body trying to not become diabetic). The fact that the sugars never arrive just means your sugar level will decrease. Ever get headaches after drinking diet something on an empty stomach? Stick with water and don't eat things made by Round Up's parent company. Fun fact: aspartame was invented as an insecticide.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    I appreciate the link though and I'm sure that when more studies are more definitive to diet soda actually causing a potential health issue, I'll change my stance. Till then, I don't believe that drinking a can of diet soda a day is actually gonna be the cause of death for someone because there isn't enough evidence to actually show it happens.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    You're right in the sense that there is not a study yet that says with 100% accuracy that artificial sweetners are bad. For me though there is enough there to warrant me staying away from it if possible.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    But says nothing on weight loss being worse with diet drinks compared to regular drinks which was the question at hand.
    There are many factors to obesity besides the link to diet soda. You CAN'T gain weight from ZERO CALORIES. Does it cause cravings for some? Possibly, but drinking a zero calorie drink isn't what's making one fat compared to a regular drink which has about 120 calories per can.
    If you drank 2 cans of diet soda at zero calories and 2 cans of regular soda at 120 calories, it's pretty obvious that the regular soda will be higher in total calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    If losing weight is battling obesity... and diet soda adds to obesity more than regular soda... I take that as diet soda is worse.
    That's just my personal opinion.
    I hear ya, but I can guarantee you that there are lots of people on here who have lost weight drinking diet soda compared to regular soda.
    Diet soda affects people differently, as does carbs or caffeine, etc. I believe definitively thinking that it affects people only one way would be denying that people can't lose weight drinking it.
    I do respect you opinion on it though.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.

    I've lost 60 pounds in five months while drinking six cans of diet soda a day. I do not get cravings. I am not hungry between meals. I do not eat more than I did when I drank regular soda many many years ago. While they may have found some people that appear to get cravings for the "calories not provided", I refuse to believe this is how all people react to artificial sweeteners. I refuse to believe that if I ate the exact same calories and did the exact same exercise, but substituted my six diet sodas with six regular sodas (900 calories for Pepsi) that they would be better for my weight loss. Sorry, but the numbers don't lie in that case. Some people drink alcohol in moderation and are fine while others subsequently can't put it down and become alcoholics. Every person reacts differently to things. *My* diet has been just fine with diet soda. It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how, but no one is going to make me believe that for me "diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda." Sorry, but my scale says otherwise.

    People refused to think that the world was round and that the Earth revolved around the could that be?

    Okay, but in all seriousness though, there are studies shown to link that it has contributed to weight gain, and other things that contributed to poor health. Were the results the same for everyone? No. Because that's not how life or research works. You obviously still lost weight. Doesn't mean that you should dismiss other evidence.

    I'm sure other peoples scales could be contradictory to your story, as well.

    Everyone is different.

    Thank you for reiterating what I just said. Did you read my comment at all?
    While they may have found some people that appear to get cravings for the "calories not provided", I refuse to believe this is how all people react to artificial sweeteners
    Every person reacts differently to things.
    It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how...

    I said the exact same thing you just threw back at me. Everyone is different.

    I was pointing out that it's weird to dismiss that it can contribute to weight gain just because it didn't happen to you. Like you said, everyone is different,but in the same breath you say you refuse to believe that anyone else could have different results from you.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.

    I lost 60 pounds in five months while drinking six cans of diet soda a day. I do not get cravings. I am not hungry between meals. I do not eat more than I did when I drank regular soda many many years ago. While they may have found some people that appear to get cravings for the "calories not provided", I refuse to believe this is how all people react to artificial sweeteners. I refuse to believe that if I ate the exact same calories and did the exact same exercise, but substituted my six diet sodas with six regular sodas (900 calories for Pepsi) that they would be better for my weight loss. Sorry, but the numbers don't lie in that case. Some people drink alcohol in moderation and are fine while others subsequently can't put it down and become alcoholics. Every person reacts differently to things. *My* diet has been just fine with diet soda. It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how, but no one is going to make me believe that for me "diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda." Sorry, but my scale says otherwise.

    Edit: Fixed a typo.

    Not everyone who smokes cigarettes will develop lung cancer, but we can both agree cigarettes are bad for you right ?

    edit: Congrats on your weight loss by the way.

    I was not commenting on the discussion regarding the "bad for you" debate. I will remain open minded on that while they continue their studies. I was strictly commenting on the "diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda" comment.

    And thanks.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.

    I've lost 60 pounds in five months while drinking six cans of diet soda a day. I do not get cravings. I am not hungry between meals. I do not eat more than I did when I drank regular soda many many years ago. While they may have found some people that appear to get cravings for the "calories not provided", I refuse to believe this is how all people react to artificial sweeteners. I refuse to believe that if I ate the exact same calories and did the exact same exercise, but substituted my six diet sodas with six regular sodas (900 calories for Pepsi) that they would be better for my weight loss. Sorry, but the numbers don't lie in that case. Some people drink alcohol in moderation and are fine while others subsequently can't put it down and become alcoholics. Every person reacts differently to things. *My* diet has been just fine with diet soda. It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how, but no one is going to make me believe that for me "diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda." Sorry, but my scale says otherwise.

    People refused to think that the world was round and that the Earth revolved around the could that be?

    Okay, but in all seriousness though, there are studies shown to link that it has contributed to weight gain, and other things that contributed to poor health. Were the results the same for everyone? No. Because that's not how life or research works. You obviously still lost weight. Doesn't mean that you should dismiss other evidence.

    I'm sure other peoples scales could be contradictory to your story, as well.

    Everyone is different.

    Thank you for reiterating what I just said. Did you read my comment at all?
    While they may have found some people that appear to get cravings for the "calories not provided", I refuse to believe this is how all people react to artificial sweeteners
    Every person reacts differently to things.
    It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how...

    I said the exact same thing you just threw back at me. Everyone is different.

    I was pointing out that it's weird to dismiss that it can contribute to weight gain just because it didn't happen to you. Like you said, everyone is different,but in the same breath you say you refuse to believe that anyone else could have different results from you.

    Again. Did you read it? I *never* said I dismissed it. I said it doesn't affect *my* diet. I said "It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how..." How the heck is me saying it may affect some people's weight loss dismissing that it may affect some people's weight loss???
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.

    I've lost 60 pounds in five months while drinking six cans of diet soda a day. I do not get cravings. I am not hungry between meals. I do not eat more than I did when I drank regular soda many many years ago. While they may have found some people that appear to get cravings for the "calories not provided", I refuse to believe this is how all people react to artificial sweeteners. I refuse to believe that if I ate the exact same calories and did the exact same exercise, but substituted my six diet sodas with six regular sodas (900 calories for Pepsi) that they would be better for my weight loss. Sorry, but the numbers don't lie in that case. Some people drink alcohol in moderation and are fine while others subsequently can't put it down and become alcoholics. Every person reacts differently to things. *My* diet has been just fine with diet soda. It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how, but no one is going to make me believe that for me "diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda." Sorry, but my scale says otherwise.

    People refused to think that the world was round and that the Earth revolved around the could that be?
    Because they were told it without actual science to back it up.:laugh:
    Okay, but in all seriousness though, there are studies shown to link that it has contributed to weight gain, and other things that contributed to poor health. Were the results the same for everyone? No. Because that's not how life or research works. You obviously still lost weight. Doesn't mean that you should dismiss other evidence.

    I'm sure other peoples scales could be contradictory to your story, as well.

    Everyone is different.
    Car accidents are directly linked to driving. Does that mean that everyone that drives WILL get into a car accident? Of course not. The "potential" and "possibility" is there, but it's not definitive. See the difference?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.
    Really? Where's the information of proof for that?
    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Diet soda changes negatively they way cigarette smoke feels when I inhale.
    It's all those chemicals they lace those drinks with I suppose.
    They're just
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.

    I've lost 60 pounds in five months while drinking six cans of diet soda a day. I do not get cravings. I am not hungry between meals. I do not eat more than I did when I drank regular soda many many years ago. While they may have found some people that appear to get cravings for the "calories not provided", I refuse to believe this is how all people react to artificial sweeteners. I refuse to believe that if I ate the exact same calories and did the exact same exercise, but substituted my six diet sodas with six regular sodas (900 calories for Pepsi) that they would be better for my weight loss. Sorry, but the numbers don't lie in that case. Some people drink alcohol in moderation and are fine while others subsequently can't put it down and become alcoholics. Every person reacts differently to things. *My* diet has been just fine with diet soda. It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how, but no one is going to make me believe that for me "diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda." Sorry, but my scale says otherwise.

    People refused to think that the world was round and that the Earth revolved around the could that be?

    Okay, but in all seriousness though, there are studies shown to link that it has contributed to weight gain, and other things that contributed to poor health. Were the results the same for everyone? No. Because that's not how life or research works. You obviously still lost weight. Doesn't mean that you should dismiss other evidence.

    I'm sure other peoples scales could be contradictory to your story, as well.

    Everyone is different.

    Thank you for reiterating what I just said. Did you read my comment at all?
    While they may have found some people that appear to get cravings for the "calories not provided", I refuse to believe this is how all people react to artificial sweeteners
    Every person reacts differently to things.
    It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how...

    I said the exact same thing you just threw back at me. Everyone is different.

    I was pointing out that it's weird to dismiss that it can contribute to weight gain just because it didn't happen to you. Like you said, everyone is different,but in the same breath you say you refuse to believe that anyone else could have different results from you.

    Again. Did you read it? I *never* said I dismissed it. I said it doesn't affect *my* diet. I said "It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how..." How the heck is me saying it may affect some people's weight loss dismissing that it may affect some people's weight loss???


    I did but apparently not correctly. Thats what a hangover and 3 hours of sleep does to ya I guess. I thought you said
    "It may seem to affect some people's weight loss some how, but no one is going to make me believe that "diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda."

    I was like wuhhh?
  • lmbs1966
    lmbs1966 Posts: 57 Member
    Wow do I know this one well!! I will never understand how people do drugs. I tried to come off Pepsi and I felt horrible. The headaches are crazy and somedays I felt like death on the couch. It's sound funny to say, but I haven't had Pepsi since before Thanksgiving. It's not easy by any means, but if I can do it so can you. I use the lipton green tea three times a day, 9 glasses of water, and crystal light ice tea. I wish I had better advise for you but I don't. Also, my family abuses me and drinks it right infront of me. I'm still tempted, but I can't do those headaches again. It wouldn't be worth it.
    Same here, I was addicted to coke classic, stopped on Aug 5 2012 went to green tea and water. Had wicked headaches at first , but now okay with out soda. Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    As for the whole gaining weight on a zero calorie food: if it tastes sweet your body will prepare itself for receiving sugars. Just because the sugars are never received doesn't mean your body can retroactively not release the insulin already released. Your body will still begin to turn sugars to fat to compensate for the extra carbohydrates it thinks are being flooded in your system (your body trying to not become diabetic). The fact that the sugars never arrive just means your sugar level will decrease. Ever get headaches after drinking diet something on an empty stomach? Stick with water and don't eat things made by Round Up's parent company. Fun fact: aspartame was invented as an insecticide.
    Clinical study for this?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition