Soul Mates - Real or Not



  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Didn't believe in it.. Til I met him.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    If it's real in your head....sure...... it's just as real as Santa and the Easter don't go ruining it for the believers \m/
    Don't_Stop_Believin'.gif \m/
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I think that there are such things are soul mates, but I don't think that everyone only has one out there. I think a soul mate is someone who makes you feel special, love yourself, and brings out the best side of you. someone who makes you want to be the best possible person you can be in the world.

  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    everyone: go watch 500 days of summer.

    you're welcome.
  • missythomas927
    People who said stuff like this used to make me want to puke. Until....... I hooked up with mine. It just felt "right" from the beginning. I know this sounds crazy, but its true: we never fight. I have picked up my phone to call him and it rings because he is calling me. I tell him I want middle-eastern food for dinner and he tells me he is on the way to pick some up after work. I am not joking. I can talk to him about anything. I have never been able to love myself until he loved me. I know this sounds ridiculous and frankly if anyone would have told me this 8 years ago, I would have laughed in their face. I wish everyone could find their soulmate and not settle for less.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    It is possible to meet someone with values and beliefs so close to yours

    and a chemistry so electric

    that it feel like it's destined to be. Feels like magic.

    That feeling, I believe, is behind the idea of "soulmates"
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    lol ive had a few " soul " mates

    enough said :)
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I met my soul mate in college. He's gay so we're certainly not married. But we always made each other feel so complete- two itty bitty peas in a way far out pod :laugh:
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    So maybe I'm a 45 year old kid :) (my friends would agree!).

    I do agree its real, however, not everyone finds or even recognizes their souls mates. I haven't found mine, but it doesn't mean he's not out there somewhere!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Maybe not for everyone, but my husband and I are definitely soul mates.

    That is the only "soul mates" there are. In marriage, you join your soul to your spouse, "until death do us part." It wasn't until the romantic age that anyone considered that marriage could be based on other than practical considerations---it was too important a decision to be based on the emotion of the moment. The reason why many marriages end at the two year mark is that the heated romance of the first two years gives way to a practical arrangement of working out roles---and it is there that character deficits and other impediments to satisfactory marriage crop up.
  • fadedflower79
    fadedflower79 Posts: 80 Member
    compatibility + communication + commitment + compassion + cuddling = soul mate to me (but I have not found him yet!) :)
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    People who said stuff like this used to make me want to puke. Until....... I hooked up with mine. It just felt "right" from the beginning. I know this sounds crazy, but its true: we never fight. I have picked up my phone to call him and it rings because he is calling me. I tell him I want middle-eastern food for dinner and he tells me he is on the way to pick some up after work. I am not joking. I can talk to him about anything. I have never been able to love myself until he loved me. I know this sounds ridiculous and frankly if anyone would have told me this 8 years ago, I would have laughed in their face. I wish everyone could find their soulmate and not settle for less.

    He felt diff at the strip club with us last nite
  • marthathebear
    My husband and I are soul mates. I know we were destined to meet and if we had not we would not be as happy with anyone else. There has not been anyone I've met before or since that would have worked this well. It's not perfect by any means but we figure out how to make it as perfect as possible together. You have your own beliefs, maybe that is because you haven't met your soul mate, idk.
  • IDCY843
    IDCY843 Posts: 78 Member
    I found my soul mate, married him, he passed away (that same year). I have met another soul mate now and am very happily married again. Just proves that there is more than one soul mate out there for us.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    everyone: go watch 500 days of summer.

    you're welcome.

    ^^This. I was just thinking that.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
  • Hopeful_
    Hopeful_ Posts: 39 Member
    I don't think a soul mate has to be a partner or necessarily associated with romance, I think they can be in the form of a friend, who understands you more than anyone and brings out the most honest, unguarded version of "you".
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I believe in it. Yes, the notion is cheesy. But if you are fortunate enough to find yours, all of the sudden the concept doesn't seem that foreign

    I completely agree with this, and the notion of 'kindred spirits'. But I also believe there can be many people you *could* be happy with and be in love with who may not be your soul mate. I've been in other relationships, and I've thought that I was in love with them. I can see that I could have been happily married to one or two them. But- that love didn't even touch the connection and love I feel for my husband, or the happiness that we have with each other. :)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    People who said stuff like this used to make me want to puke. Until....... I hooked up with mine. It just felt "right" from the beginning. I know this sounds crazy, but its true: we never fight. I have picked up my phone to call him and it rings because he is calling me. I tell him I want middle-eastern food for dinner and he tells me he is on the way to pick some up after work. I am not joking. I can talk to him about anything. I have never been able to love myself until he loved me. I know this sounds ridiculous and frankly if anyone would have told me this 8 years ago, I would have laughed in their face. I wish everyone could find their soulmate and not settle for less.

    You never fight? Dats crazy.

    I fight with mine, its the making up that's the best part. "Soul mate" might be too strong a word but I've definitely found someone that makes me feel awesome.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member

    Pfft science smience. No one here believes in that junk.