Cutting Sugar Out! Help Please

I have tried and tried to cut sugar out, but I seem to find that when I try to reduce I start shaking as though I need the sugar asap, and that is after 1 day, I am not sure that because I am trying to change my diet so quickly from eating rubbish to, eating as healthy as I can for me, as I don't eat much fruit or veg, I am not really sure what to do.

Any advice would be great. Thanks


  • iamthecatsass
    When you say cut the sugar, does that me an you are also counting carbs? Because that acts like sugar in the body..If you are eating very low carbs, you will shake.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    you haven't even started logging your food yet

    you need to start logging everything that goes in your mouth

    it is shocking how much this helps your food choices
  • Cocacoladdict
    Cocacoladdict Posts: 80 Member
    things I have given up without a seconds thought and haven't missed..

    Cigarettes after a 10 yr 30 a day habit
    Several recreational drugs which turned into daily habits - cannabis and speed being the main.. not proud but its a fact.

    Can I give up sugar this easy... not a chance! Seriously, it is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do :(
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    things I have given up without a seconds thought and haven't missed..

    Cigarettes after a 10 yr 30 a day habit
    Several recreational drugs which turned into daily habits - cannabis and speed being the main.. not proud but its a fact.

    Can I give up sugar this easy... not a chance! Seriously, it is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do :(

    gonna have to call bull$hit on this one

    sugar is not more addictive than nicotine or speed

    you are deluding yourself into an excuse
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    I don't eat sugar and I only eat vegetable based carbs. (I am diabetic and have Celiac). Anyway, i had headaches for a few days but never had the shakes. Sugar is addictive. Just stick with it and the withdrawal will go away and you won't really have a desire for it anymore. I recommend talking to a nutritionist instead of getting advice on here though. Some people don't have a clue, yet do not hesitate to advise someone about their diet.
  • kerryoneill22
    kerryoneill22 Posts: 70 Member
    I have been logging my food, I just slacked a bit over christmas but up until the 21st I was logging everyday., but as you will se it is not the best diet going, fruit and veg are not my best friends.
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    theres lots of natural sugar in fruit , maybe give that a try instead of the processed muck in chocolate and cakes :)
  • ToniSMA
    ToniSMA Posts: 1 Member
    Big relief to hear someone else has the same problem as me!!, since following Fitness pal I have managed to stick mainly to sweetners as I like my food too much to waste as many calories as I was on sugar, however I know these are suppose to bring whole sets of problems of their own, but like you I struggle massively to detox from sugar.
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    Remember that sugar from fruit and white sugar has the same effect on blood glucose (which is what you want to control). Your body doesn't know the difference.
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    I am a sugar addict and I once quit sugar for 6 whole weeks. This included all sugar - I ate no chocolate, nor anything sweetened with sugar during that time.

    I found the key was substitutions - I used xylitol - it's sweeter than sugar and better for you but not as yummy so you'll need motivation to stick with it.

    Weight dropped off me like magic but I went back to sugar after an all clear by my Dr. I have tried to give up sugar since then but haven't been able to.

    I'm not scared like I was when I thought I was sick.
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    not all sugar is the same , sugar in fruit is way better for u then processed sugar beat or cane ..... fruit as more then sugar in it , it has vitamins and minerasl as well
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    I have taken the time to go back to when you WERE logging your food and see exactly what you were trying to achieve.
    1. you are NOT addicted to sugar..its a lame excuse for not putting any effort into planning your diet & meals! Sorry that may sound tough but its true.

    2. Alter your goals to losing 1lb a week which will give you enough calories to have a planned treat each day

    3. Plan each days calorie intake. Eat 3 meals including breakfast.

    4. Don't make or buy FUDGE...its pure sugar, you can eat sweet things that are far healthier & much tastier.


    If you really want to lose weight & be healthy then you need to eat that way & make the right excuses..I don't much like veg & some fruits but I can & do like some so they get included into my diet.
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    Oh okay. I must not know what I am talking about. I will send back my degrees. Good day.
  • lizjames1971
    Taking an amino acid called L Glutamine will make it easy! A teaspoon half hour before meals & at times you crave sugar. It really works!!!!!
  • Cocacoladdict
    Cocacoladdict Posts: 80 Member
    things I have given up without a seconds thought and haven't missed..

    Cigarettes after a 10 yr 30 a day habit
    Several recreational drugs which turned into daily habits - cannabis and speed being the main.. not proud but its a fact.

    Can I give up sugar this easy... not a chance! Seriously, it is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do :(

    gonna have to call bull$hit on this one

    sugar is not more addictive than nicotine or speed

    you are deluding yourself into an excuse

    well aside from it being plain rude you can call what you like! I KNOW what I found easiest to quit whether its physically more addictive or not!
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    I have been logging my food, I just slacked a bit over christmas but up until the 21st I was logging everyday., but as you will se it is not the best diet going, fruit and veg are not my best friends.

    Well then you need to suck it up, and start eating more fruit and vegetables. As you cut out sugar, and increase your F+V intake, your body WILL adjust-- you'll crave sugar less.

    And while yes, fruit does have sugars in it, they are natural and also come with fiber and antioxidants--- stuff that something like fudge doesn't have.
  • kerryoneill22
    kerryoneill22 Posts: 70 Member
    now that sounds like a good idea. Thanks
  • jmelee619
    jmelee619 Posts: 1 Member
    You shouldn't be trying to give up sugar because its impossible. It is in everything we eat especially fruit that is good for you. You should just stop eating all the junk food processed sugar like cookies, cake, fatty ice cream, anything made with high fructose corn syrup and stick to natural sugars like the ones in fruits, agave, stevia, honey stuff like that. Sugar does not make you fat, high calorie junk food does. So be careful when trying to cut sugar completely out because you will fail and its not necessary. Just be mindful of the kinds of sugar you are eating.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I think there are only 2 choices when getting rid of an addiction - cold turkey (just stop) or slow reduction...sounds like you tried cold turkey and it didn't go well, so try slow reduction...if you already know how much sugar you eat in a day, reduce the amount by 25-30% for 2 weeks or 30 days...if 2 weeks seems easy go ahead and reduce again, if you are still struggling to keep within the reduced sugar limits after 2 weeks then keep it the same for another 2 weeks before trying to reduce...if you don't know what you are eating then eat normally and log daily for 2 weeks to get a good baseline, then start the reduction...keep at it, you will get there!!!
  • kerryoneill22
    kerryoneill22 Posts: 70 Member
    Ok, No Fudge as from Today it's a deal!! keep track of my diary and you all have permission to slap me if needed!