What triggered your journey?



  • jessward12
    jessward12 Posts: 24 Member
    Tired of being "the fat girl" all of my life, I have been overweight and never really knew why. It was when I was diagnosed with PCOS(poly cystic ovarian syndrome) I knew I had to take control over my body. I knew nobody could change it but me. But what really topped it was when I found out I would have an even harder time conceiving my first baby. I have wanted children my whole life so I made a vow to myself I would lose weight, I would be healthy, and I would have a baby. Please feel free to add me because I can't do this alone and I need someone to push me and motivate me to get off my @$$ and exercise and eat healthy!
  • essaryswife73
    essaryswife73 Posts: 81 Member
    Not being able to sit in my computer chair and tie my sneakers, along with a ton of other things. My father in law passed in 2012, way to early, the result of living unhealthy for a lifetime. My grandfather was tremendously overweight at over 350 lbs when he passed in 2006, and when I stepped on the scale less than a month ago, I was less than 50 lbs from that weight. I'm almost 40, and I have a wonderful husband who loves me unconditionally, and 2 great kids, and I REALLY want to be around for a long time for them. My husband and I have plans to travel in Europe when the kids are moved out on their own, and I want to be able to do everything we have planned. I want to be around to see any grand kids we might have grow up. I'm tired of living my life on the couch, or behind the camera, or hiding from the camera. I want to be out there living life!!!!
  • rbjd2004
    I was laid off April of last year. After only a few days the boredom had set in and the negative thoughts had taken over.

    I was my own worst enemy; I felt so down, and I just needed to DO something. I've always been the type to throw myself into work when I'm down (every now and then I also would indulge in some calorie therapy, too, apparently). I just needed to take control, approach a challenge and conquer it. I needed to accomplish something important and feel proud of myself.

    Now I have a new job and a much healthier lifestyle. And I'm feeling proud again. :)
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member

    This picture. I sort of knew I was overweight, but my friend put this photo of me on Facebook, and I was appalled at how I looked.
  • aakokopelli7
    aakokopelli7 Posts: 196 Member
    I saw a picture of myself from a kids birthday party posted on facebook. I was in the background but I could see how fat my face had gotten, and how wide I really was. Even the way I was standing was the way that over weight people stand. It was just awful. And it was right then that it just clicked with me, I needed to do something about it right away.
  • linsey76A
    linsey76A Posts: 102
    Honestly, I have been on this journey since i was 8 :/ Have lost100 pounds in the past and due to lack of discipline gained it all back...and it brought friends lol. Last year had a health scare, got re-motivated but lost my way. The picture that I have posted really made me see just how much i had lost my way...sometimes until u see yourself in a photo, u just don't realize the truth and since i rarely let people take my picture i just wasn't seeing it. When i saw that i remembered just what had happened to get me started on becoming healthy again and came back here for the support!
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    Steve Perry.

  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Seeing photos from the other Christmas. So I decided to do something about it before I got any bigger.
  • goldied01
    goldied01 Posts: 149 Member
    My Doctor retired ..... so I went to a new one and he tweaked my meds, believed in me and got me started taking better care of myself. Now I am off my Diabetic Meds and on my way to a much healthier life! :bigsmile:
  • jmwood33
    jmwood33 Posts: 17 Member
    I dont recall a trigger. Just that i wanted to be better to myself and show my kids a better life. I was becoming depressed and didnt think it was healthy for my kids!! :) Or myself or husband :)
  • JameeraSaif
    JameeraSaif Posts: 10 Member
    Too many people my age (mid-40's) with significant health issues. Most have diet, exercise and smoking related illnesses. I don't want to be helpless and miserable at an early age worried about where my medication or food will come from because I can't work.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    This picture. I sort of knew I was overweight, but my friend put this photo of me on Facebook, and I was appalled at how I looked.
    I had a similar experience; I looked like a rooting hog in a very unflattering picture.
    I could not believe my eyes..
  • souzouchan
    The two things that caused me to fail with my weight loss in the past were time and support. I never seemed to have time and I never seemed to have anyone in my corner, and it kept thwarting my efforts.

    The trigger was getting laid off from my job in March. That itself had nothing to do with my weight though, it was just liberating as I HAAATED IT!! But having all the free time I did between jobs was finally what got me off my *kitten* and going. And my awesome fiance (devilhunter30 here at MFP) jumped on board with me and since April 2012, we've been going strong since!
  • AliceKlaar
    AliceKlaar Posts: 275 Member
    It was the opposite of a "fat picture" for me - I'd piled on the weight in a relatively short space of time and somebody tagged me in on some New Year's Eve photos taken prior to my weight gain. I got so upset looking at photos of the slim me that I resolved to get back to that weight again - I'm now less than 10lbs away :-)
  • SloRunner25
    SloRunner25 Posts: 89 Member
    My doctor diagnosing me with GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease). The cause? The extra 50 pounds I acquired the past 2 years. Plus the doctor remarking that people in their 20's don't usually get this and he sees it in his 40-60 yr old patients.

    And my husband being genuinely afraid for my health and well being.

    Now I'm down 10 pounds and can already feel and see a major difference. 40 to go!

    To those just starting...it IS worth the amazing soreness you will experience in the beginning. Some of you will experience a mild injury due to bad form. Be diligent, fix your form, and keep going!
  • Susan_12
    Susan_12 Posts: 8 Member
    I could not fit into my favorite jeans anymore.
    Plus I had a friend lose 70 lbs in @ 1.5 yrs time. She looked so good and was happy with life. i was green with envy of her new body and wanted to accoplish the same for myself.
  • missj1020
    missj1020 Posts: 37 Member
    My daughter, how can I keep telling her to eat better when I am not? I notice when I stick to this it brings up questions from her and she wants to try different foods I am eating, she's 15, I want her to be conscience of what she eats and know calories and stuff, not putting her on a diet! Just educating her, that's all :-)
  • crazyforbooks
    There are no pictures of me in the family album for years now, I won't put one in. That's says it right there, time to change
  • missj1020
    missj1020 Posts: 37 Member
    Good for you!
  • jdm1726
    jdm1726 Posts: 53 Member
    The nurse at my Doctor's office looking at me and saying, Oh, we'll have to use the scale we weigh the wheelchair patients on for you.'