Fat Burners



  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Running. Best fat burner I've found.
  • nbooher29
    nbooher29 Posts: 14 Member
    Congratulations on trading off effort for chemicals! your results will surely reflect the shortcuts! Way to go! Woohoo!

    Like I said- I didnt want comments unless you were commenting on what I was asking for.

    I didnt want your negative opinions.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    Pretty much every fat burner is built on the platform of caffeine. So if you really need a placebo to get you through the day just throw back a black coffee.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Congratulations on trading off effort for chemicals! your results will surely reflect the shortcuts! Way to go! Woohoo!

    Like I said- I didnt want comments unless you were commenting on what I was asking for.

    I didnt want your negative opinions.

    truth ≠ negativity
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Congratulations on trading off effort for chemicals! your results will surely reflect the shortcuts! Way to go! Woohoo!

    Like I said- I didnt want comments unless you were commenting on what I was asking for.

    I didnt want your negative opinions.

    When you ask for help on a public board you will get both positive and negative comments... it's just part of the internet.

    You have lost weight on your own so why take pills that could potentially harm your body?

    Personally, I would rather say that I worked hard and achieved my results and lost my weight than get to that point but be taking pills in the process. Diet pills can be incredibly harmful and non have been proven to work.

    No pill will increase your fat burning... you need to increase muscle in order to burn more fat.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Congratulations on trading off effort for chemicals! your results will surely reflect the shortcuts! Way to go! Woohoo!

    Like I said- I didnt want comments unless you were commenting on what I was asking for.

    I didnt want your negative opinions.

    I wasnt being negative. I was supporting your decision.

    hey guess what else - you have no authority here ;)

    If I want to post a comment on a thread in the open forums that I hope will help someone new make a good decision when they stop by your post about making a bad decision - then I get to have a karmic upgrade :)

    Best of luck with your pills!!! :drinker:
  • nbooher29
    nbooher29 Posts: 14 Member
    Congratulations on trading off effort for chemicals! your results will surely reflect the shortcuts! Way to go! Woohoo!

    And again with the rude comments.

    Way to go...wooohooo!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Congratulations on trading off effort for chemicals! your results will surely reflect the shortcuts! Way to go! Woohoo!

    Like I said- I didnt want comments unless you were commenting on what I was asking for.

    I didnt want your negative opinions.

    When you ask for help on a public board you will get both positive and negative comments... it's just part of the internet.

    You have lost weight on your own so why take pills that could potentially harm your body?

    Personally, I would rather say that I worked hard and achieved my results and lost my weight than get to that point but be taking pills in the process. Diet pills can be incredibly harmful and non have been proven to work.

    No pill will increase your fat burning... you need to increase muscle in order to burn more fat.

    Stop being negative and support her decision already.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Congratulations on trading off effort for chemicals! your results will surely reflect the shortcuts! Way to go! Woohoo!

    Like I said- I didnt want comments unless you were commenting on what I was asking for.

    I didnt want your negative opinions.

    How's that working out for you?
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Congratulations on trading off effort for chemicals! your results will surely reflect the shortcuts! Way to go! Woohoo!

    Like I said- I didnt want comments unless you were commenting on what I was asking for.

    I didnt want your negative opinions.

    Than don't post on the message boards. A statement like your only invites negative and sarcastic responses. Troll alert. :noway:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Congratulations on trading off effort for chemicals! your results will surely reflect the shortcuts! Way to go! Woohoo!

    And again with the rude comments.

    Way to go...wooohooo!!

    nope, you already quoted this one and it still isnt negative.

    Hey here's a choice

    you can A sit here and turn yourself into a victim of all these mean spiwited comments that arent your particular favorite flavor of motivation, and get all pissy and yell at those people and COMPLETELY ignore all the people that are giving you exactly the kind of support you asked for - since that would require you to get up, be motivated and do something - BUT arguing with the people that are nto motivating you is so much more fun.

    or B you can take the motivation that does work for you and use it to go accomplish something.

    But since you seem more happy about people disagreeing with you, Im going to guess this 'take a pill instead of effort' pattern of yours carries over to workouts and stuff too.

  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Congratulations on trading off effort for chemicals! your results will surely reflect the shortcuts! Way to go! Woohoo!

    And again with the rude comments.

    Way to go...wooohooo!!

    You seem pleasant and intelligent.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Congratulations on trading off effort for chemicals! your results will surely reflect the shortcuts! Way to go! Woohoo!

    Like I said- I didnt want comments unless you were commenting on what I was asking for.

    I didnt want your negative opinions.

    Ok, stay fat then. What the hell do we care.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    You literally just said "I have made up my mind to do something that is potentially dangerous even though I am doing something that is working. Please support my decision and tell me what types of dangerous things I should look into."

    Um, no. That's not how it works.
  • kmcguirelmt
    kmcguirelmt Posts: 3 Member
    You could try 7 Keto by Beverly International! A lot to explain how it works, but do your research on it! I have tried it twice and lost the first time but not the second! You only need it once a day too at breakfast! Good Luck!
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    If you're idea of "positive" is some magic pill then you should tune in and watch Doctor Oz everyday. He doesn't offer negative advice like, eat healthy and exercise to lose weight. He would rather sell you a supplement and an empty promise of magical weight loss.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Congratulations on trading off effort for chemicals! your results will surely reflect the shortcuts! Way to go! Woohoo!

    Like I said- I didnt want comments unless you were commenting on what I was asking for.

    I didnt want your negative opinions.
    You should open a petting zoo for your Unicorns. Perhaps show the kids the evidence of them ****ting glitter.
  • I take Dexaprine and it really helps with staying focused and getting motivated at 5 in the morning. It's made of a mix of ingredients from all-natural plant extracts.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    not that im advocating it and we all know that it can potentially put you into cardiac arrest but ephedra is back on the market

    You can also try some high grade crystal meth.
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    not that im advocating it and we all know that it can potentially put you into cardiac arrest but ephedra is back on the market

    You can also try some high grade crystal meth.

    Or heroin
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