Eating back excerise calories...?



  • ChunkieNuts
    ChunkieNuts Posts: 135 Member
    i think people stress too much about this question.

    for me, this is the best method.

    if im hungry, and i have available calories, regardless of how or why they are there, then i eat. if im not hungry, i dont eat.

    your body will tell you if you should eat them or not.

    yes i agree with this, this has worked for me and also buy a heart rate monitor because MFP can overestimate the calories you have burnt by alot
  • I don't eat mine back thats what I burned. I aim for my daily goal allocated and my body is happy. I can't eat if I'm not hungry. Everybody is different and your body will tell you it's needs. I'm happy the way I'm going and its only been a few months.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Sorry all- totally screwed up my response.... so if I am 1306 BMR and my TDEE is 1560 less 20% my daily calorie intake should be 1433? Regardless of workout days?


    If your BMR is 1306, there is no possible way your TDEE can be 1560 if you are working out - That is applying a very sedentary multiplier of 1.2, and this applies to very few people. Mainly people who do nothing but sit on their *kitten* in front of the TV.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Just had a doctors visit and asked that very question. He said, no. I seem to be losing more weight then he wants me to a week, but he was very happy with my weight loss and told me to keep doing what I have been. I,too, burn around 500 calories a day and do not eat the full 1400 calories he put me on as I don't feel hungry enough to eat that much. (I lost 12 pounds in a month.)
    But I also try to eat mostly good food. I do have a dessert at night if I have any calories left and do not go over any of the nutrient grams given. So, maybe you need to look more at what you are eating and try to change to better "good for you" foods a little at a time. My first two weeks of my diet I just tried to make better choices the first week and the second week I made better choices on what I ate and started exercising 1/2 hour a day 5 days that week. I lost 4 pounds in those two weeks. By the third week I checked out every site that I could on what were the best foods I should eat and I also upped my exercise to 60 minutes. So far I have been losing weight and I am also off my diabetic meds. Good Luck to you , I hope this helps.

    But did you explain to him how MFP works, and that there is already a defict set in your daily calories? So exercise is actually creating a bigger deficit.

    Many people fail to explain this when they ask the question.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Sorry all- totally screwed up my response.... so if I am 1306 BMR and my TDEE is 1560 less 20% my daily calorie intake should be 1433? Regardless of workout days?

    TDEE isnt 1560 unless you are 2 foot tall.
    I have 60 year old women 5'1" with TDEEs at around 2200.
    If you workout 3-5x a week its like this 1306x1.6=2089-20%=1600/day.

    Eat 1600 a day.