PCOS weight-loss input..



  • lucy529
    lucy529 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi all I too have severe pcos and have had it for years was always told to excercise and eat less but that did not work for me am now on a great program and have managed to lose 24 lbs so far am trying to continue to eat well but bread and sugar cravings are hard to get rid of
    i am on metformin and was on insulin as well but lucky since changing my diet i no longer need them only metformin to help with the symptoms of pcos i no longer drink soda even when eating out non sweet ice tea for me hoping that it all helps as i want to lose a good amount of weight before turning 30 in June

    so any advice or tips are also welcome and feel free to add me :) Good luck to us
  • dansergrrl
    dansergrrl Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All I'm new here - I have PCOS and have for a few years, diagnosed in 2007... long story short i had an AWFUL dr who basically told me it was "no big deal" i thought i was overweight because i didn't eat well and didn't exercise.... so three years ago I took control and started working out like a fiend - every single day, 7 days a week and the weight melted off. I lost a little over 100 pounds in a year and i looked and felt great... slowly though it crept back... i was still working out every day just as hard and even harder (i now have a trainer 3 days a week) and i watch my diet carefully) but it keeps coming back.. i could not for the life of me figure out what was going on... i've had some schedule stresses in my life with a long work commute etc.. but i work out hard core 60 min a day and i've gained back almost 50lbs... i decided to go to a new dr.
    She ran a full panel and as soon as i told her I had PCOS she knew what my weight problem was... she checked my insulin that that's what it was.
    It's frustrating that my previous Dr didnt' do anything for me (i had seen her for 12 years) and this dr in 2 visits has an entire plan laid out for me. I'm now on Victoza and i'm on day 4 - she said it should lower my insulin and help with the weight loss. I still have to continue working out and eating healthy of course - but i had NO idea that my PCOS had ANYTHING to do with weight gain at all... i couldn't figure out what was going on. I really hope this new medication works.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    since when was metformin a diet drug? its for treatment of diabeties and insulin resistance, unfortunately some of us have no choice but to go on metformin because our hormones are THAT bad even with weighing less.

    all my dr said was 'lose weight' but no indication on what to do and what would work.

    metformin hasnt helped me lose weight, its just made me more balanced blood sugar wise, but still have to watch carb/sugar intake extended release makes a huge difference in stomach issues.
  • krstn102109
    krstn102109 Posts: 20 Member
    I have PCOS and it makes it hard to get this stupid weight off!!! Anyone out there have this problem and if so what have you done to be successful?

    I have a mild case of PCOS and am severely struggling to lose weight. I work out for 45 minutes a day at least 4 times a week, usually more. I also stay under 1400 calories, usually closer to 1200 and eat mostly healthy foods. I have reached a boiling point after 3 months with the scale barely budging.

    I am guessing it's time to adopt a low-glycemic meal plan. I have researched this a great deal and it seems this is the only way for those suffering from PCOS to lose weight like a normal person would. My cousin also has PCOS, she could not get pregnant. She started doing the low glycemic diet and lost 60lbs in under a year and had a beautiful, healthy baby. I think I am going to start trying this and see how it goes...if anyone would like to join me, I'd be happy to share tips & recipes!
  • dedicated2014
    dedicated2014 Posts: 36 Member
    I have PCOS and it makes it hard to get this stupid weight off!!! Anyone out there have this problem and if so what have you done to be successful?

    I also have PCOS and insulin resistance. I find that limiting my carb intake is helpful for getting weight off. I don't do low-carb per say, but I spread out my carb intake evenly throughout the day so that I don't get a huge "dump" of carbs at one meal. I also stay away from sweets, refined carbs (like bagels - no matter how much I love bagels!) and baked goods (unless I make them myself and know exactly what I'm putting in them). If I get a sweet tooth, I have a little dark chocolate or frozen yogurt.
  • SarahDavs
    SarahDavs Posts: 161 Member
    I've been reading and following "The GI Diet" by Rick Gallop and exercising a bit and have lost 20 pounds in 2 months and 1 week. I've had PCOS for about 8 years. I've also had insulin resistance problems in the past. I don't feel in want of anything on this diet. I'm loving it! :-)
  • middyfire
    middyfire Posts: 12 Member
    I have PCOS and I still have a long way to go, but in the past I did find a low GI diet did help, but it was restrictive enough that I had trouble sticking to it and felt like I was on a diet all the time.

    This time around I'm counting my calories and sticking to whole grains and similar carbs. I've also been on a meal plan that really focuses on having 2 snacks and 3 meals a day, having the regular snacks really seem to help keep me from getting huge carb cravings and binging at meals.
  • KatieMae75
    KatieMae75 Posts: 391 Member
    I too have PCOS, diagnosed around 11 years ago. I joined a PCOS support group for infertility issues and found that many of the ladies there had symptom relief and were able to lose weight by following a book called The Insulin Resistance Diet. It's not a diet in the traditional sense, it's really more about avoiding processed foods and taking in a healthy balance of protein, carbs, etc... I followed it for a while because it's a healthy way of eating and hoped to relieve some symptoms. I did feel pretty good following it, I simply got out of the habit of eating healthy.
  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
  • dansergrrl
    dansergrrl Posts: 2 Member
    Update to my pervious post. I've been on the victoza for about a month now and while I continue to work out 5-6 days a week (2 with a trainer now) the medication has really helped. I've noticed a huge changed in my appetite. I've lost over 10 lbs in the last month. It's so good to know that I'm finally on the right meds. Especially since I've been doing the "right stuff" for so long with now results... I just needed some medical help
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    I had PCOS. I started taking Spironolactin. I took it for a year and a half and my cysts disappeared. I have been off itnow for two years with no cysts and the weight is finally coming off.
  • anu127
    anu127 Posts: 8
    i had pcos its like i was having it forever.. i had been overweight for a long time..
    is it fine that if i increase my metformin dose?? as i seriously want to losse weight quickly..
  • fibenson12
    fibenson12 Posts: 1
    You know I find the whole PCOS thing utterly bewildering. I came off Yasmin 3 months ago and since then my weight has rocketed to it's highest ever point. I exercise hard- am averaging 15,000 steps a day plus kettlebell workouts etc. I eat well- whole grains, lot's of veg etc. Makes me so cross as I am now under physio from numerous over training related injuries!

    I joined a research project at the local hospital but was put in "control" group. This means I have to carry on for a year whilst the other group get education into complete lifestyle changes and I don't get such advice. I have had every test and visceral fat, insulin levels etc are good so I guess I can't moan too much but I would LOVE to know what this miracle complete lifestyle thing is. I simply don't want to just look at a bit of chocolate and put on half a stone!

    Why does nobody, except those who have it, take this illness seriously?!

    Once I uncover the "miracle" I will post again!!:wink:

    KatieMae I will read that book so thank you. I have so many darn books I am thinking of starting a PCOS lending library...............

    btw......despite these battles I have 2 lovely children (following a year of metformin treatment) so nobody with PCOS should EVER give up. The very fact that we are all on this board means we are all "triers"!
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Low GI or Low Carb Diet

    I tried Low gi for a while, it worked but i felt like rubbish (constantly bloated but my body doesnt react well to grains) now i'm low carbing and find it great.

    Exercise is a must, preferably high intensity interval training as it helps benefit against insulin

    Im on metformin but got rid of most my weight premetformin , it helps with my ups and downs sugar wise since i was diagnosed as prediabetic.
  • jaxadaisy
    jaxadaisy Posts: 2
    With Metformin - it didn't help me lose weight but it did seem to stabilise my weight so at least I had stopped putting on weight.
    Only with exercise have I started to shift some of the PCOS midriff...!
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    I have PCOS and have lost 184 pounds. I am not insulin resistant altho I do take metformin (but I only started taking that recently) I keep my carbs moderate (maximum of 158 grams) and eat at least 130 grams of protein a day. Feel free to send me a friend request :)
  • kknmt87
    kknmt87 Posts: 1
    I've been diagnosed with PCOS since the later part of high school. I didn't do anything about it because as a teen, I didn't think it was a big deal. I was on and off of the pill and Metformin. After college, I decided to get on track and get it under control. Now I'm on 500mg Metformin ER and am under a nutritionist's guidelines for "diet" of sorts. Limiting carbs to 30g per meal and 15g per snack. I can do without starchy carbs (bread, crackers, etc.) but I always get caught up with carbs in fruit. I love fruit! I'm hoping to lose a total of 60 pounds, but right now am aiming for 15% (30 pounds). Looking forward to getting tips from all of you! I'm also doing gym workouts 5 times/week with at least 30 minutes cardio and 20 minutes strength. Hoping to up that time in the coming months.
  • PinkMartiniPls
    I could never figure out why I couldn't lose weight, no matter what I did - until I was diagnosed with PCOS. That was what changed everything for me.

    For the first time in my life I was successful at keeping weight off and it's all because of exercise. Initially, I didn't pay much attention to what I was eating, I only focused on working out and gradually increased it until I was working out 7 days/week for an hour and a half each day. I know it sounds like a lot (especially since I started out at 20 mins 3 days/wk) but I got to the point where I craved exercise - it made me feel fantastic!!

    Working out, both cardio and strength training is the best thing you can do to manage PCOS. Once you get that down then focus on your diet, too. Don't take on too much, or you'll give up.

    Hope this helps!
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    Yes, diagnosed in '85! I exercise just about daily, strength train, eat limited processed
    foods. No canned foods or frozen meals. Raw and grilled veggies. I cut out so much
    carb by eliminating rice,pasta,potatoes and pasta unless I make allowances. eat under
    38% carb per day. Drink a lot of water .. I take a vitamin 'milk thistle'. I try and get plenty
    of rest & hydration. None of these things were part of my regimine when my pcos/T2D
    were their worst. Adopt a plan and stick w/it! Best of luck to U. :)
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Heavy, regular exercise helped me.

    I was utterly dependent on birth control pills for any sort of regular cycle, but after I got into martial arts and started training a LOT my cycles normalized to the point where I no longer need pills. I also no longer have the skin discoloration (although I wish the excess hair would go away :().