What triggered your journey?



  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I work in the disability claims 'industry' and I think that talking with people all day long who often (not always) have in some way contributed to their disability through lifestyle choices is probably why I've felt this compulsion to fix all my bad habits.

    I had back surgery a few years ago and was taking Cymbalta (supposed to help with chronic pain - it didn't) as well as narcotic pain relievers. I tapered myself off Cymbalta November 2011 and then took myself off pain pills in February 2012. FYI, narcotic pain pills were far easier to get off of than Cymbalta which was pure hell. In March 2012, I quit smoking and started a walking program. Sorry to say I failed and went back to smoking a couple months later. But I kept walking and even took over mowing the lawn in the summer, to try to be more active overall. My diet was awful and mowing the lawn every week was absolutely so hard for me but I kept that up every week. Didn't lose any weight. Took a hard look at my diet - all junk, mostly carbs in the form of pure sugar (400-500 g per day), far too much caffeine for any sane person (15+ cups or equiv. of heavily sweetened coffee). Decided to find myself a food diary and figure out a good calorie target, and to stop drinking so many calories (1200 a day, sometimes) Got started here and had amazing results right away.

    I think overall, I just wanted to be rid of everything that seemed to tie me down, so to speak. I needed so many different substances - vast quantities of sugar and caffeine, nicotine, pain medication, an anti-depressant (withdrawal symptoms for me would start within 2 hrs of a missed dose) and so much of my day and therefore my life revolved around satisfying all those needs. But I felt and looked worse than ever and I thought it would be nice to be free of all that. Plus, because of all of that, there were other things I once enjoyed or wanted to try that I felt I couldn't do because of my physical condition and various addictions, including food.
  • JoshT360
    I almost died of cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure on July 1, 2011 because I weighed almost 400 lbs. Like many of you, I used to consume tons of fast food, fried food, and other junk food.

    Not anymore... I can never ever go back to the way I was before July 1, 2011.

    You and I are in the same boat. I too almost died from congestive heart failure. For me it was in October of 2011. But, I went over 400 lbs. I really put on water weight. I really don't want to go through that again.
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    If you look at my before and during picture you'll see what started it !!
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    My mother was diagnosed with State 4 small-cell lung cancer on October 19th. For the week she was in the hospital and the three weeks up to her passing, I was on the run 18 hours a day and would eat whatever was fast, easy, and cheap. When she passed, I dove into comfort food, and it was right before Thanksgiving - so there was tons of food around and people forcing me to eat (because they know I won't eat when I'm stressed out). I missed workouts, I stayed in bed, I did as little as possible. I felt HORRIBLE. I felt even worse when I hit 142 pounds on the scale and NONE of my clothes fit (I don't have anything past a size 8...). But I felt awful because of my grief, because of eating nothing but crap and because of the lack of exercise.

    About mid-December, I took a look at the calendar for the holidays and realized that I had 4 family dinners, plus work dinners, and everything else and if I kept on like I was - I'd hit 150 pounds again for the first time in 4.5 years, and I wasn't about to let that happen. I rededicated my schedule to working out and eating better, just so I could get through the holidays without gaining 10 more pounds.

    And then I realized my kitty lost a lot of weight and wasn't eating about two weeks ago, but my mom's wake was last Saturday night, so I couldn't deal with the inevitable before that. Sabine passed away while I was at the wake, just two days before I probably would have had to make a terrible decision. And that put me right back to ground zero, but for one difference - logging and watching everything I eat and busting my *kitten* at the gym gave me peace. So I didn't go back on the comfort food binge this week (I did allow myself one pint of Ben & Jerry's frozen greek yogurt and a box of Snackwell cookies, over the whole week).

    I am happy to say that even in the midst of grief like I've never known, I lost 4 pounds, gained 1 back over the week of family gatherings, and am still feeling a little bit better about everything than when I started this.
  • lamby284
    lamby284 Posts: 167 Member
    I used to be very shy and have low self esteem and depression issues. I found that working out and eating right (especially the working out part) made me feel 10x better about myself. Now I look like I work out, I have a little muscle definition to prove it. Plus, my best friend is naturally very skinny and it made (still sometimes makes) me feel jealous. Because I work so hard on my body and she can eat whatever she wants and doesnt have to exercise to maintain a weight of 125. Anyways, thats why Im doing this
  • TaminaShock
    TaminaShock Posts: 191 Member
    Got married saw my wedding pics! lol
  • kestie77
    I had gestational diabetes for both of my pregnacies. Luckily, it went away both times. But, it increased my chances of getting type 2 diabetes tons. Add that to my family history, my several Mountain Dews a day habit and my weight, and I was ensuring that I'd get it. I knew after testing my blood sugar 4 times a day and giving myself 4 shots a day, that I would NEVER let myself get diabetes again. I have since dropped to 20 pounds below my pre-pregnacy weight, and am still working at it.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    This picture....
    I looked like a rooting hog

    Boss Hog, maybe, but not necessarily a "rooting hog"
    Anyway, I am thankful somebody caught the reality I was denying.
    The man in the mirror is a liar.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    This picture....
    I looked like a rooting hog

    Boss Hog, maybe, but not necessarily a "rooting hog"
    Anyway, I am thankful somebody caught the reality I was denying.
    The man in the mirror is a liar.

    (Nothing personal. Your "rooting hog" comment made the connection for me more than your pic did. :drinker: )
  • shannon3
    shannon3 Posts: 25 Member
    I've had multiple journeys and my weight has yo-yo'd since I started college and afterwards. What triggered my current journey is the new year and a wedding a will be in in March, as well as my own in July! But I really plan/hope to make this a lifetime change this time. Good luck to everyone on your journey!
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    health issues and seeing Christmas pics *in my profile* of me at the waterpark on Vac. Never realized I was THAT BIG
  • jenncaroon
    goin any where!
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Sauron and those damn rings!
  • danceym
    danceym Posts: 20 Member
    I wish there were 'like' buttons on this site. :) Some of you had made me laugh out loud, because I've been there or had that thought.

    After a recent family reunion I had an old time friend/family member private message me to ask if I were pregnant. And she was serious! I'm 53 years old, no friggen way would I torture myself at this age with another child. (can say that because I already have 5) Yikes!

    Plus my sciatica is acting up, my knees complain, sometimes I'm out of breath when I shouldn't be and I really really really love my bike but couldn't ride it too much this past season as everything hurt not too mention my *kitten* spread over the seat wasn't too pretty from the rear I'm sure. This spring I'll get back on that baby and ride and ride and ride like I used too.

  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    This picture....
    I looked like a rooting hog

    Boss Hog, maybe, but not necessarily a "rooting hog"
    Anyway, I am thankful somebody caught the reality I was denying.
    The man in the mirror is a liar.

    (Nothing personal. Your "rooting hog" comment made the connection for me more than your pic did. :drinker: )
    Reality biting me in the rear was the push I needed.
    Nobody wants to die fat.
  • cyclechick17
    I am not new to weight loss attempts myself, but this time, it is different. I committed myself to a 90 day program with a specific goal in mind. I wrote it on paper and will keep myself accountable to me and others who are embarking on my journey. I am taking bootcamp classes at the gym now, but 80% of it is my eating habits. I am really trying to eat healthier and pack all my snacks and lunch. It is hard but will be worth it when I can walk the beaches of Aruba this summer in a 2 piece black or white bikini!!! Keep on posting and stay strong, make smart choices every single time you put food in your mouth.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I was sick and unhealthy. Dr. Wanted to out me on medication for something and I refused. Lost weight got healthy. Win win.
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    I live at the foot of the Appalachian Mountains so I have plenty of lakes, trails and rocks to climb. I have always enjoyed all of these but haven't done much of anything the past year because of a new job at work that has me on midnights. Over Thanksgiving break 2012, my BFF and I decided to go to our fave rock and climb it. Sit on top, enjoy the miles of beautiful view and catch up. I got to the top but I thought I would die once I got there. I did not like that feeling AT ALL. So I am determined to get to a place where, when I climb that enormous rock, I won't want to just lay down at the top and die..lol
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    Mine was not being able to fit in airplane seats anymore and I wasn't able to enjoy the traveling I was doing because I was so short of breath. I want the 2nd half of my life to be normal sized!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    It was a complete accident for me. A run-in with a squirrel that one of my dogs found particularly offensive-followed by some serious soul-searching, "ah-ha" moments and that was it. The gory details are in my profile-but I'm probably the only one who didn't start this (nor do I continue) for health or vanity - although those are nice bonus benefits.