Please Help! Don't know how much calories to eat!



  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I have only one question: HOW DID YOU TYPE UPSIDE-DOWN?!?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If you just wanted opinions to compare, that's all you had to say. You didn't need to go asking for help and make it sound like you needed advice.

    You could also have searched the forums for the many other threads that people have posted who have genuinely needed advice and used the same tools and links that they were given to do your own research.

    Even I can't find anything funny about this...just sad that people who didn't take the time to read the upside down writing wasted their concerns on you.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The answer is 42.

    Yusssssss Hitchhiking at its finest ;)

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Even I can't find anything funny about this...just sad that people who didn't take the time to read the upside down writing wasted their concerns on you.

    No, it's sad that people set up their own expectations for strangers, then find themselves disappointed when the person ends up not being entirely as it originally appeared, based on your own preconceived notions. :flowerforyou:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Even I can't find anything funny about this...just sad that people who didn't take the time to read the upside down writing wasted their concerns on you.

    No, it's sad that people set up their own expectations for strangers, then find themselves disappointed when the person ends up not being entirely as it originally appeared, based on your own preconceived notions. :flowerforyou:

    Yeah, I guess I was hoping for too much. Damn overoptimism! *shakes fist*
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I just find it overall sad that people can be so rude and mean. This post was made in response to several that have been made today, where people are presuming to know the answers to this question without getting to know a person. People with calculations and formulas that don't stop to think there are cases where it's not the best way to go about making suggestions for a person.

    Why give myself as an example? because those calculations you all say to use would place me at needing to eat over 4k in calories. I was curious to see if any of the forum trolling experts would bother or be willing to stand by their formulas and actually speak to the numbers that they swear by.

    I put the upside down wording there so that people who actually read an entire post before responding would know that this was not just another noob asking a question and needing an easy answer. I encourage people to actually research and speak with professionals, and I get shot down in the forums because I won't swear by this Dan guy's posting, or any number of other takes on the subject.

    I'm sorry if y'all got butthurt over this but it was made after I commented on my personal page and friends encouraged me to go public. It's not supposed to be funny. It's supposed to be something to actually think about, but I guess that was too much to expect.

    Oh, and for the people who acted like I had to be lying about my body... Well, I'm not. The only way I came to the conclusion of the 2293 calories is by wearing a monitor to track my average TDEE to the minute and subtracting 1000 calories. No calculation required.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Oh, cool!!! This is about Dan? I love him. He really knows his stuff. I have lost a little weight (LOL), a lot of my body fat and started lifting heavy 3 months ago because of his advice. I'm looking pretty great for an almost 55 year old woman. He has saved me. I was a life long yo yo dieter and now I really think I'm going to do it this time. It's been 10 months and I'm still going strong.

    Just in case you don't have it? Here's the link to the Road Map. Best thing ever written on MFP!!!!!

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Even I can't find anything funny about this...just sad that people who didn't take the time to read the upside down writing wasted their concerns on you.

    No, it's sad that people set up their own expectations for strangers, then find themselves disappointed when the person ends up not being entirely as it originally appeared, based on your own preconceived notions. :flowerforyou:

    Yeah, I guess I was hoping for too much. Damn overoptimism! *shakes fist*

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I just find it overall sad that people can be so rude and mean. This post was made in response to several that have been made today, where people are presuming to know the answers to this question without getting to know a person. People with calculations and formulas that don't stop to think there are cases where it's not the best way to go about making suggestions for a person.

    Why give myself as an example? because those calculations you all say to use would place me at needing to eat over 4k in calories. I was curious to see if any of the forum trolling experts would bother or be willing to stand by their formulas and actually speak to the numbers that they swear by.

    I put the upside down wording there so that people who actually read an entire post before responding would know that this was not just another noob asking a question and needing an easy answer. I encourage people to actually research and speak with professionals, and I get shot down in the forums because I won't swear by this Dan guy's posting, or any number of other takes on the subject.

    I'm sorry if y'all got butthurt over this but it was made after I commented on my personal page and friends encouraged me to go public. It's not supposed to be funny. It's supposed to be something to actually think about, but I guess that was too much to expect.

    Oh, and for the people who acted like I had to be lying about my body... Well, I'm not. The only way I came to the conclusion of the 2293 calories is by wearing a monitor to track my average TDEE to the minute and subtracting 1000 calories. No calculation required.

    Your point is a good one. I entirely agree. It happens all too often. But I will say that Dan's formula is awesome. It does work for most people. The ones that can't seem to make it work for them are usually people who have damaged their metabolism with long-term restrictive dieting. I will also add that Dan is a smart guy that has done a lot of research, and some people (like the one that called you a "whack job") aren't capable of doing the research needed because they simply can't figure it out. (Some people just aren't all that bright :frown:)
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    OK but the question stillremains how did you do the upside down writing :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    The answer is 42.

    Awesome. But... if you were flying through the galaxy and she was hitchhiking.... would you pick her up?

    ETA: ˙ǝɯosǝʍɐ
  • tnloser1970
    just sad that people who didn't take the time to read the upside down writing wasted their concerns on you.

    I did read the upside down text before I responded. Even if it may have been a waste of time for this question doesn't mean it is a waste of time for someone who may be searching for the answer. I respond to even the troll questions because it allows information for those who really need it to be put into place :)