No exercise to exercise on a daily basis now?

I have never exercised at all, much less on a daily basis or regular basis. I am interested in those who exercise now and how you got started and stayed motivated to continue?


  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I workout 4 times a week on average. I got started by by realizing that I was hurting my heath and well being not to do it. There is no question of motivation for me. I don't think of it as having to be motivated or not motivated. I think that is a suckers trap. It's a decision. Then it's taking action because it's the right thing to do. Feeling motivated has little to do with that.

    So, get the party started. Less talkiing and thinking about motivation and more doing!
  • aj445
    aj445 Posts: 183 Member
    Just do SOMETHING every day. a few pushups, crunches, squats. whatever. At least you're moving and then set yourself a program that you want to do weekly. Feeling better will be great motivation!
  • nbfoerster
    nbfoerster Posts: 12 Member
    Yes action is key I have to agree with that!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I started by accident. The ah-ha moment and soul-searching happened (story in profile) and now it's just something I do-like paying bills or going to work or anything else. I don't make it an optional activity.
  • mimstero
    mimstero Posts: 119 Member
    I work out every day and have done that for many years, but my best suggestion is to start something that is manageable for you. Don't start out by doing 60 min a day. Start with 20 and do it every other day, then add time as you can. Do something for exercise that it is not a chore so that you don't hate it...and good luck!
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    I used to exercise, but hadn't since I had twins. Then last year, my husband and I signed up for scuba lessons. I knew I wouldn't make it if I didn't get in better cardio shape. That was my goal, with a hope for a little weight loss. I found out that as I saw changes in strength, stamina, and weight, I wanted to do more. I started keeping up with my food and eating healthier, too. Then, I realized that I do better if I exercise every day, not just 4-5x a week. I'm more consistent if I just make it a daily thing. Then, I got to a point where I wanted to work out 2 or 3x a day. 1x a day became my day off. I've slacked the last couple of months because I had surgery and was on rest and recovery, but I'm starting back up and it feels great!

    I agree that you should start off easy with something you'll stick with, like 20 minutes a day. Do consider that every day might work better than 4x week. 4x week made it too easy for me to ignore on other days. Good luck!
  • ridofthegoodies
    ridofthegoodies Posts: 38 Member
    To eat more! Nothing gets me to the gym faster than realizing I only have 130 calories left for lunch and dinner.

    I usually don't feel excited about a workout until 20 minutes in when my pituitary gland finally releases endorphins ("feel good" hormones - i.e. runner's "high"). At that point I am smiling like an idiot and probably scaring everyone at the gym.

    Don't let a few bad days derail a good workout habit or prevent one from forming. Everyone has bad days. I accept bad days and then add something extra to my work out the next day as a challenge to prevent my lazy side from owning me.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I ran when I was younger (h.s. and college) and then I had a fairly active job but after my 2nd child was born I stopped working and didn't do any exercise either for 4 years.

    I started exercising again by just adding walking and I did the 30 Day Shred b/c it was such a short video. 30DS is short but I had noticeable results fairly quickly. And after I started walking regularly I added in bursts of jogging to get back to running again. I did sort of a modified version of C25K in less time because I had run in the past.

    Then all of a sudden I was completely hooked on running again and started doing P90X too. I did really well for about a year and half, almost two.

    Then things got a little crazy in my life and I haven't done much for the past 6 months or so. I gained weight back that I had lost and I am so mad at myself. I am trying to get into it again. Starting slow. It's not easy.
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    I used to exercise, but hadn't since I had twins. Then last year, my husband and I signed up for scuba lessons. I knew I wouldn't make it if I didn't get in better cardio shape. That was my goal, with a hope for a little weight loss. I found out that as I saw changes in strength, stamina, and weight, I wanted to do more. I started keeping up with my food and eating healthier, too. Then, I realized that I do better if I exercise every day, not just 4-5x a week. I'm more consistent if I just make it a daily thing. Then, I got to a point where I wanted to work out 2 or 3x a day. 1x a day became my day off. I've slacked the last couple of months because I had surgery and was on rest and recovery, but I'm starting back up and it feels great!

    I agree that you should start off easy with something you'll stick with, like 20 minutes a day. Do consider that every day might work better than 4x week. 4x week made it too easy for me to ignore on other days. Good luck!

    I am a Scuba diver too! Last dive in Jamaica in November my air ran low quickly, so after reserach found out the better shape we are in the better our air will last! Diving again in March so I am back to working out once I get over this illness!
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    First off I told myself this the first time I have done anything for myself. My focus had always been on my kids. Second I told myself that the only one that was getting in my way was myself.

    As far as exercise goes. When I first started in April of 2012 I was very out of shape and hadnt exercised in years. I started out slowly. I would go on walks around the block and whenever I felt like I had been sitting for a while or felt like I had been lazy I would get up and jog in place for 5 minutes. I would do this off and on all though out the day. 5 minutes here 5 minutes there. Before you knew it I could do 20-30 minutes at a time. I had built my endurance up.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I have never exercised at all, much less on a daily basis or regular basis. I am interested in those who exercise now and how you got started and stayed motivated to continue?

    I had to start because I had to attend physical therapy after my stroke. THEN once I started losing weight and getting more fit I realized that I ENJOYED moving and getting my body active. It really DOES feel good to sweat (who knew!?).
  • amrozes
    amrozes Posts: 26
    I started exercising to help lower my blood sugars and reduce the amount of insulin I was taking....After two weeks of exercising 4 days a week, I realized how much better I felt. Now, 4 months later, I crave the exercise. I always feel so much better after 30 - 45 minutes of cardio. Plus, when I'm at the gym, there's nobody saying, Mom where's the...... or Mom, can I..... :-)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I went from no exercise to just a couple days a week and now about 5 days a week. I started because I knew I needed to and decided to do two days a week no matter what. Then I found workouts I enjoyed and it makes it easier to go. Plus, once you see progress you don't want to lose it. Very motivating.
  • jsmiel01
    jsmiel01 Posts: 5 Member
    Find something you like to do, and make time to do it. Whether it'z Zumba, swimming, walking the dog, etc., if it is something you like you are more likely to make it a lifetime habit.
  • cats121
    cats121 Posts: 21 Member
    Walking! It's a great way to get started, especially if you've never done much exercise! I'd suggest a pedometer and start tracking your steps every day; I tend to be a bit competitive so kept wanting to add more steps. Why do it?? You'll be amazed at how much better you start to feel! It can be hard at first, but you'll start to have more energy and things that used to get you out of breath, you'll find easier to do. I also love Zumba - I felt like an idiot when I first started because I couldn't follow the steps and it was hard to breath but realized that there were other people in the class just like me and it didn't matter that I couldn't do the steps, etc., I was there and I was doing something really good for me. AND, adding exercise will make a difference in your weight loss - if you can do some kind of exercise and make it a part of your lifestyle, that's a huge step!
  • Nanook8
    Nanook8 Posts: 33 Member
    I knew when I started trying to lose weight seriously in 2010 that exercise was going to be my weak link so I only committed to 2x week, 30 minutes each time as a place to start. Some weeks I found that I did more and always felt better AFTER I had exercised: it is the getting started that is hard for me! Bottom line, I got better results when I exercised than just counting calories. I only do the things that I like to do: walk, elliptical and sometimes the 30 day shred and when possible a yoga class. Exercise is still the weak link in my program, but I do it because I know I should for a healthier me.

    I am now back on MFP after gaining weight back because I discontinued exercising and logging. I was successful in 2010 in losing 50 pounds and now on a mission to lose the weight I gained back. through good food and exercise (still only committed to 2x a week, but often do more).
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Just like one of the others said, I exercise to eat more! Once I started seeing my daily numbers, I needed to do something to up those numbers! I can't afford a gym, so I had my hubby make me an oldies cd of all my fast favorites, and I dance to that, which is fun! I also walk and jog to the Wii. Exercising CAN be fun you know! LOL.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I have never exercised at all, much less on a daily basis or regular basis. I am interested in those who exercise now and how you got started and stayed motivated to continue?

    I think of the goal. I visualise what I will look like. That's my reward in case you were wondering. I've got to a point where I have to control myself not to over-do it. For instance, I really wanted to do some gymnastics training earlier today but if I did, I won't be fresh for weight training on Tuesday with my gym buddy.

    As to what you can do if you're starting out, as mentioned above, walking is a good one. You could also see what classes there are for beginners. :)
  • I just keep telling myself that no one is going to do it for me. You gotta think about your health and know that what you are doing is going to help. Good luck to you!
  • butterflyqueen1984
    butterflyqueen1984 Posts: 141 Member
    I started because I love swimming. I took up swimming again and dancing (I love to dance) then the weight is slowly creeping off. Do exercises that you love and will enjoy, I will never be a great running but im an amazing swimmer! You have to find the right one to fit in with you. Good luck! p.s I go swimming for 3 times a week and dancing once a week. But I started with just the swimming x