thoughts about piercings? (other than ears)

What are your thoughts on piercings and or body art? Do you think they are good or bad? Leavr a comment below and let me know:)


  • emilykg12
    emilykg12 Posts: 119
    Definitely not for me. But do what you want, people. (Excluding face tattoos. Never ok.)
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    Some people like them and some don't. There isn't much more to say about it.
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    Depends on what you like. I had my naval pierced for years and I loved it.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    my nipple rings give me great pleasure.
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    People with facial piercings are clearly superior. :)

  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    Non-ear piercings and tattoos are ugly and look trashy. That's just my opinion. Plenty of my friends have tattoos and one or two have non-ear piercings, that's their call. I just wouldn't get one if you paid me!
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    skinnybitchbarbie27 Posts: 306 Member
    I have my nipples done. No complaints from me or my hubby :bigsmile:
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    To each their own.

    I have only my ears pierced. I have always wanted my belly button pierced when I lose weight. However, I started second guessing if I really want one. I know a lot of poeple who got infections there and after my sister's pregnancies, she looks like she has two belly buttons (but then again, she did tell me that it was becuase she didn't remove during pregnancy.)
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I've had my tongue pierced for 9 years now, and if I take it out, I have a lisp hahaha It's a part of who I am.

    I also have zero gauge earrings. Yeah, it's in the ears, but they are "alternative" and I wouldn't get rid of them either.

    People just need to be realistic about what actually looks good. Some piercings just don't work well.
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    I enjoy both. I have 5 tattoos, 3 ear peircings (2 are pretty much closed up though) and my belly button done.

    I say whatever floats your boat.
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    I love piercings and tattoos. I used to have my ears gauged out but got tired of the maintenance so I took them out. Now I just need to save up some money so I can get more ink!

    Ink on a lady is absolutely gorgeous, btw.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    To each their own. Anything beyond your own perceptions is calling for prejudice.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Nipples were always a blast probably gonna get them done when Im in shape again
  • wildtrapeze
    I love body mods, I have ear piercings (various places) and my navel, tongue, lip and nose. I've my hand webbing pierced and the top part of the nose (bridge/earl). I love them!

    As for tattoos I am just as mad, I have my 8th and 9th tattoos booked in for next month - I'm starting to run out of body places! The annoying part is that I am at uni studying a medical degree so I can't have any more visible tattoos besides the ones I already have :( my tattoos are offensive in any way, its a shame some people think they are.
  • Jpinpoint
    Jpinpoint Posts: 219 Member
    8 in my ears
    1 industrial
    1 nose
    2 nethers

    I had my eyebrow and tongue done, neither enjoyed much.

    And tattoos I will be 90% covered one day. It's who I am, I like what I have and plan for more.

    And I like pain, so piercings and tattoos work for me.
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    I have had my nose for a while now and I got a piercing by my eye (aside from the ones in my ears, including an industrial).

    Piercing near my eye:


    Piercings aren't so much a problem or special outside the US, however people in the US tend to be really judgmental and you can even have a hard time finding a job with them. Most of Europe has moved beyond that.

    When I went to visit back home in the US I had a hard time remember how people feel about them.
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    I love piercings, though I have taken a lot of mine out. I currently have a monroe piercing... I have my navel, and I have my ears which are stretched to 00g.

    In the past I have had my lip, labret, tongue, ear cartilage, my nose, and one 'private' one... i did not have them all at once though lol
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    Personally I don't like facial piercings or tattoos that can't be hidden. I have 2 piercings in each ear and one tat on my upper back. I also plan on getting at least one more tat. But everyone likes different things, I'll like you either way.
  • TurangaLeela
    TurangaLeela Posts: 70 Member
    I only have my ears pierced but one ear is massively pierced:


    I just got the conch piercing (the blue on in the middle) done as an Xmas present from my husband. My feeling on piercings is "it's your body. Decorate it however you choose."
  • Kismet_35
    Kismet_35 Posts: 28 Member
    I have tattoos and my ears are pierced. I have never been drawn to body piercings but I don't have a problem with them. I think what is ugly is people's attitudes towards them, whether it be pro or con. I know people who think because they are pierced and tattooed they are totally bad *kitten* and that just isn't the case, anyone can get pierced or tattooed. It isn't some kind of special club. Or those who think they are more worldly or more sexually aware and open because they happen to have tattoos and piercings. My tattoos say nothing about me except that I like tattoos. They don't make me more hip or cool or bad *kitten*. I have also had men who wouldn't date me because I have tattoos and that is ugly to me also. Or people think I am a certain way because I have tattoos and judge me on that. I don't judge on whether someone has them or not. I look at the cut of their character instead.