Sickest you've ever been



  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I had the flu last year that had me in bed for 29 days. It was probably H1N1. It was terrible.
  • rbl1225
    rbl1225 Posts: 235 Member
    When I was a junior in high school I ended up with spinal meningitis. Was in the hospital for a couple weeks and don't remember a ton of it. Was then temporarily paralyzed for at least a month- at first was told I might not walk again. Pushed myself like crazy in physical therapy and was always tired and sore.

    If I can get through that then I know I can do anything I put my mind too!
  • elpiper
    elpiper Posts: 183 Member
    Diabetic Ketoacidosis...for 3-4 days out of the hospital and 6 days in the hospital. I legit thought I was going to die. I ended up in ICU for most of those 6 days in the hospital.
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    I had acute appendicitis this past May. I was 49 (which is unusual) and it was hurting on the wrong side and I had all the wrong symptoms so I didn't go to the ER until it was almost too late. I was hurting very bad and running a high fever. I drove myself too because I thought I'd be going back home. Dr. said you got one choice - die or get it out! I was very sick for 3 days before I went. Felt much better after.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I was in 6th grade and had strep throat that turned into Scarlet fever...was out of it for like a month
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I seem to come down with sinus infections twice a year. Than also maybe a little cold or something else in the mix.

    I don't like doctors so I never go. The last time, about a year ago, I came down with a nasty sinus infection.

    x_X I couldn't breath for two weeks.
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Probably during a TOM a few months ago. Hurled so hard it went up my nose about three times, full-body cramps, nausea in spades and irritated bowls for about a week. You'da thought I had caught food poisoning somewhere but nope, just a very bad period.
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    I was put in the hospital for gall stones... didnt eat for 5 days after;... so they put my back in...took out my gallbladder... sent me home the next day... i was bad sick for three weeks. I could barely eat, my stomach and back pain was horrible... i couldnt sleep. It was awful.
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    abcessed tonsils, couldnt do more than get dressed for school (college) then go back to bed for a week before called mommy to take me to the dr. who admediately admitted me,was in hospital for 6 days, my neck was so swollen.

    and the time i had strept throat, broncitis and a cracked rib, very painfull to cough for a full month with a cracked rib, arg lol
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    tonsillitis doesnt sound particularly nasty but i have weirdly large tonsils when they are healthy, so when im sick they were almost blocking my throat, my doctor had wanted to send me to hospital... on top of that i also had ulcers all down my throat...couldnt eat/drink hurt to breathe. i was having hallucinations :|
    I had it on and off for 2 months, I'd get better for a couple days go back to college, then get bad again,

    but my doctors notes are 99.9 % made up of tonsilitis visits... with a couple of chicken pox thrown in for good measure

    though it all pales in comparison to the tooth ache i had earlier this year... i pray i never have to experience that again!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I'm sick with bronchitis and a sinus infection for like a week now...

    What's the sickest you've ever been and how long were you out of comission for ?

    Similar....2011 I had bronchitis or an asthma flare continuously from early September through Christmas. I was on prednisone 4x, and antibiotics at least 4 times. I was seeing the respiratory therapist monthly to figure out new med combinations to keep me breathing. Before we got it figured out I was coughing so hard that my vision started going grey and fuzzy around the edges.

    2012/2013 I am on singulair, advair, and I pre-medicate with an albuterol inhaler on gym days. I have a nebulizer and albuterol for inhalation at home in case the inhaler isn't enough. So far only 2 minor flares, no bronchitis...
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I haven't really had much illness but I would say the worst thing health wise that happened was a post partum heammorhage after the birth of my second child, I lost 1.7 litres of blood, apart from that the flu is the worst I have had. Hope you feel better soon !
    I will second the postpartum hemorrhage ( really started in delivery) with the birth of my 3 rd child. 6 units of blood and I didn't remember anything for several day and I was in a lot of pain. Good thing it was my last child cause it scared me so bad I would have never had another.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Apart from kidneys failing 3 times and heart failure from my anorexia when I was 19-21, my worst would have to be a few bouts of food poisoning I have had, including one where I vomited 12 times in 8 hours, and pneumonia from when I smoked and ended up with bronchitis every time I got any sort of cold or flu bug.
  • souzouchan
    I remember in 3rd grade I had a bout of pneumonia. It was not bad enough to be hospital ridden, but I was not allowed outside for a week or do. I hated being cooped up and not able to kick around the soccer ball or shoot hoops.
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    The last week of October I had the horrible stomach virus. Vomitting and diarrhea.Got dehydrated and had to have 4 bags of IV fluids in 2 days. I couldn't even stand long enough to take a shower. I had to lay down. I missed a week of work. Took a couple weeks to get back to normal
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member

    I had a fever of 104

    My throat got so swollen I couldn't eat, sleep, breathe, talk or swallow.

    I was in constant excruciating pain. I never cry from pain EVER, not when I tore the tendons in my knee, thumb or ankle, not when I had teeth pulled, not when I had to have a really painful procedure done as a little girl. I called my doctor for pain meds and she stuck be with extra strength Motrin. I started crying after I hung up because I knew it wouldn't do jack cos I as already taking like easily 1000 MG of it every 6 hours t to try and keep the pain just at a manageable level. I literally tried EVERYTHING under the sun to soothe is and NOTHING helped.

    It reached the point where my tonsils were actually BLACK and you couldn't even see the back of my mouth, I was constantly shaking from what was just constant horrible pain. Like I mean I wanted to be knocked out, it was that bad. We finally went to the hospital where they shot me up with morphine and even that didn't help all that much.

    Gave me some of the strongest pain meds out there and one hell of an antibiotic. Never in my life had I been so happy to be in a hospital. It was literally the worst week and a half of my life. After that I was exhausted and achey all the time but man that sore throat will haunt me for life.
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I had a serious case of pneumonia in March of 2012. Spent a week in the hospital and 6 weeks recovering. Didn't work for 7 weeks. I can't even begin to describe how sick I was. Fever, intense painful coughing, massive headache, vomitting and diarrhea, body pains and so on. Lungs were 85% infected, lung specialists were baffled how it go so severe. I now have damage on my lung and don't quite have the energy I once did.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    "Infection" means you need meds/antibiotics. To the doctor/clinic with you!

    Been there, got them.
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    tonsillitis doesnt sound particularly nasty but i have weirdly large tonsils when they are healthy, so when im sick they were almost blocking my throat, my doctor had wanted to send me to hospital... on top of that i also had ulcers all down my throat...couldnt eat/drink hurt to breathe. i was having hallucinations :|
    I had it on and off for 2 months, I'd get better for a couple days go back to college, then get bad again,

    but my doctors notes are 99.9 % made up of tonsilitis visits... with a couple of chicken pox thrown in for good measure
    Best thing I ever did was get mine out when I was 32! Tonsils are evil!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    A stroke last March @ the age of 38. In ICU for 3 days, regular hospital for 3 more. Took about 2 months to be able to walk without a cane.

    It's what precipitated my healthier life style and weight loss.