What triggered your journey?



  • I have tried the weightloss many different times always starting in jan n I wld do great until march usually that is the month I start out great but soon quit because I hit a plateau this year I going to b different I have more resources where I live now n also have more people to help me
  • Jokenmit
    Jokenmit Posts: 80 Member
    i have always been "bigger" but about 10 years ago, i stepped on the scale...and i was heavier than it would register. At the time my son was 10, and i realised i needed to make some changes. I enlisted a friend to join with me to lose (i do better if i have to be accountable for why i ate something). i lost 80 pounds in 10 months. YAY ME! but when she moved, i lost my motivation, and i gained back 30 pounds over the next year. Three years ago, myself and my best friend went on vacation ....and i couldn't buckle my safety belt on the airplane. Two years go, i lost a set of twins during my second trimester....mostly due to my weight. That woke me up. I enlisted another friend after i found this site and i lost 60 pounds in 6 months. Then I moved. Motivation gone again. I have maintained my weight for just over a year, but resently gained back 10 pounds...do to some medical issues. Its time for the excuses to stop. Over all i have managed to keep 110 pounds off....and i want to lose 80 more. I will never be "skinny", my bone structor won't allow that, and i'm ok with that. i would just like to be able to wear clothes that doesn't have X's in the sizing :) anyone who would like to add me, please feel free to.....we both might need the encouragement :)
  • sunraew
    sunraew Posts: 96 Member
    Not being able to fit into my wetsuit comfortably! Missing out on all those gorgeous westerly winds!
  • dtpurvis
    dtpurvis Posts: 21 Member
    Realizing I had reached the weight I was when I delivered my son............ and I"m NOT pregnant:explode: Something has to be done and this is it!!
  • Hmm. This most recent effort has been triggered by seeing numbers on the scale I've never see before, reading comments online labeling others as fat and realizing I was bigger than those being labeled as fat, having a hard time finding ANY clothes that look good on me, not fitting into clothes I already own, my mother losing a bunch of weight, weighing more than my husband, being tired and achey...just a general unhappiness and dissatisfaction brought on by the aforementioned and then some!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,322 Member
    A diagnosis of fibromyalgia and an autoimmune liver disease. After losing 30 lbs and starting to eat gluten free, egg free, dairy free, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. it is worth the struggle.
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    I went from 140lbs to 190lbs in a few short months. This was because i was 18, living with my boyfriend, and drinking about 12 beers every single night. Sometimes more. I started losing weight, about 10lbs at a time. Once i was at 150-160, i started buying fitness magazines for motivation. The gym i was at was horrible, it made me not want to go.

    But, after seeing a competition photo of Dianna Dahlgren in, i believe, an Oxygen magazine it made me change my whole perspective on things. My priority was to look like that! I began getting very bored on the treadmill and just wanted to do weight lifting. Now i think about fitness and health every single day and how i could improve myself to be closer to what id like to achieve.
  • I hated seeing my pics and all the extra weigh i put on and not being in shape got depressing
  • Royalsbatwench
    Royalsbatwench Posts: 117 Member
    Reading that my daughter just wants her mom to ride the roller coasters with her. She thinks it's due to my fear of heights. Ugh, the humiliation of figuring out that you don't exactly fit. Seriously, I don't see myself as this body.
  • i want to be a mommy and if i don't lose the weigt that will not happen. i am already 30 and i don't have much time left on my biological clock so i need to get a move on.
  • purplecharm
    purplecharm Posts: 446 Member
    A trip to the plus-size fashion store Torrid was the final straw for me. When I saw how overpriced and cheap the clothes were, it pissed me off because they looked like what you what you would find at Forever 21, but 4x's the cost, in addition to the selection being limited.

    I am tired of being limited in what clothes I can purchase and having to settle for poor quality and paying more just because I wear over a size 16.

    Even my favorite store, Target, has gone downhill with their plus-size section. It almost doesn't exist anymore. The plus-size section is 1/10th the size of the regular-size section and they had the nerve to put it after the maternity section.

    I know my reason is mostly vain, but that was my trigger. I am also doing for obvious health benefits.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I won a sailboat race after being a hermit in the dark for years, then i didnt recognize myself in the pictures and was broken hearted because the disconnect between my personality and what i looked like was enough to cause a rift in space.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i want to be a mommy and if i don't lose the weigt that will not happen. i am already 30 and i don't have much time left on my biological clock so i need to get a move on.


    this message NOT endorsed by Ryan G.
  • islae2010
    islae2010 Posts: 37 Member
    I wanted to become a good example for my children. I also wanted to look in the mirror and be proud of what I see - not just say "good enough."
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Also - im not on a journey. Im an epic ambadassador of adventures for the rest of my life.
  • I miss what I used to see in the mirror
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