Hungry after eating, constantly hungry... Never satisfied!



  • mikeykhan2003
    2 things.

    1. have your blood sugar checked.

    2. Brush your teeth every hour or two. I heard that people hate to lose that fresh feeking in their mouth and will not eat or drink as much.

    Brushing my teeth is key for me. I can pretty much destroy any craving by brushing my teeth.
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    That sounds exactly like me...I was discribing it to my husband, who has always been thin and thinks food is boring, and he pretty much thinks im crazy. But everything you described is EXACTLY what I go through every day. And ya, gum does NOT work for me. Once I get a taste of something, anything, I start wanting other things. I chew on everything, pens, my name badge for work, my necklace....its awful. I always want the feeling, texture, taste, etc in my mouth.
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member

    It's a list of "craving this means you really need this" and tells you what to eat in its place.

    Take a look at the list. Maybe if you pinpoint exactly what you are wanting/craving at a certain time you can fill those cravings with more calorie appropriate food. I used to binge eat right after my meals. I wasn't hungry but my mind though I was. So I would just eat because of boredom. Try eating the right foods that can curb your appetite.

    Ha ha! read a few on there and it says if you are craving sweets, that lamb is a good substiture! wut?
  • ddjjfj333
    I am diabetic and I often go through this, that's the reason I Googled the topic. We all have different chemical balances but I will share what I am finding for myself.

    If I don't eat balanced meals, I get cravings.

    I am a heavy insulin user and if I don't remember to inject before I eat, when I do eat the sugar just sits there in my blood and doesn't go out to the muscles and other points where a satisfaction response is given to/from my brain.

    I also find that if I have a heavier meal one day, the next day I'm much more hungry. Since I worry about trying to lose weight, I stress over that and feel down about myself. IT DOESN'T HELP. I then put on the enemy hat and add to my struggles.

    The fact you want more liquid sounds so much like me when I have lost the delicate sugar balance I should have. I have no idea where want and need balance for me. It's like walking a tightrope.

    This food issue is huge, and I'm finding it especially stressful the last couple of weeks before a 3-month checkup, or maybe I should just call it WEIGH-IN. Maybe it's a forbidden fruit thing - gotta have what we are not supposed to have. I do notice when I come out of the doctor's office after my 3-mo checkup, I tell myself I can eat anything I want that day. But then I don't feel like having anything calorific, so I just a light but normal anything at mealtime.

    The only reason I am sharing so much here is that if someone else has experienced the same thing, know that you are not alone and that it's important to relax about it, count calories (a calorie is a calorie is a calorie) and if I use up my sensible allotment before dinner, just have a plain bowl of old-fashioned oatmeal and a glass of lo-fat milk. The tummy will feel good and it's only about 200 cals or less.

    Good luck!