No exercise to exercise on a daily basis now?



  • tamiesue2
    tamiesue2 Posts: 149 Member
    If you are going from no exercise to exercise I would suggest starting off slow so that you don't throw too much at yourself and burn out quickly. Start walking first then add jogging or a workout dvd or gym time. It really depends on what type of exercise you prefer. Any activity is better than no activity at all. Good luck!!
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    I lost the first 20 pounds by doing hardly any exercise at all - just going on a couple of long walks a week. Easy, fun, enjoyable exercise.

    When I got close to my goal weight, I realised that I needed to start taking exercise a bit more seriously, because I wanted to start toning up. I didn't want to get to my goal weight and still be flabby.

    I bought Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred, and that certainly made me stronger and greatly increased my endurance and muscle tone. It made me start to enjoy exercising. I started occasionally jogging, but not often.

    In the New Year I decided it was time to properly start exercising. I received another two workout DVDs for Christmas - Jillian Michaels' 6 Week Six-Pack and No More Trouble Zones - and downloaded the Couch to 5K app on my phone. Now, I use that app to go running three times a week, and I also do workouts from the DVDs six times a week.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I've been a yo-yo exerciser but never stuck with it more than a month or so at a time until now. At first my motivation was to burn calories, so I could eat more and still meet my weight loss goals.

    Once I met my weight loss goal, I was having trouble staying motivated, so I started setting fitness goals for increase incline, distance, or speed on my next workout, log a certain number of miles over time, burn a certain number of calories in a period of time.

    And, now, I'm working out almost everyday; I may take a couple of days off during the work week (especially if I've been hitting it really hard). Lately, my goal has been 5 miles/500 calories per day, but now that the holidays are over and I'm eating normally (less) again, I will probably go back to a goal of 3.1 miles (5k) or 300 calories per day to alternate treadmill runs with some toning DVDs/strength training.

    Check out the fitness challenges on the discussion threads. They may give you some ideas and help with accountability/motivation. Just get started...once you see progress and experience the benefits, you'll actually look forward to it.
  • goexpos
    goexpos Posts: 27 Member
    I went from rarely exercising to working out 5 times a week. for me the key was to make it part of my routine. I'm lucky because there's a gym close to my work. I get dropped off early and picked up late. my choice is to work out or else stay longer at work. easy choice ;-) at first this scheduled exercise kept me going to the gym but now its my favorite part of the day.
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    I typically exercise 4-5 days a weeks now, but I use to be a couch potato. No one that I weighed 315 pounds! But I just knew I had to do it for my life's sake, if I didn't, who knows how long I would live. (And I am only 22 years old, and was 21 when I started) I was way too young to die because of something that I could change.

    Just start out slowly and increase your exercise as your stamina increases. A little exercise is better than no exercise at all. Personally, I like to be a part of challenges or workout programs, especially ones where I have to answer to other people. (Even if it's only the people on my blog)

    Do exercises that you enjoy because then you'll be more inclined to do it and not lose as much motivation.
  • I was in the Army, then I left.... then I stopped exercising, got a bit big and unhealthy - started exercising again for something to do as I was single and needed something social to do instead of getting drunk in the pub. My weight stayed the same as I ate more to compensate... so now I am dieting and exercising...

  • LPJackson76
    LPJackson76 Posts: 67 Member
    To eat more! Nothing gets me to the gym faster than realizing I only have 130 calories left for lunch and dinner

    ^^ That...I need my chocolate! Plus....
    I usually don't feel excited about a workout until 20 minutes in when my pituitary gland finally releases endorphins ("feel good" hormones - i.e. runner's "high"). At that point I am smiling like an idiot and probably scaring everyone at the gym.

    Don't let a few bad days derail a good workout habit or prevent one from forming. Everyone has bad days. I accept bad days and then add something extra to my work out the next day as a challenge to prevent my lazy side from owning me.

    ^^ That! OMG - let me tell you...I *used* to get that rush about 15 minutes in. Now it takes 20-25...but it is SOOOO worth it...when it hits...we'll call it addictive and leave it at that before I say something to get myself a strike.

    I didn't used to be a huge exerciser, now I find myself doing some form of exercise at least twice a day. I also got started with just upping the amount I walked each day. I got a FitBit (also addictive) so I could see where I was and started trying to beat my own movement. It helped A LOT.

    So did the good hormone rush...oh that rush...

    Sorry, gotta go workout now...LOL

  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    When I first started out, all I did was challenge myself to walk at least 30 minutes every day. Then I'd usually want to stay longer, or I'd challenge myself to walk as fast as I could to the end of the block, or jog to the end of the loop or whatever. I mean, I just really wanted to lose the weight badly enough that it overcame my aversion to exercise.

    Now I exercise because I want to eat more food than I could when I was just walking - I lift weights 3-4x a week and I get to eat more than walking every day gave me.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I put my picture on the refrigerator at me with my highest weight. I tell myself If I don't work out I will end up going back to that lady I never want to see again. that keeps me motivated.
  • I put my picture on the refrigerator at me with my highest weight. I tell myself If I don't work out I will end up going back to that lady I never want to see again. that keeps me motivated.
  • i feel soooo much better when i exercise. It give me way more energy.... :)
  • nbfoerster
    nbfoerster Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you so much for all your responses! I walked for 10 minutes today! It was hard, it is embarrassing to say that but it was. But I am going to do it again tomorrow too! And I plan to add 5 minutes each week until I can do a lot more! Thanks to all of you for the advice and support!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    When I first started walking, 5 minutes was all I could handle. I blamed it on my stroke but...... it was WAY more than that. I just was so fat and out of shape @ 288lbs that I could only walk for 5 minutes.

    Now I'm a hundred pounds lighter and I just came back from a light hike of 55 minutes with an easy 8lb pack.... and the ONLY reason I came back so fast was because my companions are just starting their journey and were tuckered out. I had a good 45 more minutes left in me and may well head back out this afternoon for another trip.

    In 8 more months I expect to be on a 4/5/6 hour hike with a 20lb pack and LOVING it!

    Seriously, baby steps. You'll get there and it will feel so freaking amazing you won't believe it.