Pool Workouts



  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Great to have the inspiration here!!

    Well, I got my aquajogger last Thursday and have been using the heck out of it!! I LOVE it!!!!

    I did a 75 min aqua/ swim on Friday... on Saturday I did 90 minutes...

    Sunday was cross training (weights- ChaLean Extreme)

    Monday was a 1 mile swim/ 35 min aquajog.

    Tuesday was a 45 min aquajog and weights (ChaLean Extreme)

    Tomorrow will be another longer swim.

    I've thought about ordering some of the water weights, what do you recommend? One of the ladies in the pool had the weights shaped like triangles instead of round ones and she said she liked them a lot better!

    I'm on only water workouts besides weights until April 1st... gotta heal up my stress fractured feet!!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Good job everyone! Way to hang in there. I'm still swimming. I've upped my days to 4 or 5 a week, instead of just 3. I just have to be careful of my joints and "respect the pain" as the doctor would say! I usually average 2600 - 3000 meters per workout, so I'm doing good.

    Take care everyone.
  • NinaMyers
    NinaMyers Posts: 37
    Hi folks.

    Thanks for the words of welcome!

    Have got back in the pool this week after having the mother of all head-colds last week!

    Upped my distance to 64 lengths or 1600metres (1 mile) and finding that distance no trouble just now. Technique has come back to me now and finding it much easier. (Like riding a bike as they say)

    Interesting to hear you folks talking about different strokes. Might change up every ten lengths or so

    How many calories do you guys use in your loggers? I find the saved activities in here show me burning way more calories than I would have imagined?
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Hi again ... I am so glad everyone is doing so well. The Y emailed that they are open as of an hour ago for swimming and have power finally, but I wonder if the pool is warm enough. I will have to call on the phone to see. My husband says it can take a few days to get the warmth up again, but perhaps they had a generator on to keep that going while the center was closed ... just speculating.

    Glad Jess is enjoying the aquajogger ... I love it and miss it. I think I haven't been to the pool in a week and it is starting to worry me ... I can get a bit nervous about going back to something when I haven't done it in a bit (and though a week is not long, it is a break ... however unintentional it was).

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hi again ... I am so glad everyone is doing so well. The Y emailed that they are open as of an hour ago for swimming and have power finally, but I wonder if the pool is warm enough. I will have to call on the phone to see. My husband says it can take a few days to get the warmth up again, but perhaps they had a generator on to keep that going while the center was closed ... just speculating.

    Glad Jess is enjoying the aquajogger ... I love it and miss it. I think I haven't been to the pool in a week and it is starting to worry me ... I can get a bit nervous about going back to something when I haven't done it in a bit (and though a week is not long, it is a break ... however unintentional it was).


    Yes, I'm loving the aquajogger! I don't know what I'd do w/out it while I'm off from *land* workouts! Hope you were able to get back to the pool!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I've been swimming/ aquajogging all week. Did my longest pool workout yet today... 2 hours in the pool!! 1,800 yd swim, then the rest of the time aquajogging. :wink: Thankfully a buddy joined me so we chatted the whole time we were *jogging*. That made it go by soooo much faster!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    I am so frustrated, the pool opened Wednesday afternoon but at 78 degrees and it's normally 81 degrees and I shiver when it's too cold (for the whole day afterwards). So hubby and me waited, a degree a day to warm up they said, and now it's closed for this weekend. We are figuring there is an issue with cleaning the pool or something about getting it to temperature, or maintenance issue since they were without power for 5 days.

    We can't swim until Monday. Boo hooooooooo

    The aqua jogging is the best. I also love swimming. I use my waterproof MP3 with music and sometimes books on tape and then I can go forever without being bored.

    I am envious of your skin letting you go for two hours in the pool. Mine goes nuts these days that long. My Mom always said I was a fish and loved being in the water and I do.

    Have you tried additional deep water exercises Jess while aquajogging? I like switching off between fast running, slower running, a wider deeper stanch and a shorter stance, plus jumping jacks and cross country skiing. there are also ways to use noodles to do biking in deep water as well as stomach crunches. Pretty much anything you can do on land you can do in the water only with more resistance (prior to adding extra resistance).

    Monday I will report happiness on entering the water.
    Today we will go and enjoy the sunshine and take a walk.

    Happy Water everyone.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Made it to the pool today. Aqua jogged 35 minutes with the resistance booties, felt great. I missed the pool so much, Am glad to be back.

    How is everyone?

    How do you count the aqua jogging in the exercise page? I have been counting it as threading water, moderate effort (though I think I put more effort in than that but don't want to overcount calories)

  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    Ya Sunny, so glad you have made it back into the pool. Tonight is swimming night for me again. First a stop at the chiropractor though. I'm still fighting with my back - now I am having pain down my leg, so I think I irritated the sacroiliac when I twisted it. My Dr is a magician, so I just need to be patient and go with the plan. I am going out at lunch though and getting a stability ball for my desk, so I can replace my office chair with it for part of the day. I've done that before and it will make a huge difference.

    On Friday I was able to do my 60 lengths in 60 mins again, so now it is pretty much my routine. The exciting thing is that I did 10 lengths front crawl without stopping - I really had to push through and trust that I could keep up my breathing, but I did it!!! Since that is one "set" for me, I am not going to try and do more than that at one go for now. My goal will be to get feeling comfortable with that rather than having to push through it, then I will try and up the number.

    Still haven't made it to the swim store, do you have a website that sells those aqua joggers so I can at least see what they look like? I have no clue.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    These are the aqua joggers I use to add resistance to that:
    http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00635445000P?vName=Fitness & Sports&cName=Scuba&Swimming&sName=Specialty Accessories&psid=FROOGLE01&sid=IDx20070921x00003a

    (odd that Sear's carries them). I was reading the description and for the first time I realized I can put these on my hands for some extra upper body resistance. I will have to remember that and try that soon.

    To add resistance to swimming, you could try doing some laps with the flippers on. My husband swears by them. I think I've built up the muscles in my legs now to give that a try.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    need help. Did succeed at pool for last three days, yay, but right arm is hurting when I do strokes ... basically it's when I lift it back and up for the crawl, or when I push outward on the breast stroke.

    Any suggestions, ideas? I must have stretched a muscle or something.

    Also wanted to let you know that I heard they are having a pool Zumba class at my Y (in the warm water). Sounds kinda cool to me.

  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    there may be no one reading this anymore, that's okay, but I thought I'd post that I was pleased that now I can swim 10 lengths in a row of crawl, and then switch to one length crawl and then one length breast stroke alternating ... This is definintely an improvement in strength. I am pleased.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    need help. Did succeed at pool for last three days, yay, but right arm is hurting when I do strokes ... basically it's when I lift it back and up for the crawl, or when I push outward on the breast stroke.

    Any suggestions, ideas? I must have stretched a muscle or something.

    Also wanted to let you know that I heard they are having a pool Zumba class at my Y (in the warm water). Sounds kinda cool to me.


    It sounds like you may have pulled your trapezius muscle (the large muscle that connects your neck and shoulder) or you latisimus dorsi (the triangular muscle that attaches to your spine in the middle of your back to up under your armpit). Be very careful with this type of injury. Make sure you properly warm-up and cool-down and stretch very well.

    BTW, good job on your increased stamina and success in the pool!!!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Any swimmers out there who want to support one another periodically on this site? I love to swim and aqua jog ...
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    How are you feeling? Did the soreness ever work itself out?
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    How are you feeling? Did the soreness ever work itself out?

    Soreness feels a lot better, thanks for asking. Still can cause a problem when swimming so I have been doing more deep water running, but that is challenging too and increases my strength when walking on land.

    How have you been?
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I've been doing pretty good. My workouts are now super-sized since it is the off season for competitive swimming. Now is the time for lots of drills, sprints, and distance work to prepare for next season. So, I'm in the water about 2 hours a day! Super sore but my joints are holding up. I'm going to try and compete in an ocean swim at the end of August. We'll see how it goes!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    My husband has been trying to increase his speed in the pool when doing the crawl and someone noticed that he seems to cross his arms in front when he is swimming. I don't know the right position but that doesn't seem right to be that he is doing that. I think he may do it during the back stroke too. He has long arms but still, shouldn't they be more parallel to the shoulder?