ready blew my new years resolution. bit of a rant

Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
This year, I wanted to have a more positive outlook on life. Be a cup half full type of person. I started talking with some women at work, eating lunch, and having a nice time. even talked to someone at the gym. but tonight... oh dear. one girl at work, she is very nice and a hard worker, but I really just want to shake some sense into her. she just turned 20, her boyfriends 18, fresh outta high school, and she want's to have a baby next year. Far be it from me to tell anyone what to do, but myself and a few others were telling her about our pregnancies. I got pregnant at 20. It was complicated and hard, and I was a hormonal war zone for at least a year. We weren't telling her this to scare her, just to know its not going to be a fairy tale. I asked her if she was going to get married first. Just curious, and I found by watching my sister (3 1/2 yrs older, been pregnant 11 times by 6 different guys) that marriage is a lot more stable than boyfriend and girlfriend. Could totally just be me on that. So, after that topic, she asked me if I dyed my hair again. Said no, it just faded. looked confused. I gave the example of when you wash a new pair of jeans, they're going to fade. She let me know that it can't be goon if I'm putting the same dye they use for jeans in my hair. I laughed, and she asked if it was permanent. I said no, no color is really permanent, not even black. (I've been dying my hair for 12 years, black lasted about 3 years for me.) I have blonde hair and she has black. she says her hair color is permanent, and I explained to her the difference between fake, unnatural, dyed hair, and natural what you're born with hair. Keep in mind this is a serious conversation.

I am fairly cynical, sarcastic, and have a negative outlook on life. Always expect the worst to be pleasantly surprised.
My resolution is shattering.

After that conversation, it's back to work. I'm trying not to replay it in my head, but cant help it. then, I overhear some other ladies talking. I think I heard the wrong part of the conversation, but it was about how one of them needed to give her dog a bath, didn't want it in the tub, too cold outside, was thinking why not put it in the dishwasher. Don't want to eavesdrops or interrupt, trying to be cup half full, and then they ask me what I think of the subject. Turns out, it was what I heard. She wanted to put her dog, a Pomeranian, into her dish washer, for 10 minutes. I go on telling why its a bad idea, it will kill the dog, she could be arrested for cruelty, which isn't a bad idea if she thinks that ok. Her reply was that she could always get another one.

Bye bye resolution.

A little voice in me said, "Nice job, you made it about 12 hours."

I logged out of my station, turned to her, and said. "I'm sorry, but I need to leave. Right now, I would rather face an army of chainsaw wielding zombies riding on 6 foot flying spiders, than be here. I need to go and try to salvage some of the IQ points I have lost."

She called me a stupid fat bitc# and that was the end of my resolution. I don't think I can have a positive perspective when I live in a world where pregnant 16 year olds are worshiped, it's awesome to test 32 men to see if someone can find the father to their child, and where people think it's swell to wash their dogs in a dishwasher. Think I'm going to stick with the weight loss.


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Just stay here and you'll be fine.

    I blew my resolution too, about 14 hours into the New Year.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    These sound like reasonable responses to unreasonable conversations. People are often stupid when they're young (or at least I sure as hell was) and the lady with the dog is a ****ing sociopath who needs to be put down.

    You may be under obligation to act cordial around these people. You are under NO obligation to THINK nicely about these people.

    Especially the woman with the dog. I would see red.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member

    I don't get why it's any of your business if she wants to have a kid or not...

    As for the dog thing, yea...that's bad.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    you picked wrong resolution

    the 20 year old: yeah it's her business, just ignore the dummy
    the dog thing was pretty bad, people are lacking common sense these days
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I might just report tge dog lady.

    Baby lady sounds a bit ditzy, but harmless. Hopefully she wises up, though. She has no idea what she's doing.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    These sound like reasonable responses to unreasonable conversations. People are often stupid when they're young (or at least I sure as hell was) and the lady with the dog is a ****ing sociopath who needs to be put down.

    You may be under obligation to act cordial around these people. You are under NO obligation to THINK nicely about these people.

    Especially the woman with the dog. I would see red.

  • sarahmichelle91xx
    sarahmichelle91xx Posts: 113 Member
    16 year old pregnant girls are worshiped? Since when, I'm 21 with 2 kids an I certainly never got worshipped lol. That lady that was going to put her dog in the dishwasher is stupid, could she have been joking?
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    ok this lady is ok with having the dog near her dishes but not her tub...that is so wrong on so many levels. Then people wonder why a person comes in with a gun and shoots certain people. Wow good luck with that job.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    At least you admit it.
    What I hate are those who bee bop through life as though all is well when they're attitude is toxic.
    Progress is facing our faults head on, gathering energy and trying to become better people.
    Our great victory as individuals lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
    RISE UP!
    All Is Possible :flowerforyou:
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    You can't blame your inability to control your feelings on other people. I know that sounds harsh, but it's the truth.

    Other people do not cause you to have emotions, like having a positive outlook on life. You're in control of those thoughts, and you control your emotions through your the way you think about things.

    You have the ability to ignore people. You have the ability to will yourself to NOT think about them if they annoy or disturb you.

    I think it's a great resolution to want to have a more positive outlook on life, and I think it's a doable one. But it means that you will have to work on how you think (or don't think) about things.

    Best of luck!
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    you lasted longer than i would have!

    on that note, try not to be judgemental as you never know the place the other person is coming from.

    i had an intern in my team who reported into me for the past 6 months. this poor girl was extremely closeted, had no social skills and wasnt very bright. i would go home complaining about her but never treated her badly - although i often wanted to shout and scream at the stupid things she'd say or do.

    her last day was just before xmas, and this girl brought me a letter from her father. in it, he thanked for my all that i had done for his daughter (sh's 27) as he said that no one in her life had ever tried to help her the way i did. i actually teared up and felt so ashamed for the thoughts i used to have in my head!

    you never know the role you could play in someone elses life :smile:
  • sarahmichelle91xx
    sarahmichelle91xx Posts: 113 Member
    16 year old pregnant girls are worshiped? Since when, I'm 21 with 2 kids an I certainly never got worshipped lol. That lady that was going to put her dog in the dishwasher is stupid, could she have been joking?

    Just thought I would add, I don't think it's very fair to say that about not knowing who the daddy is, I have the same dad for both my kids and there was no possible way it could be anyone else, not everyone is like that.
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    I think I heard the wrong part of the conversation, but it was about how one of them needed to give her dog a bath, didn't want it in the tub, too cold outside, was thinking why not put it in the dishwasher. Don't want to eavesdrops or interrupt, trying to be cup half full, and then they ask me what I think of the subject. Turns out, it was what I heard. She wanted to put her dog, a Pomeranian, into her dish washer, for 10 minutes. I go on telling why its a bad idea, it will kill the dog, she could be arrested for cruelty, which isn't a bad idea if she thinks that ok. Her reply was that she could always get another one.

    Wow, just wow. I REALLY hope she was joking and not serious. Otherwise, I'd keep an eye out for a dog change in the future and report her if necessary.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Wrong resolution? Try not caring about others studpidity instead. Just as hard to maintain but I'm sure it's easier to walk away from the stupidity then to play nice about it, especially when negativity is part of who you have been.
  • Juashmom
    OMG are these people for real? They all sound like idiots especially the dog lady....By the way in my humble opinion glass 1/2 full doesn't mean you have to put up with stupidity its more an attitude of how you look at things and deal with things personally..its focusing on the good....yeah it can involve saying postivie things to others but sometimes you just can't fix stupid.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Uhm... yeah. Those were reasonable responses to those situations, though I think I would have gone seriously off on the woman regarding the dog.

    The thing we forget about resolutions, is that we're not going to be able to pull them off 100 percent right from the get go. Light exercising and weight loss, you have to work up to it being a consistent part of your life. So don't give up, just take a deep breath and keep trying, and remember, you can't fix other people, only youself.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    16 year old pregnant girls are worshiped? Since when, I'm 21 with 2 kids an I certainly never got worshipped lol. That lady that was going to put her dog in the dishwasher is stupid, could she have been joking?

    Just thought I would add, I don't think it's very fair to say that about not knowing who the daddy is, I have the same dad for both my kids and there was no possible way it could be anyone else, not everyone is like that.

    about that, I mean the TV shows, 16 and pregnant, teen mom, and maury.
  • NickDHussin
    Stupid is as stupid does.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I was 17 when I got pregnant 16 when I got with my boyfriend 18 when we moved in together now nearly 22 were still head over heels and I'm just as good as any super mum out there my daughter is a very clever little girl working at a stage nearly 2 years older than her shes always clean and in very nice clothes . She is very polite towards anybody she meets and my life is perfect my home is a home my child has millions of toys an the love for her of me an my partner and other family beers an family friends is amazing she is a very lucky little girl. I didn't work I was in college my partner only just got a job and I was told by lodes of people to abort my baby I wouldn't be able to cope I'm running my life ect but to be honest getting pregnant was the best thing I have ever ever ever done in my life and I can't wait to have another in the next 2 years ..... Sorry about the life story but just because your pregnancy an life didnt go to plan dosant mean the OP won't either you should of said go right ahead an ask her again in a years time when she's up with night feeds an is dressing in all cheap clothes to make sure her baby has food an clothes an heating it coulda workd out for her it coulda bit her on her *kitten* an left her a single mum at 20 with no money an her mum looking after the child ...... Btw this isant saying your a bad mum in anyway or form I also got POst natal depression an I had it for over a year put so much weight on an that's why I'm here now
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    you lasted longer than i would have!

    on that note, try not to be judgemental as you never know the place the other person is coming from.

    i had an intern in my team who reported into me for the past 6 months. this poor girl was extremely closeted, had no social skills and wasnt very bright. i would go home complaining about her but never treated her badly - although i often wanted to shout and scream at the stupid things she'd say or do.

    her last day was just before xmas, and this girl brought me a letter from her father. in it, he thanked for my all that i had done for his daughter (sh's 27) as he said that no one in her life had ever tried to help her the way i did. i actually teared up and felt so ashamed for the thoughts i used to have in my head!

    you never know the role you could play in someone elses life :smile:

    Amen- we really dont know the path some people are on or how you can make them smile. My rule is be honest and give insight but the rest belongs to the person making the decision. We need the human spirit back- smile people and find happiness within. For the record weight loss doesnt make you happy- it makes you healthy. Happiness is an internal thing- cause guess what no person can make you happy nor can material things- instant gratification......