Wii Etc (Fit, Fit Plus, EA....) Team for March



  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I just want to say that I am loving using the Wii as an exercise tool... my son and I are playing on it every night - so not only do I get the benefit of exercise - but also some together time. And ummm.... there's something to be said for beating my athletic 12 year old at the hula hoop!

    For those of you doing the advanced level or higher of boxing on Wii Fit - Woohoo for you... I tried it yesterday... so not that coordinated yet! Will keep trying though.

    What I really want to know though is this... how does the "Free Step" work. I thought I read that you could watch tv while stepping. Is that right? And how does it work?
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I just want to say that I am loving using the Wii as an exercise tool... my son and I are playing on it every night - so not only do I get the benefit of exercise - but also some together time. And ummm.... there's something to be said for beating my athletic 12 year old at the hula hoop!

    For those of you doing the advanced level or higher of boxing on Wii Fit - Woohoo for you... I tried it yesterday... so not that coordinated yet! Will keep trying though.

    What I really want to know though is this... how does the "Free Step" work. I thought I read that you could watch tv while stepping. Is that right? And how does it work?

    I am curious about the free stepping and free run myself , haven't checked that out yet.

    The advanced boxing did take me some tries to figure out. It is easier than it looks once you get the gist. I just love it on expert, the pauses are very brief. I am looking forward to it tonight after my rest day.Will probably go a few rounds on expert.

    That's great you and your son are playing together. I cannot get the 17 year old daughter to join me for nothin'. :ohwell:

    That hula is a good burn. I do it for the burn, but for me it snt'ttas fun as some of the other things.

    Happy hump day everyone!!!
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    All you have to do, is start the free step or run and change the channel. Any instructions, ie how much time you have, your pace, etc, from that point will be through the remote. That's usually how I do my free step now.

    I burned about 400 calories this morning. 200 from walking to work and another 200ish from my 30 day challenge. I probably won't walk home as it's supposed to rain, so I'll hopefully have enough time tonight to free step for at least 30 minutes.

    Have fun everyone :)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    The Free Step is great, but not all TVs will let you change stations. Mine does and basically I get it started during a comercial and then switch over to watch TV. You have to stay on the Wii until you get to where you set your pace. There are 3 paces to it. As you do it more you can unlock more minutes in 10 minute intervals up to 30 minutes.

    I am making my goal of trying all the standard new Wii Fit Plus routines until I've done them all and then can set up some routines of my own. They really are a lot of fun and a lot of work.

    I have been looking for My Fitness Coach everywhere and just can't find a store that carries it. To those of you who have it - can you tell me where you got it?

    Welcome to the newcomers in the group.

  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Hello everyone,

    The Free Step is great, but not all TVs will let you change stations. Mine does and basically I get it started during a comercial and then switch over to watch TV. You have to stay on the Wii until you get to where you set your pace. There are 3 paces to it. As you do it more you can unlock more minutes in 10 minute intervals up to 30 minutes.

    I am making my goal of trying all the standard new Wii Fit Plus routines until I've done them all and then can set up some routines of my own. They really are a lot of fun and a lot of work.

    I have been looking for My Fitness Coach everywhere and just can't find a store that carries it. To those of you who have it - can you tell me where you got it?

    Welcome to the newcomers in the group.


    I think my husband ordered the My Fitness Coach from Amazon. And thanks for the info! I'm going to try the free step tonight if my tv will let me... might as well do something while watching American Idol! LOL!
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    best buy had the my fitness coach in stock here, not sure about all the stores though
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    I believe my husband got the Fitness Coach from Amazon, too.

  • irismoon
    irismoon Posts: 83
    I got my fitness coach from walmart when they had it on sale a month or two ago. Got the gold gym's cardio gym on sale at the same time. My town right now has most fitness stuff on sell. Our book/game/dvd store is putting all the books and games on display that involve fitness and weight loss. Walmart is lowering all their gear down on price and putting it out on display too. It's great for me since I'm trying to find this kind of stuff for cheap. Anyways....

    I didn't know you could do that with the free step/run. I really need to try that out. I hope it works on my system as we have our system set up on a button set up for all our game systems. They are all hooked to one connector that we press a botton for whatever system we are wanting to use. I'll see what happens when I do later. Would be awesome if it works.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning all. My son has found the My fitness coach at game stop for like 20 bucks. I think I am going to get it this week-end. I have found it on Amazon as well but you have shipping charges and such. I don't know how much it is at Walmart!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    WOW! I'm in love with the free step option on the Wii Fit! Did 20 minutes this morning! I think the best thing for me is that I'll be able to exercise using the Wii even if my son wants to watch a show on tv. LOVE it!
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I managed to get up to 2128 points on the boxing last night. Woohooo. Still room for improvement though.

    Trying decide what game I should once I have mastered much of the Wii Fit Plus. That time isn't here yet, but I can see it will come, and I don;t want to get bored.

    Hope everyone is having a great week! I am quite glad the weekend is getting closer.
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    I've been doing 30 - 40 minutes every morning for the past 2 months. Just started the stepping. Love it. Also the run. Short, long and island run. I have noticed that in between my shoulder blades gives me pain. Anyone have any clues as to why. What am I doing wrong.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Does anyone havae My Fitness Coach 2? What do you think of it? What are the differences between that and My Personal Fitness Coach?
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I've been doing 30 - 40 minutes every morning for the past 2 months. Just started the stepping. Love it. Also the run. Short, long and island run. I have noticed that in between my shoulder blades gives me pain. Anyone have any clues as to why. What am I doing wrong.
    If I understand it properly, you have pain in between your shoulder blades while jogging/stepping?

    I'm not sure, but are your shoulders tense while jogging/stepping?
    Some people have a tendency to tighten up and their shoulders scrunch up around their neck.

    If that's it, try just relaxing your arms/shoulders one day, let them hang by your hip.
  • irismoon
    irismoon Posts: 83
    Just tried out my free step on my wii fit plus for 20 minutes. Coolest thing ever! I think I'm going to do this daily while watching tv in the evenings. I'm glad it worked on my system. I wish I could have figured this out when I got this for Christmas! Can't wait until I try the free run after my ankle gets some rest. Glad you guys talked about this or I may have never figured this out! *jumps up and down happily* Now I got one more way of getting in my work out while also doing something else. I love my tv time - desperate housewives and adult swim....I'm very odd

    Other than that today I skipped doing my fitness coach. Went to the local Curves fitness center today with my mom and friend instead. Did my rounds and was hyper beyond belief afterwards. Why is it that exercise can make you more hyper?
  • irismoon
    irismoon Posts: 83
    Does anyone havae My Fitness Coach 2? What do you think of it? What are the differences between that and My Personal Fitness Coach?

    Don't own it yet. I was planning on getting it soon, but it has gotten some bad reviews on amazon.com. You may want to read those before picking it up. I think I'm going to get it used at the local game stop when they have it, since if you decide you didn't like it you can return a used game for store credit in the exact amount you bought the game if you return it in 7 days. I love that about the game stop chain. If you don't have a game stop, don't buy it thinking you can return it. Walmart and many other places won't take opened games back even if you have the sale's slip. Learned that the hard way when I got my dad the wrong game for Christmas. *rolls eyes* Anyways, good luck on figureing out about the My Fitness Coach 2. The only thing I know is that it has a recipe collection in it. So I suggest searching the net for reviews.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Does anyone havae My Fitness Coach 2? What do you think of it? What are the differences between that and My Personal Fitness Coach?

    Don't own it yet. I was planning on getting it soon, but it has gotten some bad reviews on amazon.com. You may want to read those before picking it up. I think I'm going to get it used at the local game stop when they have it, since if you decide you didn't like it you can return a used game for store credit in the exact amount you bought the game if you return it in 7 days. I love that about the game stop chain. If you don't have a game stop, don't buy it thinking you can return it. Walmart and many other places won't take opened games back even if you have the sale's slip. Learned that the hard way when I got my dad the wrong game for Christmas. *rolls eyes* Anyways, good luck on figureing out about the My Fitness Coach 2. The only thing I know is that it has a recipe collection in it. So I suggest searching the net for reviews.

    Thanks for the heads up. I haven't had a chance to check out the reviews. I know that the one by Jillian Michaels didn't get good review which is why we decided to go with the Personal Fitness Coach. I didn't even KNOW there was a Fitness Coach 2. Just saw it in the store today. Will definitely have to do more reading on it.
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    I'm so glad you guys are liking the free step! It's definitely one of my newer favorites :happy:

    I burned 428 calories with my 30 day challenge and the upper body sculpt and tone tonight. I also walked to and from work again today. I'm beat. I'll be sleeping like a baby tonight!

    Enjoy your wiis everyone!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I would love to join this group. I love my wii. I am doing the active 30 day challenge and I love it. I am really terrible at the volleyball drills. I hope I get better.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Well I was hell bent on getting on the Wii tonight, but my ten hour work day turned into a twelve hour day with dinner interuptus.:grumble: I started my day at 6 am, it is after 9pm now and I am so drained I can hardly see straight. I really hate giving my last ounce of energy to the job. It is just not fair. :yawn:

    Excuse the whining. :cry:

    Tomorrow is Friday, thank heavens, and I will box til I am blue in the face tomorrow night!!! :angry: