Am I the only one that uses this app to gain weight??

Every post I see is about losing weight. I was just wondering if there are any people bulking? What do you eat? I aim for 3500+ calories a day. I am at a plateu now ive been 176-180 pounds and 10ish body fat % for a month and its frustrating as hell. Ive switched from skim milk to whole milk, increased carbs, eating before bed and still cant stay over 180 any help??


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I'm in the same boat, sent you a request.
  • Mikemax125
    Good stuff, thought I was alone in this.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    At the moment am not using it to gain as am still a fat b*stard!! but long term I intend to use it for same as you once have dropped the fat and start bulking and cutting.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Nope. I was using it to track while trying to add some new mass and was eating 3500+ as well, now try to cut all the way down to 10% or so but will most likely use it again in a few months time when wanting to bulk.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    10 more lbs to lose then I'm going to bulk. That's the plan anyways. Nervous lol But I gotta get my skinny fat self some muscles hahaha
  • Mikemax125
    I have the cutting part down, its just the bulking that I am having a hard time with. Any weight gainers u guys recommend?
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    I plan to clean bulk after I drop a little more fat. I can't imagine needing to eat 3500... I'm a newb and so my lbm is fairly low.
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    How rapid a bulk are you going for?
  • Mikemax125
    You get used to it. I do a clean bulk also if u mean by eating healthy.Lots and lots of chicken breast brown rice, oatmeal and peanut butter, egg whites, wheat bread etc
  • Mikemax125
    How rapid a bulk are you going for?
    1-2 pounds a week would be nice and to stay under 12% body fat as well but not sure how well that will work. I may have to sacrifice the abs for the sake of muscle.
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    To me a clean bulk means tracking your macros and gaining weight slowly so that's its a Hugh muscle to fat ratio. And a dirty bulk would be where you eat everything in sight and don't care about fat gains.

    I'm going to clean bulk at about 1kilo(2.2lb) a month. So about half a pound a week.
  • FineasEnferb
    FineasEnferb Posts: 9 Member
    I am just about there with you. My body fat is in the 11's and I don't want to go below 160 and would prefer to get closer to 170 while keeping 10-12% BF. Right now I am having a heck of a time eating 2000+ clean calories. Anyhow, sent you a friend request as I need more help on adding clean calories to my diet.
  • Mikemax125
    My entire diet stays the exact same every day except one meal and that is my post workout meal. I dont splurge or anything but I do eat about 1000 calories 30 min after my post workout protein/carb/bcaa shake. Half a pound a week is a very realistic goal good luck!
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    I do...but I'm coming from the other end of the spectrum SW was seriously under healthy ranges...I believe I'm just within healthy ranges now....I've been on a bulk & maintain, bulk & maintain for 9 months. Eventually I'll do a proper cut. I actually needed some fat too so my first 10lb (in 12 weeks) was a pretty dirty I just eat normal ...about 70-80% clean

    Perhaps you need to change your foods up. Not necessarily dirty...but different.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Just starting a round of bulking. Calories increased to 2300 (from 1900), less HIIT (20% of what I used to do).
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    currently bulking at 4000+ cal. will bring it back down to 3000 cal next week when I transition into my strength weeks from my hypertrophy. sending friend request.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I am reverse dieting from my last show.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    Increase calories.:wink:
  • 51powerski
    51powerski Posts: 66 Member
    Also clean bulking at the moment since mid November, shooting for a 0.5 lbs / week gain. I do a lot of running however and I really can't be bothered with getting too heavy and slow.

    You already mentioned some of my bulking weapons (peanut butter, etc), other stuff I tend to use a lot of are chickpeas, avocado and liberally tossing olive oil over most of my cooking. ;)

    And yeah as above poster says if you ain't gaining on what you are eating you need to eat more. :)
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member