Terrible Grammar on this forum. Do people have any pride?



  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Oh come on, I just need a "Should I eat my exercise calories?" thread to win the Bingo...
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    I'm king of the run on sentence, like they keep going, and going, but I just don't like to put in the periods, really.....

    Proper grammar makes me....
  • R0asted
    R0asted Posts: 83 Member
    Yeah, and the OP flunked Trolling 101.

    My intention signing up here was to actually give helpful advice and not troll so I'm fighting the temptation but it's a loosing battle.

    A "LOOSING" battle????? NO, a LOSING battle. You are losing the battle, NOT loosing the battle!
    Honestly, I think that word should be spelled "Loosing" and I pretty much ALWAYS misspell it. It makes no sense from a pronunciation standpoint. I've actually had this argument on another forum recently. But point taken, I guess I should at least TRY to spell it correctly.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Yeah, and the OP flunked Trolling 101.

    My intention signing up here was to actually give helpful advice and not troll so I'm fighting the temptation but it's a loosing battle.
    Honestly, I think that word should be spelled "Loosing" and I pretty much ALWAYS misspell it. It makes no sense from a pronunciation standpoint. I've actually had this argument on another forum recently. But point taken, I guess I should at least TRY to spell it correctly.

    A "LOOSING" battle????? NO, a LOSING battle. You are losing the battle, NOT loosing the battle!

    No cents of humor.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    No cents of humor.

    Sorry! No since of humor. Derr!
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    Yeah, and the OP flunked Trolling 101.

    My intention signing up here was to actually give helpful advice and not troll so I'm fighting the temptation but it's a loosing battle.

    A "LOOSING" battle????? NO, a LOSING battle. You are losing the battle, NOT loosing the battle!

    you know he did that on purpose, right? el-oh-el
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Don't attack the guy too hard, he just did it so I could check off another bingo square.

    C'mmmooonnn Starvation Mode...

    For the win!!!
    I just need an accidentally bulky girl and internet bullies and I have total blackout!
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    ˙ʞɔɐs ʎɯ ɟɟo ʇɐǝʍs ou ˙ǝɯ ɥʇıʍ pʍǝb ןןɐ sʇı uǝɥʇ buıʇɥbıɹ ǝɹɐ ǝןdoǝd ʇɐɥʍ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ ı ɟı
  • RatherBeOutside
    RatherBeOutside Posts: 24 Member
    Is it really that important!!! Lolololol!
  • Soozie1978
    Soozie1978 Posts: 138 Member
    the question is, do people have spell check? ??

    and yes, it drives me nuts.

    But MFP does not provide a "spellcheck" feature...

    It tells me I spell things wrong all the time because I'm Canadian. I hate it, haha.

    As for the OP....I can't make myself care. Some people can spell, some cannot. It's not always a measure of intelligence. I don't enjoy "text speak" such as u for you or r for are, but in the end....still don't care.

    Not in this forum, but if you're using Word, go to the "review" button and change your language to English (Canadian). I use it all the time when I go back and forth between Spanish/English. It helps keep from driving me crazy with all the "auto corrects" to the wrong language!
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Yep. But that's people. I wonder how some of them graduated high school.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    For part of my life, I was an editor/typographer/spell checker. Then I taught middle school, where I could put more red marks on papers than you would believe possible.

    I ALWAYS notice if someone uses poor grammar or spells badly, but it's not my job to fix that, point it out, or change them unless they ask. I don't think badly of that person, either; poor grasp of English (or simply not paying attention to details on a casual forum) does not equal poor ideas.
  • andy13
    andy13 Posts: 208 Member
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Dear Posters,

    I am locking this thread because its not respectful of our community guidelines.

    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.
    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.

    Thank you for your understanding and help in keeping MFP a supportive, friendly community.

    MFP Staff
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