Ladies share your beauty tips others may/may not know..

lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
Okay ladies lets share our beauty tips/secrets that others may or may not know about. It can be anything simple or strange that you have either tried out and it works, some you have heard of but never tried, or some that you have tried and was a total waste of time .

-I swear by organic coconut oil for everything. Taking off my make-up, washing my face, or using it as a twice a week hair mask (which all three completely work and make a difference).
-Also, dipping a q-tip in peroxide and putting it on your teeth for 30 seconds and brush your teeth afterwords makes your teeth noticeably whiter in a few days

so girls, what are your secrets, tips, and/or tricks ???


  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    anyone ???
  • d0llfacex0
    I will have to think on this one. Those are great tips though, I'm going to try them both!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Sorry, I'm not putting peroxide in my mouth!

    Use cold water as the final rinse on your hair to make it shine.
  • Built_Strong
    Built_Strong Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks for the peroxide tip. I knew peroxide would whiten teeth but could never figure out how to apply it!

    I don't have any - I'm plain Jane - no make-up, I only use water & soap to wash my skin with & plain ol' shampoo.
  • angelacooper3
    angelacooper3 Posts: 32 Member
    Sulphate free shampoo. My hair is in way better condition now and my kids don't need to use conditioner any more so it's saving me money too. The sodium sulphate was drying it out and it felt like I had been swimming in the sea, nasty stuff.
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    The coconut oil thing sounds like a good plan. I usually just wash my makeup off with water & nothing else!

    I need to find a new face scrub.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Nothing special... and unknown: I moisturized my skin, face and body after every shower since the soap can make it dry. The only trick is I do it while my skin is still a bit moist from the water and warm ... while my skin pores are open.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    I find a paper bag over my head works wonders for my attractiveness.
  • WelshMaid
    I find a paper bag over my head works wonders for my attractiveness.

  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    I find a paper bag over my head works wonders for my attractiveness.
  • Juashmom
    Vitamin E for break outs...luckily I haven't had issues but when I do get the occasional break out I snip open a vitamin E capsule (I've only had sucess with the tabs) and dap it on the spot...usually gone by the next day no scars.

    I've been hearing alot about coconut sister in law takes a spoonful to control her appitite, claims that when she is really hungry this does the trick I'm going to have to give it a try.

    I've also heard that cream of tartar is great for teeth whitening.
  • thatsillyshana
    I have super curly hair, so I use suave professionals and rinse with cold water then, if I feel like it, mousse while still damp and then let it air dry. I can't stand anti-frizz because it's too greasy.

    putting honey on a blemish will help reduce redness and itching.

    Drink tons of water and avoid hot liquids in the morning to prevent bloating.

    set lipstick with powder.

    umm...i think that's all I know >.<
  • WelshMaid
    witchhazel for facial blemishes/spots works wonders
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I dab Vaseline under and around my eyes every night before bed as a preventative measure against wrinkles. I can't swear to it's effectiveness (I'm only 27 and have no wrinkles, lol) but my 60 year old aunt has been doing it every night for the past 45 years. She looks almost exactly the same now as in her wedding pictures in the 60's. It can't hurt to try it myself. I'll get back to you all in 30 years to let you know how it worked for me!

  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Is your hair prone to static electricity? Carry a fabric softener sheet in your bag. If you get staticky...lightly rub it over the top of your hair. Bam! Static will be gone. Also rub it on your brush or comb before using it.
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    I dab Vaseline under and around my eyes every night before bed as a preventative measure against wrinkles. I can't swear to it's effectiveness (I'm only 27 and have no wrinkles, lol) but my 60 year old aunt has been doing it every night for the past 45 years. She looks almost exactly the same now as in her wedding pictures in the 60's. It can't hurt to try it myself. I'll get back to you all in 30 years to let you know how it worked for me!


    I actually heard this works because I read somewhere that Jennifer Aniston has been doing that for years..and obviously she looks amazing at her age
  • daringstoic
    I'm not much of a beauty tip person, but one thing I've been doing for years and love is a trick a friend taught me to make my mascara pop. I put a coat of regular mascara on my eyelashes and then dab either powder or loose/broken eye shadow before it dries. Then I put another coat of mascara on top. My lashes really stand out and I've never needed to wear fakes or expensive makeup.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I do the hair mask with coconut oil and tea tree oil. I do it once every 2-3 weeks. I also use baking soda and peroxide on my teeth once/week.

    Let's see, I use fresh aloe on my face to help lighten scars and other pigment problems. It works beautifully. And probably once/ month I'll do a clay mask with either green clay or red moroccan clay. And I also started using Acure products for shampoo and face wash. There are very gentle and work really great!

    Just a note about the hair mask. I was having a really bad problem with my hair thinning and dandruff around my hairline. My hair wasn't growing (I had a really bad haircut and was desperately wanting my hair to grow, but it was doing the opposite) After just the second treatment my hair stopped falling out. I wasn't clogging my drain and my head wasn't itchy and flakey. I swear by this now!
  • changingforthegood
    i have always suffered from horrible acne. and i started this regiment of washing my face with an any exfoliating face wash, then i let it air dry. then i take a very small amount of coconut oil and i apply it to my face as a moisturizer and OMG my acne has vanished. It has been amazing. I use it every day, every time i clean my face,and my face is so smooth. it has taken away the redness, and my grandmother now uses it, and some of her wrinkles have been reduced.

    LOVE THIS and all it is.. is coconut oil
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    if you put vasaline on your eye lashes your eyelashes grow longer