ready blew my new years resolution. bit of a rant



  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    After that conversation, it's back to work. I'm trying not to replay it in my head, but cant help it. then, I overhear some other ladies talking. I think I heard the wrong part of the conversation, but it was about how one of them needed to give her dog a bath, didn't want it in the tub, too cold outside, was thinking why not put it in the dishwasher. Don't want to eavesdrops or interrupt, trying to be cup half full, and then they ask me what I think of the subject. Turns out, it was what I heard. She wanted to put her dog, a Pomeranian, into her dish washer, for 10 minutes. I go on telling why its a bad idea, it will kill the dog, she could be arrested for cruelty, which isn't a bad idea if she thinks that ok. Her reply was that she could always get another one.


    She MUST have been joking!! People are NOT that stupid/cruel/soulless. Just no. no.
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
    Your sister loooveess making babies!
  • Joanitude
    Joanitude Posts: 171 Member
    She called me a stupid fat bitc# and that was the end of my resolution. I don't think I can have a positive perspective when I live in a world where pregnant 16 year olds are worshiped, it's awesome to test 32 men to see if someone can find the father to their child, and where people think it's swell to wash their dogs in a dishwasher. Think I'm going to stick with the weight loss.

    I have the answer for you - Puppies!

    Puppies by definition will pee on the floor, chew your shoes, etc. You do not get mad at them or stressed...they can't help it, they are just being a puppy. Sounds like you have a few puppies in your world :wink:
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    Wow. Just wow. The first one.... whatever... no ones business. But the second one... Good Lord, I hope she was joking. lol
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'd have a field day if I worked at your place :laugh:
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    you lasted longer than i would have!

    on that note, try not to be judgemental as you never know the place the other person is coming from.

    i had an intern in my team who reported into me for the past 6 months. this poor girl was extremely closeted, had no social skills and wasnt very bright. i would go home complaining about her but never treated her badly - although i often wanted to shout and scream at the stupid things she'd say or do.

    her last day was just before xmas, and this girl brought me a letter from her father. in it, he thanked for my all that i had done for his daughter (sh's 27) as he said that no one in her life had ever tried to help her the way i did. i actually teared up and felt so ashamed for the thoughts i used to have in my head!

    you never know the role you could play in someone elses life :smile:

    Amen- we really dont know the path some people are on or how you can make them smile. My rule is be honest and give insight but the rest belongs to the person making the decision. We need the human spirit back- smile people and find happiness within. For the record weight loss doesnt make you happy- it makes you healthy. Happiness is an internal thing- cause guess what no person can make you happy nor can material things- instant gratification......

    I, myself, am also working on being grateful for what I do have, no matter how small. It can be a challenge changing your entire way of thinking that you have had ingrained for pretty much all of your life. There will be times where you will fall because this change will not happen over night. But, much like the weight loss journey, you pick yourself up and begin again. There will always be people with questionable IQ's but work on not letting them control you - if you react to them, then they have that control over you. That is one way to think about it. Now, regarding the lady with the dog - if she is seriously considering doing that to her dog, I would look into making an anonymous phone call to the ASPCA ... what she is doing is just flat out wrong. :noway:
  • __Jamie__
    __Jamie__ Posts: 109 Member
    This year, I wanted to have a more positive outlook on life. Be a cup half full type of person. I started talking with some women at work, eating lunch, and having a nice time. even talked to someone at the gym. but tonight... oh dear. one girl at work, she is very nice and a hard worker, but I really just want to shake some sense into her. she just turned 20, her boyfriends 18, fresh outta high school, and she want's to have a baby next year. Far be it from me to tell anyone what to do, but myself and a few others were telling her about our pregnancies. I got pregnant at 20. It was complicated and hard, and I was a hormonal war zone for at least a year. We weren't telling her this to scare her, just to know its not going to be a fairy tale. I asked her if she was going to get married first. Just curious, and I found by watching my sister (3 1/2 yrs older, been pregnant 11 times by 6 different guys) that marriage is a lot more stable than boyfriend and girlfriend. Could totally just be me on that. So, after that topic, she asked me if I dyed my hair again. Said no, it just faded. looked confused. I gave the example of when you wash a new pair of jeans, they're going to fade. She let me know that it can't be goon if I'm putting the same dye they use for jeans in my hair. I laughed, and she asked if it was permanent. I said no, no color is really permanent, not even black. (I've been dying my hair for 12 years, black lasted about 3 years for me.) I have blonde hair and she has black. she says her hair color is permanent, and I explained to her the difference between fake, unnatural, dyed hair, and natural what you're born with hair. Keep in mind this is a serious conversation.

    I am fairly cynical, sarcastic, and have a negative outlook on life. Always expect the worst to be pleasantly surprised.
    My resolution is shattering.

    After that conversation, it's back to work. I'm trying not to replay it in my head, but cant help it. then, I overhear some other ladies talking. I think I heard the wrong part of the conversation, but it was about how one of them needed to give her dog a bath, didn't want it in the tub, too cold outside, was thinking why not put it in the dishwasher. Don't want to eavesdrops or interrupt, trying to be cup half full, and then they ask me what I think of the subject. Turns out, it was what I heard. She wanted to put her dog, a Pomeranian, into her dish washer, for 10 minutes. I go on telling why its a bad idea, it will kill the dog, she could be arrested for cruelty, which isn't a bad idea if she thinks that ok. Her reply was that she could always get another one.

    Bye bye resolution.

    A little voice in me said, "Nice job, you made it about 12 hours."

    I logged out of my station, turned to her, and said. "I'm sorry, but I need to leave. Right now, I would rather face an army of chainsaw wielding zombies riding on 6 foot flying spiders, than be here. I need to go and try to salvage some of the IQ points I have lost."

    She called me a stupid fat bitc# and that was the end of my resolution. I don't think I can have a positive perspective when I live in a world where pregnant 16 year olds are worshiped, it's awesome to test 32 men to see if someone can find the father to their child, and where people think it's swell to wash their dogs in a dishwasher. Think I'm going to stick with the weight loss.

    I think we might be made for one another haha

    I'd just like to point out that nowhere in that whole first post did you admit to anything that violated your new years resolution to "have a more positive outlook on life" ... Take comfort in the fact that you're far superior, regarding intelligence, to them. & if sarcasm is the lowest form of whit, why is it so much fcuking fun?

    I have a positive outlook on life, more specifically MY life... Anybody else's can go shove it for all I care, besides those I care about, obviously. And the good people on here such as yourself. It's difficult to have a positive outlook on life itself when you take the bigger things into account, like the fact that the world is a corrupt *kitten* pit. I try not to plague my thoughts with those things though & focus on the things that affect me, like being fat.

    If she wants to put her dog in the dishwasher, I'm not advocating it & strongly disagree that anybody can genuinely be THAT stupid, but let her do it... If you can tear a shred of positivity from something as disgusting as dishwashering your own dog (joking at her expense, which I wouldn't normally promote, but in this case she deserves it), you've got a great gift haha Enjoy YOUR life as best you can, laugh at the people who are too stupid to realise that vaginas should have more things put IN them, than coming OUT of them... The aforementioned penis to baby ratio is really odd, it might even be worth some sort of record (no offence to your sister, I'm sure she's a lovely girl!). And learn to look for the good in everything...

    I HATE the manager at the place I work, to the point where I wish they'd have some sort of freak accident every morning (I only have to spend a couple of hours with them in the morning before I leave to go do my job, that's how much of a cockbag they are) so that I could witness them suffer and be unable to work, and I'm not a sadistic person! I just made the exception as it's the only way I could bare to be near/speak to them. They're leaving in 2 days though so I'm a happy chappy! All good things come to those who wait & all that!

    I like the hair dye example, those are the sort of people you can wind up forever, constantly, every day & they'll never even notice. Again, take pleasure from the fact that your brain WORKS and theirs doesn't. I think at one point it used to be "the fashion" (I hate that phrase) to be stupid... There was a girl at my school a few years back (I don't still go, that'd be a little weird) who used to deny knowing anything, you could ask her the simplest of questions to which she'd always reply "I don't knowwwww..." in the most annoying tone of voice. Then she'd go write a paper on Chaucer or Shakespeare for her English Lit class & get a B. The genuine stupid ones are easily spotted if you watch them for a little while...

    If you can't have a "positive perspective when {you} live in a world where pregnant 16 year olds are worshiped", don't. But do yourself the courtesy to have a positive perspective on your own life and your ability to make it as great as you can :) You're already doing that by focusing on your weight loss :) Don't make these people your life, even if they have to be a PART of it.

    This is me getting all philosophical, I've learnt by experience though. I think I've said what I needed to say :) Congratulations if you got this far, without skipping 9 paragraphs lol You can have a shot on me.

    I hate starting sentences with "and" or "but" but I couldn't be bothered to avoid it. You have my sincerest apologies ;)

    And may your cup be forever half to fully full.
  • Jewel0124
    Jewel0124 Posts: 119 Member
    Don't let this ladies stop you from making your resolution work. As a single mom, I probably would've said the same thing to the young lady who wanted to have a baby. While it is her business, you were just expressing your concerning and telling her that when it comes to having children things are always rosy. As for the woman with the dog, I'm with you I can not comprehend that type of ignorance. You didn't break your resolution you just discovered that these ladies are not meant to be your friends. Don't give up.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    To the OP-how did your sister get pregnant so many times?
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    To the OP-how did your sister get pregnant so many times?

    Probably in the usual way.

    OP, I think you are mistaking the meaning of being positive. Positivity doesn't mean hearing all this crap and feeling like the world is a beautiful place in response. It means believing that YOU can influence things for the better, and snarky people can do that, too.

    Additionally, I find that cynicism actually is another word for disappointed idealism. You may be more "positive" than you know, deep down.

    I think your only failure here is beating yourself up for having a reasonable response to stupidity.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Yeah just breathe and walk away.

    As far as the youngin wanting to get prolly know as well as everyone else that she'll need to figure it out on her own and learn from her mistakes...maybe for her it may not be a mistake. Don't let that get to you. She's an adult...her life.

    As for the dog lady...yeah I'd have something to say about that. That is just all sorts of douchecanoe stupid right there. FFS!

    Also...I agree with're being hard on yourself for having opinions about people talking about really controversial things. You're not being a negative nancy but knowing when something "just isn't right'. All is not lost...
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    To the OP-how did your sister get pregnant so many times?


    Is this a trick question?

    Am I being punkd?!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    who told all these people they had the ability to completely and seamlessly change their nature in 24 hours?

    EDITED to elaborate - give yourself time to cultivate your positive outlook. The grass is always greener where you think it's most important to water it.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I wouldn't say you blew your resolution over that. I think anyone would have reacted the same way, especially since the idiot was serious.

    Just chalk it up to a shallow gene pool and move on. Don't let it make you feel as though you can't be positive. I mean what could possibly be a positive outlook on something that idiotic?

    You can't expect to flip a switch and immediately change into someone different. It's something you'll have to work on and cultivate and yes, you will have times where you flip and are negative but that's ok because sometimes, like in the instance you just told, it's completely warranted.

    What an idiot!!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I think, rather than trying to see everyone as all good, you might do better trying to find the good in everyone. For example, with the coworker who wants to get pregnant, you could appreciate the fact that she is at least trying to do some research to determine if it's a good idea. For the dog lady, I got nothing, though. :)
  • IslandRider
    OP, I think you are mistaking the meaning of being positive. Positivity doesn't mean hearing all this crap and feeling like the world is a beautiful place in response. It means believing that YOU can influence things for the better, and snarky people can do that, too.

    Additionally, I find that cynicism actually is another word for disappointed idealism. You may be more "positive" than you know, deep down.

    I think your only failure here is beating yourself up for having a reasonable response to stupidity.

    ^^This. I gotta say, though I think you were fine with the one who wants to get pregnant. You were waaaay nicer than I would've been. I would still report the dog lady, if nothing else, to get her attention and also in case should she be stupid enough to actually hurt that poor dog. As for the "fat b" remark, I'd have told her to bite the crack my *kitten*, I'll lose the weight, she won't lose the stupidiity.

    In any case, I don't think you did anything to bust your resolution at all.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Oh wow, look at the time... I got that thing I have to go to.....
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    I think 20 is definitely old enough to decide if a baby is a good idea or not, and it is not young by any means depending on maturity and circumstances etc of course. I could go on more, but to stick to the point, it's her life, if it IS a stupid idea, she will pay for it. If it isn't, she will be happy.

    As for the dog, totally insane and as you probably know already, people really lack common sense.. I would report her if I were you, I will never underestimate the cruelty and stupidity of people where poor animals are concerned.

    Good luck on the rest of your resolutioning, I empathise with you though, it is hard not to hate humanity at times!
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    For my co worker that wants to have a baby, I have no say in what she does. I just told her about my pregnancy. I got pregnant at 20, but I was high risk, so it was hard for me. Never told her to not get pregnant, just shared my experience. As for the dog lady, I'm not sure what good it would do to report. her. I have no proof, her word against mine, even though there are supposedly cameras, audio and visual at each station, and that was the first time I ever seen her. I'm the tue-sat shift, she's weekend, fri-tue shift. So I won' be seeing her again. (getting laid off this sat cause I'm seasonal)

    Maybe everyone's right and I don't really have a grasp on what being positive it. Not that that's a bad thing, I just need to learn and try to experience more of what life can offer me. There, I think that was positive. I'd usually say something like life is one punch in the face after another. Hopefully I will meet more people around here that aren't like that, and have some common sense and decency.

    I want to be open to all points of view and less conceited. Some, like the dog lady, yea, I am way better than you. My co worker that wants to have a baby, she's young, and I'm young. 24 on Saturday. She's nice, works hard, and is going to school to be a nurse. She's awesome. Just let her know that she may miss out on a lot of things, not always such a bad thing. When I hit 21, instead of being at a bar getting *kitten* faced with friends, I heard my baby's heart beat for the first time, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Just to be clear, I am in no way shape for form against her wanting a baby.

    The conversations about hair baffled me though. I guess that's where the common sense should be.

    As for my resolution, maybe I should take on a new perspective. Instead of trying to see the good in others, focus on those around me or how I could better myself.

    The thing about my sister, she first got pregnant at 16, (followed in our cousin's footsteps, she got pregnant at 15) by a drug dealer from Mexico with the thought that he would marry her. out of 11 pregnancies, she's given birth to 4 children, one on the way, and the rest she aborted cause the guy she was with didn't leave his wife for her. No, she is not a lovely girl. she is a junkie incubator. Out of her kids, her first was a miscarriage because she thought it would be fun to go on a roller coaster while 5 months pregnant., my nephew and niece are in the system. My nephew went in on his first birthday. my niece a year later. They were adopted 3 years ago, and I can only hope they're with a good family. So that was my insight to my life. Getting pregnant that young is in no way a good idea, and being married, you're married. However, that's just for me.

    Hopefully that and the obvious form of sex answered how she got pregnant. if not, there's Google and a lot of adult stores.

    Thank you for your insight and telling me to try again.