I'm starting a tea fast soon, anyone want to join me?



  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member

    eat right
    work hard
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Putting the fasting argument aside, it seems like it would dehydrate you. Tea can have a lot of caffeine in it.

    I agree with you on this. Green Tea does contain caffeine. I'm going to do horsetail and lemongrass.

    http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/water/NU00283 - any beverage counts

    "beverages such as milk and juice are composed mostly of water. Even beer, wine and caffeinated beverages — such as coffee, tea or soda — can contribute"

    http://www.jacn.org/content/19/5/591.short - -any beverage counts

    "This preliminary study found no significant differences in the effect of various combinations of beverages on hydration status of healthy adult males. Advising people to disregard caffeinated beverages as part of the daily fluid intake is not substantiated by the results of this study."

    http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/12834577 - the diuretic effect of caffeine is minimal

    "...nor does it cause significant dehydration or electrolyte imbalance during exercise."

    http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/12187618 - the diuretic effect of caffeine is minimal

    "The literature indicates that caffeine consumption stimulates a mild diuresis similar to water, but there is no evidence of a fluid-electrolyte imbalance that is detrimental to exercise performance or health"

    "Investigations comparing caffeine (100-680 mg) to water or placebo seldom found a statistical difference in urine volume."

    It probably doesn't cause dehydration but I sure in the heck do get a headache when I consume caffeine on an empty stomach.
  • jdforshort
    jdforshort Posts: 269 Member
    I love English and Indian teas but this does not sound like my "cuppa tea"!!
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Not a big fan of fasting but what kind of teas will you be drinking? I might be interested. I'm at the hospital and there's nothing healthy here so fasting sounds like my best option at the moment.
    Please tell me that "at the hospital" means you are visiting someone and NOT that you are either a patient (in which case, you shouldn't be fasting) or a medical professional (in which case, you should know better AND prolonged fasting could cause you to make a bad choice for one of your patients).

    My baby is in the hospital. My son. And fasting is not a bad thing but I'm really not in the mood to debate this topic. I actually think it's a very healthy habit to fast once in a while to cleanse the body. It's debatable and controversial no doubt about it.
    Please don't go days without food when your child most needs you to be clear-headed. :-(

    Thanks for your concern :) I'll be ok no worries. Thanks though. He's the love of my life and I wouldn't do anything to harm myself specially the situation he's in. Thankfully my son will hopefully God willing be discharged by tuesday. It seems like things are going well for us.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Not a big fan of fasting but what kind of teas will you be drinking? I might be interested. I'm at the hospital and there's nothing healthy here so fasting sounds like my best option at the moment.
    Please tell me that "at the hospital" means you are visiting someone and NOT that you are either a patient (in which case, you shouldn't be fasting) or a medical professional (in which case, you should know better AND prolonged fasting could cause you to make a bad choice for one of your patients).

    My baby is in the hospital. My son. And fasting is not a bad thing but I'm really not in the mood to debate this topic. I actually think it's a very healthy habit to fast once in a while to cleanse the body. It's debatable and controversial no doubt about it.
    Please don't go days without food when your child most needs you to be clear-headed. :-(

    Thanks for your concern :) I'll be ok no worries. Thanks though. He's the love of my life and I wouldn't do anything to harm myself specially the situation he's in. Thankfully my son will hopefully God willing be discharged by tuesday. It seems like things are going well for us.
    You wouldn't so anything to harm him other than ensure your brain is foggy and tired so that you can't truly understand complicated medical situations that you might need to make a decision about.

    Really??? You need to feed your brain, dude. Flavored water isn't going to help.

    I really hope your wife is smart enough not to join you.
  • EstiloPanama
    It seems like she is fasting for detoxification and to sort of generally cleanse her system for a few days. It doesn't seem like a horrible idea...in some religions fasting is done to be in a state of contemplation and meditation in a way. I guess it would be like cleaning out your humidifier with vinegar or putting the oven through a cleansing cycle. I wouldn't do it because I'm not into "not eating" (lol)....If I don't eat, my fiance would be a victim to my wake of destruction..hehe
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    I'm in. As long as "tea fast" means - drinking a tea fast before I eat all my meals. That's it, right?

    I think i love you :laugh:
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    For what purpose?
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Not a big fan of fasting but what kind of teas will you be drinking? I might be interested. I'm at the hospital and there's nothing healthy here so fasting sounds like my best option at the moment.
    Please tell me that "at the hospital" means you are visiting someone and NOT that you are either a patient (in which case, you shouldn't be fasting) or a medical professional (in which case, you should know better AND prolonged fasting could cause you to make a bad choice for one of your patients).

    My baby is in the hospital. My son. And fasting is not a bad thing but I'm really not in the mood to debate this topic. I actually think it's a very healthy habit to fast once in a while to cleanse the body. It's debatable and controversial no doubt about it.
    Please don't go days without food when your child most needs you to be clear-headed. :-(

    Thanks for your concern :) I'll be ok no worries. Thanks though. He's the love of my life and I wouldn't do anything to harm myself specially the situation he's in. Thankfully my son will hopefully God willing be discharged by tuesday. It seems like things are going well for us.
    You wouldn't so anything to harm him other than ensure your brain is foggy and tired so that you can't truly understand complicated medical situations that you might need to make a decision about.

    Really??? You need to feed your brain, dude. Flavored water isn't going to help.

    I really hope your wife is smart enough not to join you.

    Please don't try to teach me anything on health and nutrition. I'm not here to make anyone feel ignorant or make enemies. These types of debates always go sour. It's like trying to convince a Republican to turn into a Democrat.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    well, clearly fasting is doing something right for the op. She surely doesn't look the required age for membership of this forum, in her profile picture....
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Not a big fan of fasting but what kind of teas will you be drinking? I might be interested. I'm at the hospital and there's nothing healthy here so fasting sounds like my best option at the moment.
    Please tell me that "at the hospital" means you are visiting someone and NOT that you are either a patient (in which case, you shouldn't be fasting) or a medical professional (in which case, you should know better AND prolonged fasting could cause you to make a bad choice for one of your patients).

    My baby is in the hospital. My son. And fasting is not a bad thing but I'm really not in the mood to debate this topic. I actually think it's a very healthy habit to fast once in a while to cleanse the body. It's debatable and controversial no doubt about it.
    Please don't go days without food when your child most needs you to be clear-headed. :-(

    Thanks for your concern :) I'll be ok no worries. Thanks though. He's the love of my life and I wouldn't do anything to harm myself specially the situation he's in. Thankfully my son will hopefully God willing be discharged by tuesday. It seems like things are going well for us.
    You wouldn't so anything to harm him other than ensure your brain is foggy and tired so that you can't truly understand complicated medical situations that you might need to make a decision about.

    Really??? You need to feed your brain, dude. Flavored water isn't going to help.

    I really hope your wife is smart enough not to join you.

    Please don't try to teach me anything on health and nutrition. I'm not here to make anyone feel ignorant or make enemies. These types of debates always go sour. It's like trying to convince a Republican to turn into a Democrat.

    Yes, except trying to turn a person from one political party to another doesn't usually affect their health... or DOES IT?
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    The longest I've ever fasted was 3 days. It wasn't debilitating and it was a good indicator that my body was finally working as intended. If you feel sick or can't function because you haven't eaten in awhile I'd be worried -- that's not how your body should respond to a lack of food.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    If you feel sick or can't function because you haven't eaten in awhile I'd be worried -- that's not how your body should respond to a lack of food.

  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Not a big fan of fasting but what kind of teas will you be drinking? I might be interested. I'm at the hospital and there's nothing healthy here so fasting sounds like my best option at the moment.
    Please tell me that "at the hospital" means you are visiting someone and NOT that you are either a patient (in which case, you shouldn't be fasting) or a medical professional (in which case, you should know better AND prolonged fasting could cause you to make a bad choice for one of your patients).

    My baby is in the hospital. My son. And fasting is not a bad thing but I'm really not in the mood to debate this topic. I actually think it's a very healthy habit to fast once in a while to cleanse the body. It's debatable and controversial no doubt about it.
    Please don't go days without food when your child most needs you to be clear-headed. :-(

    Thanks for your concern :) I'll be ok no worries. Thanks though. He's the love of my life and I wouldn't do anything to harm myself specially the situation he's in. Thankfully my son will hopefully God willing be discharged by tuesday. It seems like things are going well for us.
    You wouldn't so anything to harm him other than ensure your brain is foggy and tired so that you can't truly understand complicated medical situations that you might need to make a decision about.

    Really??? You need to feed your brain, dude. Flavored water isn't going to help.

    I really hope your wife is smart enough not to join you.

    Please don't try to teach me anything on health and nutrition. I'm not here to make anyone feel ignorant or make enemies. These types of debates always go sour. It's like trying to convince a Republican to turn into a Democrat.

    Yes, except trying to turn a person from one political party to another doesn't usually affect their health... or DOES IT?

    Well obviously your opinion of what's healthy differs to mine and a few other people. Opinions are like a-holes and everybody has one. This has already gotten WAY off topic. You either do the tea fast with the OP or you don't.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If you feel sick or can't function because you haven't eaten in awhile I'd be worried -- that's not how your body should respond to a lack of food.

    That is EXACTLY how your body should (and does) respond to a lack of food.


    People be cray cray.

    And I'm really thinking that there should be a common sense test to get a license to have children before people are allowed to have them. There's clearly a lack of it among many parents.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Seriously am concerned with the people about to do this fast... for real. :noway:
    The only thing you will acheive is a quick weightloss followed by a quick weight gain...
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    There was a very interesting programme on bbc a couple of months ago where a man tried various forms of fasting and found that a 24 hour fast improved some of his blood work so I am not against it.

    However I do think that 4 days without food may be dangerous in other ways, for example do you intend to drive around while you are fasting because if you got dizzy at the wheel through lack of food you could kill someone. Bit extreme perhaps but still....
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Seriously am concerned with the people about to do this fast... for real. :noway:
    The only thing you will acheive is a quick weightloss followed by a quick weight gain...

    Well then let this be a test and research for you. If we all gain weight we will be sure to log it in mfp. If we die you won't see us anymore and then you'll have proof that fasting is bad and will kill you. ;). No need to be concerned, you can't make people do what you want with their own body. That would be like me trying to force everyone to become a vegan because red meat contains creatine and I believe eating it damages your kidneys. Or like me telling people to stop eating eggs because they are very high in cholesterol and the dead protein has been scientifically proven to cause cancer in rats. It would be like me telling people not to eat fish because the mercury it contains even in small amounts is very hazardous to your health. No I'm not going to tell people not to do what i believe is healthy to themselves. Everyone has the right to do whatever they want with their body as long as they don't hurt other people. Isn't this a free country the United States of America? Don't we have a first Amendment that protects freedom of speech, religious and philosophical beliefs?
  • bubbleskiwi
    bubbleskiwi Posts: 148 Member
    If I could be the kind of person that could fast for 3-4 days, I wouldn't have got to the point where I need to diet at all. I just wonder why people want to do it. If you have that amount of willpower then just stick to a certain amount of calories each day and you'll lose weight.

    this makes sense to me!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Seriously am concerned with the people about to do this fast... for real. :noway:
    The only thing you will acheive is a quick weightloss followed by a quick weight gain...

    Well then let this be a test and research for you. If we all gain weight we will be sure to log it in mfp. If we die you won't see us anymore and then you'll have proof that fasting is bad and will kill you. ;). No need to be concerned, you can't make people do what you want with their own body. That would be like me trying to force everyone to become a vegan because red meat contains creatine and it damages your kidneys. Or like me telling people to stop eating eggs because they are very high in cholesterol and the dead protein has been scientifically proven to cause cancer in rats. It would be like me telling people not to eat fish because the mercury it contains even in small amounts is very hazardous to your health. No I'm not going to tell people not to kill themselves. Everyone has the right to do whatever they want with their body as long as they don't hurt other people. Isn't this a free country the United States of America? Don't we have a first Amendment that protects freedom of speech, religious and philosophical beliefs?

    I don't think I could make you up.
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