Any 50 somethings out there



  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    I am 50+ lol...just turned 51 in November.....have a long way to go but would love all the support and encouragement that I can get on this journey!!! Also would love to be able to support and encourage takes a village....
  • moneypenny50
    moneypenny50 Posts: 18 Member
    50 something and determined this year. Good start for three days. bad day today. went out for a company luncheon. should have said no to the cheesecake and cappucino. oh well. tomorrow is another day
  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    I just turned 57 yesterday! I joined MFP in the Fall of 2012 and I have lost 13 pounds. Over thanksgiving/Christmas I gained 3 back but I am back on "the wagon" again. I pretty much ate whatever I wanted over Christmas and am happy to have only gained 3 pounds. Especially since yesterday was my birthday. I didn't have any cake..I did have half a donut and I didn't even LIKE it...can you believe it? good luck to you all. Look forward to hearing from you!!!
  • MsAbandy
    MsAbandy Posts: 2 Member
    Joining myfitnesspal today. Just started the Shred diet and this sure makes it so easy to keep track of Meals, snacks and exercises. On day 2 and lost 2 lbs so far. Not use to paying attention to what I have been eating until now.
  • amyfliesalot
    amyfliesalot Posts: 51 Member
    Yikes! Diabetes is a big motivator for me, too. I don't want to end up like my parents. Our generation has the knowledge to avoid it.
    We just need to apply it...
  • westerly34
    Hey everybody my names Mickey, 23 year old pharmacy student. Pretty athletic always been like that. My senior year of HS I was 6'1 and 125 lbs. Yea I was really skinny but I was pretty cut and people would always tell me to get bigger or make fun saying 'Mickey Mouse" lol. Didn't get into lifting until my sophomore year of college, this is where I shot up to 160 lbs. Only did it because I was a basketball player, still am sometimes! Kept lifting but did not have the fundamentals. I would be able to eat anything I wanted and not get fat. Now I am a little bit more knowledgeable and know how to train properly. Currently I am 6'1 and 195 lbs. I think from what the online calculators tell me I am around 18-20% bf. I would now like to cut and hoping to get down to 180 lbs or so to become more leaner. This is why I have joined here. I will be following the if it fits your macros diet (IIFYM). This is the first time I am ever dieting lol. I believe in lifting heavy weights to get bigger and gaining muscle. I split my days into different muscle groups training 1 muscle group a day excluding arms (bi's and tri's lol). My staple exercises are the incline bench, the awesome deep squat, and the great deadlift!! Currently I do 200 lbs for 7 sets of 4 on incline bench, 7 sets of 315 for squat, and 7 sets of 4 at 350 for deadlifts. I am hoping I dont lose muscle during this cutting so I can preserve my strength. I apologize for this run on paragraph lol but I am just too excited lol
  • lamkey224
    lamkey224 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 56 and this is going to be my year for me. No more excuses or husband and father-in-law's bad eating habits slow me down. Do have a question when weighing food. I had a vegetable mix of broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, and water chestnuts. 1 serviing = 3/4 cup which I tried in a measuring cup to get an idea. Would it be 6 oz on a food scale?
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Well...I am a bit more than 50. I will be 68 in February. I am also a newbie to MFP, having just joined today; but I feel like I am just beginning my life. I have the goal to lose 70 pounds which is what my surgeon requires, before I can have surgery to get both my knees replaced. Degenerative arthritis and years of carrying my weight have left me dependent on a walker at home and wheelchair every place else. This weight loss and surgery will help me to a better life in the future.

    I started my food plan in mid-November (weighing more than 270) and have already lost 19 pounds. I am working with my doctor to keep me on track, but I am pretty much sedentary for now.
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    I'm 53 and starting over to reach my weight-loss goals. Feel free to add me anyone. Thanks.
  • salsadancer10
    salsadancer10 Posts: 3 Member
    I just found this website today and love it!! I'll be 57 tomorrow. Ugh, another birthday and have to lose weight, especially after the holidays. The boyfriend and I love to go salsa dancing, it's one way to burn the carbs. Anyone else love to dance?
  • BabyRaven
    BabyRaven Posts: 10 Member
    Yep - 50 'something'. That's me! Re-starting on ME in 2013! Lost 40 lbs a while ago and the weight crept back up. Now it's time for me again!
    At 53, I know us 50 somethings have 'special challenges' to deal with. I look forward to chatting with / viewing other posts of folks in my same boat.
    Thank you!!!!
  • Ilovevwgolf
    Ilovevwgolf Posts: 564 Member
    I am 51 and I lost 18 ilbs over 3 months (ok...slow for some but I'm happy with it) and I am proud with what I have achieved. Lots of cardio exercise helps. And I am showing off my newly found 'flat tum', stretch marks and all, in my profile pics! The 6-pack is still hiding somewhere in there!
  • juliedor
    juliedor Posts: 72 Member
    Restarting MFP with my Fitbit clipped on my belt!! Looking for other 50 somethings who want a healthier lifestyle and would like a friend along the way.
  • juliedor
    juliedor Posts: 72 Member
    Hello I'm 53 and started MFP about 10 days ago and I'm loving it.I have ordered a fitbit which I should have this week.
    I am Australian and would be happy if you'd like to add me.
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    I have just turned 50. It is harder to lose weight as you get older, but not impossible. My goal in fact was not to be fat and 50 and this has been achieved. I have gone from a UK size 14 to a UK size 6.

    Best of luck - you can do it!!
  • deerfootmechanical
    I turned 50 a few month ago and I just joined MFP Dec 28/12. My friend told me about MFP and she has lost over 85 pounds already. So she is my only friend now and I wasn't sure how to make new friends in this site. And whats better then having friends your own age?!?:smile:
  • twilson1157
    twilson1157 Posts: 3 Member
    Just started this weekend.
    Need motivation
    I travel during the week and it is difficult to exercise and eat healthy out of a hotel on the run.
    Just got back from the gym
  • bearii
    bearii Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 51, when I started back on 11/27/12 I needed to lose 113lbs to be at my target weight (upper normal range). I'm committed, I have to lose the weight and change my lifestyle. At our age I figure it's now or never! Too much "good" living in the 30's and 40's finally caught up to me. :laugh:

    I'm excited, by setting small goals towards the bigger target, including rewards to motivate me, MFP logging every day/everything, never overeating, exercising faithfully every day and developing and relying on a solid network of folks to hold me accountable it is really working this time.

    Good luck everyone! Feel free to friend me. :smile:
  • Alastairjclark
    Hi folks - 58 and needing to get rid of weight which slows me down and saps energy. Good luck to everyone here. With a bit of determination we may all be in need of some new clothes by Easter!
  • rmbcan2
    rmbcan2 Posts: 2 Member
    52 and struggling to lose the pounds..working hard..would love to connect with other women my age..sure isn't like when I was younger, could lose 5 pounds in a week now I keep finding those lost pound of yesteryear!