Hello from Uk



  • rhysgerrard
    rhysgerrard Posts: 33 Member
    Well, just had my lunch. Today i had Uncle Bens Long Grain Rice, Tin of Heinz Beans, Small amount of grated cheese and 1 Pita bread. Washed down with small 250ml Orange Juice.

    Does this sound ok? Im bloody full after it anyway

  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    It's not the worst lunch ever, or anything like that, but it sounds like it could do with more protein.
  • rhysgerrard
    rhysgerrard Posts: 33 Member
    More protein definitely, would it be advisable to use a supplement such as promax diet or a similar thing. As stated before, trying to shed as much fat as possible.

  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    More protein definitely, would it be advisable to use a supplement such as promax diet or a similar thing. As stated before, trying to shed as much fat as possible.


    I supplement with shakes/bars and I just get whatever I can get that is either cheapest or convenient, I've you have GHD store close by or fancy looking online then you can get some bargains. A lot of guys advocate myProtein.com but I've never used them, actually there is an offer in my Men's Health mag this month to get a £60 starter pack from them including shaker and all the basics for about £30 I think...... PM me if you want the details.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    More protein definitely, would it be advisable to use a supplement such as promax diet or a similar thing. As stated before, trying to shed as much fat as possible.


    First preference would be to eat it, turkey, chicken, beef jerky, something like that. If you're unable to do that, then supplement. You don't need a fancy supplement though, just plain old whey will do the trick.

    I supplement with shakes/bars and I just get whatever I can get that is either cheapest or convenient, I've you have GHD store close by or fancy looking online then you can get some bargains. A lot of guys advocate myProtein.com but I've never used them, actually there is an offer in my Men's Health mag this month to get a £60 starter pack from them including shaker and all the basics for about £30 I think...... PM me if you want the details.

    My advice with myprotein would be to avoid like the plague. They have great products, but since being taken over by TheHut they have the worst customer service possible. I've personally experienced this myself, and if you look at many bodybuilding\sports\fitness message boards, you will see the horror stories.
    Shame as like I said the products are great, but there are many other companies who not only have good products, they also realise the customer is who makes them money and so look after their customers properly.
  • rhysgerrard
    rhysgerrard Posts: 33 Member
    Just subscribed to mens health magazine on wednesday. Think i'm going to stick to actual protein for the 1st months and see how i get on, if I need to add protein then i'll give it a go.

    Time to work hard and see the results i suppose.

  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    My advice with myprotein would be to avoid like the plague. They have great products, but since being taken over by TheHut they have the worst customer service possible. I've personally experienced this myself, and if you look at many bodybuilding\sports\fitness message boards, you will see the horror stories.
    Shame as like I said the products are great, but there are many other companies who not only have good products, they also realise the customer is who makes them money and so look after their customers properly.

    This is very good to know, thanks dude. A few people have been recommending them to me despite me being happy with what I have, will avoid them now. I basically now goto GNC and buy whatever they have on offer and reduced, they guy in my Bristol one is great on advise without the hard sell. I agree with you 100% on getting what you can from food in the first place though too, I was eating a protein bar that cost £2 with 20g of protein in but a turkey breast cost half that and is ultimately better (plus tastier). I use the shakes at the moment as I don't have the time.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    If you're happy with what you have, no point changing at all.

    Real food does tend to taste better, although like you say sometimes supplements are more convenient. Nothing wrong with that, just sometimes people get carried away and forget their their to supplement or enhance the diet, not replace it!
  • mbow1977
    mbow1977 Posts: 213
    Hi Rhys,

    I started September last year, im 6ft and was 15st 2, i started using mfp and did the insanity workout which finished just before xmas, im now down to 13stone and about to start p90x, and am starting to increase the protein in my diet compared to carbs to cut the last half stone and to start toning up.
    How many calories are you eating a day?

  • rhysgerrard
    rhysgerrard Posts: 33 Member
    Well done mate, my goal is around 1900 a day. That's what MFP have told me to eat. Wanting to get to around 15 stone maybe less (we'll see how we go)

  • rhysgerrard
    rhysgerrard Posts: 33 Member
    Mike, feel free to add me as a friend and look at my diary. Only started a few days ago but :)
  • delicatenellie
    Hi :) I'm 5ft7 and got down from 135lb to 110 and I'm now maintaining on 2500calories a day, which is nice!! I lost the weight eating from august-december last year by eating 1800 walking 45mins a day, swimming 3x a week and just power weight lifting and squats/pressups every time I walked past my weights at home haha.

    I have porridge oats every day for breakfast, I make them with water because I prefer but if you're using milk use semi skimmed or skimmed, also I recommend adding fruit, banana and blueberries are my favourite and I also add either almonds and walnuts or almond butter or peanut butter. Healthy fats! And keeps me super full. Beans on toast is a healthy lunch and I ate that a lot too but also you could try soup and wholegrain bread at lunch, low fat and keeps you full. Good luck and keep going, I found once I had eaten really clean and healthy for a month and worked out a lot, healthy habits became second nature to me.

    I also completely stopped consuming liquid calories, alcohol, juices, milk etc which really helped I think. Some lattes and fancy coffee drinks have 350+calories in there! Now I'm a it lax though and have the occasional sugary coffee or alcoholic drink or 2 :-)
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    hhheeey, i wanted to wish you all the best....and say its nice to see an EU fellow on here haha :D
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Hi :) I'm 5ft7 and got down from 135lb to 110 and I'm now maintaining on 2500calories a day, which is nice!! I lost the weight eating from august-december last year by eating 1800 walking 45mins a day, swimming 3x a week and just power weight lifting and squats/pressups every time I walked past my weights at home haha.


    You must have a ridiculous metabolism - you weigh exactly half what I do, and we have the same maintenance!
  • delicatenellie
    Haha well it probably helps that I'm 18, and I upped my intake by about 100 each week til I was reaching 2500 (this is what my doctor told me to do) so I sort of trained my metabolism. I doubt I'll be able to munch peanut butter all day forever though! :sad: But definitely you need more calories if you're really active or trying to build muscle, I lose if I eat less now
  • rhysgerrard
    rhysgerrard Posts: 33 Member
    1st Week is nearly over. I've lost 2lbs so far which is my target for every week. So far i've run almost everyday and walked about 5 miles.

    Just want to keep pushing so i can see the results. Learning to be patient too haha!

    Well done delicatenelli too, that sounds pretty awesome to be honest!
