What are your reasons?



  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    The way I feel about myself is directly tied to my confidence. I want my confidence back in a big way.
    and my two daughters. I had a "fatty" mommy and was forever embarrassed by her. I don't want to be an embarrassment to my daughters! Also, by working my tail off in front of them, they are learning the importance of exercise. They love to use the "treadmilk" after me - they do jumping jacks along with me, and when I do HIIT Skipping, my oldest daughter is so impressed that her mommy is a great skipper.

    Awesome! Though I don't have kids yet, I think it's great that toys and games are starting to incorporate exercising with playtime. The Fisher-Price video games are so cool! The Wii is awesome, but for less expensive toys/games there is so much out there now! Keep skipping!!!! :bigsmile:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    My oldest daughter and my husband love to Wii Sports Resort together - The two of us will play Just Dance. My youngest follows along with the dancing, but doesn't get the idea behind the remotes yet. But she's the runner - she loves to run, her little arms chugging away as she runs - adorable.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Main reasons for me are health concerns. Obesity, Diabetes and Heart Disease are rampant in my family, not to mention a dozen different cancers. I've watched my family deteriorate around me, and more than half of it was likely preventable- at least for a much longer time- if they'd taken better care of themselves. My mom was overweight by my age(21), my sis is 7 years older and been struggling with her weight since I was a young teen. I'm getting to the age that so many members of my family have in the past begun to let themselves go, and I want to break that pattern, for my sake.

    My mum is sick and Obese, so is my dad, and my sister also, and she isn't happy with herself. If I can I'd love to help her lose weight too, she talks about it all the time, but with a new baby she doesn't have the time. I don't mind having lots of babysitting in my future if it helps her de-stress and get healthier too, she wants to lose her baby-weight and 20-30 more after that before she hits 30.

    I come from a southern family, bad for the heart, great for the tastebuds. Everything fried, mashed potatoes at every meal, steaks, dips, "Whats dat der green stuff? A Salad? This aint some tree-huggin festival, where dem der meat and taters?!?!?!". <--- Dad and Uncles. Anything Green is a bad thing to most of my family, shunned from the table and from the home. Family Joke - Mashed Potatoes and Ketchup, equals Two servings of Veggies, and if it aint enough, add more ketchup. Eating better and cooking with new ingredients, new ways, and alot more often, is also part of my changes I'm making.

    My other reasons are more personal, I grew up on a farm, 18 years, active for hours and hours a day, horseback riding, mucking stalls, feeding, cutting the pasture, walking to the river, etc. I've always been active without having to think about it. Then after leaving home I ended up working as a waitress, on my feet 8+ hours a day, and never had an exercise routine because I was always hustling and burning calories.

    Now I'm changing my type of work, and I need to get a routine set and down to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle before I end up looking at myself and wondering where on earth the extra weight came from, as I've seen so many friends and family members do. It'll happen before I know it, it already has a little bit. I put on 10 pounds recently, not the end of the world, but before it multiplies I need to do something about it. Time to be Proactive! Lose the weight, feel better, be healthy! No more Ramen for lunch! No more Chef Boyardee for dinner! Exercise at least 5 days a week, make it a habit, then I won't have to worry about it so much and it won't seem so daunting when it's just part of my daily ritual :smile:

    And as mostly everyone can say also, I want to look and feel better in general too. :heart: